Thursday, May 29, 2014

Veteran Airlift and Angel Flights


I can't speak for all the private pilots out there, but all of those that I do know, look for any excuse to fly.  I know that when Jeff flies he has a destination in mind, even if it's flying some place for a hamburger.

But the most satisfying flying he does, as well as other pilots, is flying somebody in need.  Today, Jeff is flying a disabled veteran who was injured by an IED.  Jeff is flying him to Indianapolis this morning so that he can attend his sister's graduation.  It's a feel good flight for Jeff, as it will be for the pilot who is bring the veteran back home on Monday.

Jeff volunteers to fly disabled veterans every chance he gets.  It's his way of paying it forward.  These veterans are very appreciative of the free flights and generally when the flight is over, the veteran gives Jeff a "coin" from his/her particular branch of service, which is their way of giving thanks.  

I am so very proud of Jeff for volunteering to do what he can for these veterans.  The flights can be very emotional, particularly when they land and the veteran's family or friends are waiting for their loved one.  I know that seeing this happiness, brings unbound joy to Jeff.

Besides flying disabled veterans around the country, private pilots also fly Angel flights.  These passengers are in need of medical attention and can't wait or afford a commercial flight.  I know first hand about Angel flights, because last summer I was the "Angel" being flown from Alabama back to Maryland.  Words can't possibly express how much I appreciated the pilot who flew Jeff and I back home.

In airport etiquette, if the tower has an incoming or out bound Veteran or Angel flight, these flights have first access to a runway.  Commercial planes have to wait for these private planes to land or take-off.  While I don't know for sure, but I imagine that the commercial planes waiting on the "little guys", don't mind in the least.  They are all fully aware, I'm sure, what an angel or veteran flight is all about.  

These rewarding flights that occur all over the country, they won't bring world peace and probably will never be on the front page of a newspaper, but I promise you that the pilots, don't require that kind of attention.  The only reward that the pilots need comes from their hearts.

I couldn't be prouder of what Jeff, and probably other pilots I will never know, are doing today. 


1 comment:

  1. This is so wonderful. Thank you for sharing this with us.



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