Saturday, May 3, 2014

Farmer John (aka Jeff)


Last year Andy and Stacey finished building their beautiful home and it sits on acreage.  I know I've been told how many acres, but like most things, I have forgotten the exact number.  Let's just say a lot of land. Some people would call it a "Gentleman's Farm" because Andy doesn't intend (I think) to have chickens or any other livestock.  However, Jeff and I have told him that if he had a few goats, they would munch on the grass, hence requiring less mowing!  Of course, I don't know how well goats and dogs would get along!

After moving into their house, Andy bought himself a Tractor which is complete with a shredder, mower, and other mandatory pieces of equipment.  Remember the TV show "Tool Man", where Tim Allen promoted bigger and more manly pieces of equipment?

There was a time when Jeff and I thought it might be fun to live out further and have some acreage, and less neighbors.  As we've gotten older, that phase has gone by the wayside, as well as our dream of owning a big motorcycle (think Gold Wing).  Perhaps it's true that you get smarter as you get older!  

When we sell this house which has four bedrooms, we'll probably look for something smaller.  I doubt that we would ever be happy in a townhouse, but a one level house would be just about perfect.

Since Andy moved into his house and bought the tractor, Jeff "aka Farmer John" goes out to play in the dirt on the weekends.  Turns out that men love pushing dirt around as much as young boys do!

With all of the things that happened last year, I'm glad that Jeff has someplace to go and be physical and put his brain in idle mode.  Jeff and Andy have built a fire pit in their backyard and we're not talking some innsy pit, nope it's a large one.  When we go out, we sit in the chairs and make s'mores.  

Andy's house by sitting on acreage doesn't have any close neighbors like we do.  When I'm at his house and sitting outside, I get a certain peace being outside enjoying the quietness.  I don't go out to Andy's house as much as Jeff does, mostly because when you're retired and are with each other 24/7, alone time is a good thing for both of us.

Jeff is in the process of building Benjamin's playhouse, which was a birthday present.  Then there was some talk about picking up railroad ties and/or mulch.  The truck, after being used for months by Scott, is home again, and is being put to use today picking up a refrigerator and freezer from the battery warehouse to take to Andy's house.

I know that Jeff enjoys the physical labor (although his body complains some), and that Andy appreciates his help and advice.  It's a good father and son bonding time and together they accomplish a great deal.  The good thing about owning land, there is always something to do.  About the time you finish mowing - it's about time to start again!

I'm so happy that Jeff enjoys being "Farmer John", complete with straw hat!  Though he likely doesn't know it, working at Andy's house, that gives Jeff a purpose, which is sometimes hard to find after you're retired.  Basically, it's a win/win for both of them!


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