Wednesday, August 27, 2014



Driving around a neighborhood yesterday, I noticed a sign "No Mosquitoes Beyond This Point".  Hmm, I thought.  Was the sign there to make folks feel comfortable?  Is it okay to wander around in your yard without spraying yourself down in anti-bug medicine?  Do mosquitoes read and know they aren't welcome?

I'm still trying to imagine how the sign-puter-upper knew that there was or had been mosquitoes.  Sometimes signs along the road make almost or no sense at all!

No standing is another one that if you're not used to seeing that sign, could mean different things to different people.

When I first started driving, there weren't as many road signs and there certainly wasn't any running a red light camera.  Sometimes I wonder if we need all this protection, or does government - public, state, national, you name it, believe all of these things are for our own good.

Happy driving!


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