Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas - Not So Much


Everyone knows that Santa arrived last night bringing lots of toys.  He also gets to eat his share of cookies and milk.  The reindeer get zip.  

At our house this year, Christmas had already been celebrated last weekend, and for the first time in our marriage, Jeff and I were alone today.  But before you feel sorry for us, let me tell you about my day.

I slept in.  Stayed in my robe and slippers while I ate my toast (the breakfast of old ladies) and read (or glanced if you prefer) the paper.  I grow tired of reading about who shot who and why, so I tend to just skip over those stories and head for the comics!

After I did a few household chores, I returned to my computer where I began coloring in my new grown-up coloring book.  Each page is intricately decorated and it takes a lot of time to color all those tiny leaves and flowers.  Luckily, I also have a new set of markers so I have lots of colors to choose from.  In the beginning, I was coloring this garden scene as if it were real.  Then I went back and looked at the title of the book "Secret Garden" and decided that since it was secret, I could color things as I wished.  So you might see blue flowers and purple leaves.  It's free expression and it's all mine.  

I made myself lunch and curled up in the recliner with a book.  It was, after all, a very tiring day!  I became a bit sleepy so I took old Sam and we headed for the bed for a nap.  The beauty of having an old dog that he never objects to sleeping.  

Dinner was Chinese and we have enough leftovers for lunch tomorrow.  Television shows at the moment pretty much suck, and I couldn't find anything worth watching on Netflix, so I decided to just turn the television off and return to coloring.  

Admittedly the day felt a bit odd, but both Jeff and I adjusted.  Jeff has his computer upstairs and mine is downstairs and both of us spent some quality time in front of our monitors!  

It's late and I'm typing up my blog - have to get it in before the end of day!  

I hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas.


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