Saturday, December 13, 2014

Holly Run


What is a Holly Run you ask?  In the first week or so of December, local pilots give of their time to fly their planes loaded with holly, toys and school supplies to an island in the Chesapeake Bay.  Santa arrives in a large plane, rather than on a sleigh!

Tangier Island is a fishing village in the Bay.  The only way to get in and out of Tangier Island is by plane or boat.  There are 700+ people living on the island and most of the villagers have jobs off the island and use their boats to get to work.  There is a school, church, restaurants and there was a doctor that came in weekly to see patients.  That doctor has passed away and I don't know if a replacement for him has been found.

The local pilots fly in to a airport near the Bay Bridge.  They have coffee, donuts and can talk "pilot talk" to one another.  There is also a briefing about weather conditions, etc.  When it's time to fly, the planes fly off one after another.  The bigger plane takes Santa.

Flying in to this tiny island, the first thing you notice after you've landed is all the children lined up next to the runway to welcome Santa and all of his "elves".  The planes are unloaded in record time because these children are anxious to see Santa and get their present.

The reason this is called Holly Run is because holly does not grow on Tangier Island.  So the pilots bring the holly with them to decorate the church and school.  It is a very rewarding experience for the pilots because they know that with one simple trip to the island, they are doing good work.


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