Friday, July 31, 2020

Sorting Through The Toys


While it has dawned on me before, but I didn't realize how hard it would be for me, to sort through Benjamin's toys.

This special boy came into our lives twelve years ago. And, yes, even I can do the math. Benjamin is now 12 years old. I have been spending a lot of "free time" (that's a joke, all I have is free time) going through some of Benjamin's toys. I kept obvious things, such as wooden blocks and the many foam building blocks that he has. Both of this items can certainly be passed on to another generation.

But, what I also found, was a lot of Benjamin's little boy toys. Little people, little cars, magnetic toys, some mega Lego blocks. The list just goes on and on.

By the time I was through sorting all of the toys that we have been keeping in our "formal" dining room for years. Doesn't everybody keep toys in their dining room?

Back to the sorting. By the end of going through Benjamin's toys in the dining room, I managed to fill up an entire large plastic bag. I was just about ready to donate these mostly broken bits and pieces into the trash, but Jeff stopped me. He suggested, and I should have thought about it, that Benjamin should be the one to go through the bag and decide what, if anything, he wants to keep.

I think there is another container upstairs in a spare bedroom that also holds toys for Benjamin. I'm not saying that Benjamin, was/is spoiled, but he might be. Benjamin is very special to Jeff and I, and though we don't see him as much as we used to, the bond between the three of us, is very strong.

The downside of going through Benjamin's toys, was how emotional I became. Each toy, broken or not, was a memory of days gone by. Benjamin no longer can sit in my lap. Why? Well, because one of us has gotten too  "bigger", and I always accuse Benjamin for getting larger! Saying this to one another, always produces a lot of laughs, and then he moves to another chair.

If you have children and/or grandchildren, then you know, at least for me, how difficult it is to watch that tiny baby, grow up, and is now taller than I am. Actually, I'm on the fairly short side, so perhaps it's not much of a stretch, to be taller than yours truly!

When I calm myself down, I know that Jeff and I will always be "MomMom" and "PopPop". Benjamin growing into his teen years and beyond, will never change that. That is a very good feeling. And, it warms our souls.

If, I was pregnant (I'm not), this running around the house gathering up this and that, while I try to find a more suitable place, at least in my mind, gives me a calming feeling. You know the old saying that goes something like "every thing has it's place". Well, that's what I'm trying to do now.

Scott and Wendy have Elly, who is, forgive me, I think 11, and is a very special granddaughter to us. Elly is a "pink" (girl) baby for both of us. And, after raising only boys, Jeff and I are pretty much out in left field, for buying for a girl. But, we'll get the hang of it!

Since we don't happen to have any pictures of Elly as a baby, toddler, etc., I will ask Wendy if she has, or can make a copy of pictures for us, so that we can display them around the house.

I have a friend, who tells me constantly that my house looks like a Grandmother's house, and I take that as a compliment. After all, my brain which isn't working at 100%, and likely never will. But, the one thing that I still have, are my memories, and you can't take them from me. I have a hope chest filled to the top, with memories. Wedding dresses, cards of sympathy when my Dad passed away, a pair of baby crocs. And, of course, every picture or card that I receive. I always put the year on the back of everything. I guess you can just call me "mushy".

Old Hand Of Grandmother With Her Memories High-Res Stock Photo ...


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Just Another Hot Day In Maryland


We have gotten to the part of the year, where sitting on leather or plastic will be, or could be, somewhat difficult. I don't like sticking to my chair or the seat in the car. I know, I'm such a Princess!

A few years ago, we put in new air conditioners. Yes, I said air conditioner, plural. One unit runs our upstairs. As Jeff and I have both agreed, we like our bedroom to be on the cool, scratch that, on the cold side. There is nothing worse. Wait, I know there are many things worse than sweating while you're sleeping. Our condition in the bed, is the inclusion of two dogs. Said dogs want to be up close and personal to their "people". And, if you don't have a dog, let me tell you how hot they can be.

Since I'm a person who hates being hot, the downstairs unit, keeps me nice and cool during the day. When I'm sitting in "my chair", I mostly always have a blanket on my legs and feet. This could be fixed by turning the a/c up, but who wants to do that? I also sit on a towel, or something equivalent. Why? Just read the beginning lines, and you'll understand.

In the winter, I can, and do, put on clothes.You can always put on more clothes, but in the summer, you are limited in what you can wear. Now, that doesn't sound right. It sounds like I don't wear clothes in the summer, but I assure you I do. Trust me when I say that nobody wants to see me al naturale!! Pretty much, not even myself.

Because I'm a fragile flower (I wish), I prefer to stay in the house. I know that women don't sweat, we "glow". But even "glowing", is not a good look for us girls.

Story time, and the following were actual events.

In the summer, we loaded up our car, with each boy taking turns being in the front seat. Whereas, yours truly remained in the backseat all the time, to keep peace.

Jeff's great aunt lived in Arkansas. This is not a place you want to be in the summer. We arrived at her house, and it was obvious that her a/c was working well. Stay with me folks. Jeff's parents were also there, and they had the spare room on the first floor.

That left Jeff and I plus the boys with a "

Once inside the attic, the boys looked as if they were about to complain, but one

There were two beds in the attic. One bed, which was uber small, was for Jeff and myself. Our bed at home is big enough for both of us, plus the dogs.

The other bed was small, but could accommodate two boys. The unlucky son, slept on the floor, with a sleeping bag (unzipped of course).

But, just because there was no a/c, Aunt Ruby assured us that there was a fan in the room. Yes, it was a fan - circa perhaps the 40's. This fan did not oscillate, nor did it have a guard on the outside. Basically, if you happened to be near the fan, you could lose a finger!

Jeff was good enough to keep getting up to readjust the fan, so it was blowing on this child or that one. While we sweated through the night, we made the ultimate sacrifice in comfort, so that the boys could get any air coming from the fan.

There is much more to this story, but I don't want to bore you guys all at once. Let's just say that another part of this story, included a shower that had a toilet inside the shower. Basically, you could kill two birds with one stone!

If it's hot where you are, stay inside. Trust me, yours truly will be staying inside.

Stay safe everyone and don't forget your masks.

Thought for the day: "Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring and integrity, they think of you".


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Stepping In Poo!


Last week, I did just that. Gross would be understatement. And, to make matters worse, I sort of "limped" along to the bathroom. I put my foot in the toilet (I know double gross), to clean my foot, and it worked.

After leaving the bathroom, with my newly washed foot, I was horrified to see that my "shitty" ( don't want to offend anyone by using that word) foot had followed me from the hall, the scene of the "crime" all that way across our bedroom and sitting room.

Once I saw the "markings" I had made, I had to get to work trying to scrub away the obvious spots. And, unfortunately, this was to no avail.
But, then I remembered that I had bought a product "Rocco and Roxie", that is a stain eliminator. I had several new bottles, but had never put them to use.

I grabbed a bottle, headed to the rooms in question, and saturated each spot, as per the directions. You soak, let it sit for at least 5 minutes, and then you blot. Much to my surprise, being a pessimist, I really doubted that this simple product would be successful. And "ta da" it did! I should get some bucks (ha) for touting this product for them.

I did, go back with a new bottle this morning, and put more product on the stains. The spots are damp at the moment, but I think when Ada comes and vacuums the rooms, I will be pleased.

My solution so that this doesn't happen again, is to us a flashlight!! This way, I can see what's in front of me, no surprises! The majority, if not all, of the spots on carpeting, would be from Daisy!

I am in the process of having Jeff order a few more bottles. But, at the price of a bottle, I can order a gallon-sized container for about $49.99. Since, I didn't do a very good job of potty training her, I suppose I'll be "picking" up after her for the next "x" years! Her defense is how loving she is. I guess no dog is perfect. Bella, as a puppy destroyed the skirts off couches and chairs. She's better now, but if you leave food where she can reach it, all bets are off. She doesn't like vegetables very much, but then neither do I!!! What she does enjoy is ice cubes. As soon as she hears ice coming out of the freezer, she is right there. We've never had a dog that liked, nope loved, ice cubes. If you don't give her ice, she then she looks at you, with those dark brown eyes, is likely wondering why the delay.

I'll close for now. Ada is coming today, and while Jeff objects, I like to "tidy" up a few things, like the kitchen.

Stay safe everyone and wear a mask, even though we don't like them.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Peaceful Television


In our current world, there is more bad news than good. I fine this hard to struggle with. I watch CNN every morning faithfully, so that I know what's going on. But, after I watch it, my mood almost always take a nose dive. I know what you're thinking - don't watch the news. How could I not? I always believe that knowledge is power. Problem is, after I gain "knowledge", it automatically leaves my brain! This is the fun that having a muddled brain gives you.

To take the edge off all the negative stuff, I have found several "nice and peaceful" television shows. And, I record all of these. American Pickers is always fun. Watching the "pickers" haggle with the owner of items they want, is interesting. Other peaceful, no real drama shows are: Dr. Pol, Heartland Docs, and the Zoo. I know there are more shows on television that are like these. But, you will have to hunt for them.

After watching "American Pickers", makes me think of some of the things I have in the house, that might be worth something someday. For instance, I have a wood merry-go-round, that has horses (duh) and a red fringe around the top. My father bought this for me in 1952, and I consider it priceless. Will the boys, one day, remember it's value? They will, of course, if I put a tiny sticker on the bottom, so they get an idea of it's selling price. A cold and rather harsh thing to do, but I understand the necessity.

I just checked Ebay. Who doesn't? And, one 1952 carousel horse has a price tag of $450.00. That's a lot of money for one horse, especially since it doesn't come with the actual carousel!

As one friend describes my house as a "grandmother's house". I know that I'm sentimental to a fault, and my hope chest confirms this. Every time I receive a card, for instance, I date the back of the card and put it in the chest. The chest is now very full of my memories, and I can just barely slip a card through the opening! I have told my friend, who has kept nothing from her children's childhood, that I can open the chest anytime I want, and can remember in an instant, my memories from the past. Mind you, I can't remember what I ate yesterday! And, for me personally, maybe that's a good thing.

Yesterday, I put some food in the oven. Didn't realize I was using the convection oven (whatever that is), and almost burned the food. In addition to all the other things I am no longer able or allowed to do, baking in the oven is now off limits. So, if you're keeping track, I can no longer drive (driving into a building puts the family off), cooking or baking, move furniture (which I did last week), or anything else for that matter. I have managed to lose my "regular" glasses, so have had to ask my ophthalmologist for a new prescription! My personal world just keeps getting smaller and smaller.

Sorry, I got off track. I was writing about television shows, and next thing I know is that I'm writing about my own personal troubles. Apologies.

National holidays today: Buffalo Soldiers Day, National Chocolate Milk Day (yum) and National Water park Day. And with the virus all around us, I'm pretty sure that going to a water park is not likely to happen.

Stay safe everyone, wash your hands, and wear masks.




Monday, July 27, 2020



Last week, Jeff and I began watching baseball games on television. When it comes to sports, baseball is just about the only game that I really understand.

It's pretty straightforward. There is a pitcher, who stands on the mound. The pitcher throws his ball toward home plate, and always hoping for a strike out of the opposite team's batter. 

The catcher, wearing the appropriate amount of protective gear, sits at home plate, and catches the balls that a batter doesn't swing at (poor way to end a sentence, but you get the idea)! 

When the batter connects with the ball, there is a lot of excitement. Will the opposing team catch the batted ball? Will the ball go into the grandstand? If it does, then the batter can literally take his time to go around the bases. A home run is always something to celebrate.

Now, the games are played without an audience. So, the excitement that comes from the crowd, is no longer there. Players wear masks when they're in the dug out. Oh, and chew bubble gum, which is way more "attractive" (I suppose) than chewing tobacco.

A couple of teams, have cardboard cutouts made to represent fans. And, the announcer or whomever else, supplies some crowd noises, to build some energy for the players.

If I had to pick a favorite team, it would be the Dodgers. I think we even had a favorite player, but his name now escapes me! What a surprise.

But, even though the games in the present day, aren't anything like I'm (or you) are experiencing are still exciting for me. Although, it doesn't take much these days for something, out of the ordinary, be exciting!


Free Dodgers Logo Black And White, Download Free Clip Art, Free ...

Thursday, July 23, 2020

In The News


I have never in my adult life, been overly interested in current news. I remember when President Kenny was assassinated. I was in junior high at the time, and there very few television channels.  And, yet my parents remained in front of the television, for what seemed to me, hours upon hours.

At the time, Life magazine (some of you have never known about this magazine), had a cover dated December 6, 1963 titled the "Kennedy Funeral Issue". The picture below doesn't show up very well. But, even for a young person, I read from cover to cover.


Eventually, there was the war in Viet Nam, and many of my school friends were drafted. And, some were killed. I kept up a fairly steady correspondence with one of my high school friends, named Bill. To save on postage, I used a very light airmail envelope, and I also lightly perfumed the letter inside.

When the war in the Middle East began, I was having trouble keeping the different countries and leaders straight. I do know that the war in that part of the country, seems to have gone and gone. While I wasn't overly interested in following the news, I was thrilled (I don't know if that's the emotion I had), when Saddam Hussein was killed. 

Many years later, like right now, almost all you hear or read is about the virus pandemic. I watch CNN every morning, to catch up on the news as well as the numbers of new cases, and the rising number of deaths, which increases every day. Just about anytime of day, you can find a channel, that keeps you up-to-date.

I stay in the house, and going out for groceries with Jeff. Then, back in the house again, where I'm safe. 

I fear, that the holidays this year, are going to look very different from last year. And, just of that, makes me sad. Thank goodness for Zoom where we can meet and show off our presents. And, this is a horrible way to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas.

When I see lots of people out and about, that are not wearing a mask, I become quite angry. People who don't keep a safe distance and don't wear a mask, just keeps the numbers rising.

I guess that's all I have at the moment. I know this, because my brain is now empty. Of course, some people would say, that my brain is almost always empty!!

Stay safe everyone.



Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Device Settings


Have you ever given much notice of settings on, let's say a toaster for example. This morning I was going to toast a bagel. Since I don't see very well without my reading glasses, I literally had to scrunch down to read the buttons. Okay, as usual, I thought about putting a bagel in the toaster, but not select the bagel button. Would the toaster still toast the bagel, even though you selected nothing? After burning up a microwave earlier this year (but the new one is very nice), I believe I should handle kitchen equipment very carefully, and Jeff concurs. 

Then there is the washing machine. Our washer and dryer are getting up in years, but still able to do their jobs. My washer is a top load kind, and I like it because I can open up the lid to put additional clothes inside. Obviously, if you have a front load washer, it might get messy if you open the door mid-cycle to put something inside. Our laundry room is a bit on the small size, so these new behemoths of the current machines, would likely prove a challenge space wise.

With a few exceptions, I always use cold water, and a rather short washing time. Even on an older machine, they are actual settings. I ignore all of the other settings, like "delicate", for example. For the dryer, I use the same setting for pretty much everything. In actuality,all you really wanted is for your clothes to be dried.

When I was working, I did pay more attention to my "work" clothes. Once the dryer was done, I was quick with hangers. But, Jeff and I now live in a world of casual cotton clothes. A few wrinkles no longer matter much. Particularly, during the pandemic. 

We go out once a week, otherwise we're at home. When I get fussy about being in the house all the time, he reminds me that there is a boggy (sp) man outside. And, Jeff is really concerned about my not getting sick. While I fight being stuck inside the house, I do understand the need to protect myself.

So, the next time you start to operate some of your household devices, remember how hard they work for you.

Stay safe and wear a mask!

Laundry Service Cartoon Mascot With Coins by doomko | GraphicRiver

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Let's talk


Yesterday, I wrote about communication. Today, I want to write about actual talking.

In the "old" days, the telephone book had a section showing the types of phones you could buy: princess phones, and wall phones. The princess phone was my favorite - the downside of this phone was when you were dialing a number, the phone would move allover the place. But, as a teenager, this particular problem didn't bother me.

When we moved to Illinois in let's say 1964, party lines existed. You would go to use the phone, and find other people talking. Back then, as well as today, I generally don't make calls. I have no reasonable explanation. Oh, if I had to think of one, I'm always sure (and this is not the case, but an excuse), that I'm calling at a bad or inconvenient time. And, I find that my friends actually enjoy hearing from me.

Bulky cellphones were next, and they were not only big, but heavy. Eventually, current cellphones were created, and it seemed like everyone on the planet had one. For me, I had an Apple phone, but one of the dogs, when they were puppies, took said phone out into the yard and basically destroyed it.

And, today mostly because of the damned virus, we meet and talk with family, friends and doctors using Zoom. I don't know much about this new technology. I leave all the getting started, etc., up to Jeff. I worry that Christmas this year will have to be via Zoom. You know, you hole up your present, and then I'll show you mine! Doing it this way, will take most of the joy away from being together. Fingers crossed that next year, we'll be able to return to our normal (whatever that is) lives.

But, for the moment, wash your hands, wear a mask and keep your distance from each other. Stay safe.



Monday, July 20, 2020



Communication is powerful. And, it's good way to get a conversation going with your friend, husband, etc. Unfortunately, some people, myself included, don't always communicate calmly. This, of course, can lead to raised voices, or pouting (me). 

Women think differently. You know the book, "Mars v. Venus". What seems logical in my mind, doesn't always mesh with the way Jeff is thinking. This is where calm voices should prevail. And, that doesn't always happen.

I love ice cream, and Jeff after 46 years knows this. So, when we're in the car, why can't I just say, I want some ice cream. Jeff would, of course, buy me ice cream. He knows that both Bella (she's a cone hog) and I love ice cream. I don't need "fancy" ice cream, but enjoy other flavors besides vanilla.

Sometimes, and this isn't fair, I will want ice cream, but don't ask Jeff to stop. He drives past, McDonald's, for instance. I foolishly think I'm sending him mental signals to stop. And, when he drives by, I'm disappointed, but say nothing. 

What is it about women, or more particularly, me, that just can't seem to speak up. Normally, when we are shopping at WalMart (is there any other store?), we go right past McDonald's. By now, Jeff always asks if I want an ice cream cone, he also knows what the answer will be - of course I want ice cream. Who doesn't enjoy ice cream?

Jeff and I had two different kinds of bariatric  (sp) surgery. For Jeff, some amount of sugar makes him sick. My surgery, fortunately or unfortunately, depends on how you look at it, let's me enjoy sugar. Sugar tends to be my downfall. I believe every day should have some kind of dessert. That's just how I roll. I could, of course, see a hypnotist to block my sugar passion. 

Since I started dieting last November, I keep a close eye on my weight. I have a new scale, that after you get your weight, will show either a green (good) or red (bad) number. I'm now a fanatic, and weigh twice a day. I have a very small window of my weight that is acceptable for me. 

I could go out and exercise. But, I always have reasons that I can't. It's too cold, it's too hot, it's raining, etc. What really stops me, is my body. The left hip and right foot are not my friends, and so it doesn't take much walking, before both of these "pains", makes me needing/wanting to stop. 

"National Holidays" today: 

National Get Out of the Doghouse Day and
National Lollipop Day.

Please everyone stay safe, and wear a mask when you go out.



Friday, July 17, 2020

Going Into The Closet!


I know that all of you have heard the expression "coming out of the closet". But, doubtfully heard someone say they are "going into the closet!

And today, I'm go into one of my closets, and yes I said one to get a handle on my shoes. I have shoes that are comfortable, but so scream "old lady", when I'm out and about. But, at this point in my life, I don't really give a hoot what people think. 

I rid myself of high heels years ago. It might have had something to do with teetering and likely falling. I do admire women who can pull off wearing heels. And, of course, one of the most desired shoes, has a red sole. These shoes are made by Christian Louboutin, and can, depending on style (I guess), can be really expensive. Confession: I don't own any of these shoes. Even if I wanted these sought after shoes, I would still leave a store without a box!

I also have a number of shoes by "Sas" (San Antonio Shoemakers). I own a number of shoes from this company, and the ones I own, are, well to be specific, are really unfashionable. For lack of a better word, they could be called ugly. To be fair, they make some shoes that are more fashionable, but most of them have either, buckles or laces. I now can tie my shoes, but owning a shoe with buckles, would be a two person job (Jeff and myself).

I do own, two pairs of "fancy" shoes. Shoes that I have worn to weddings, etc. The shoes only have a small heel, reducing my chances of falling. I know I have mentioned falling a number of times, this is because I have fallen multiple times this year. And, when I'm all "gussied" up, the last thing I want is to find myself down on the floor. So unladylike!

I have a small step stool, and I'm going to my closet, and sort out my shoes. Some shoes no longer fit. Why you ask? Because my right foot is wider now than the left one. Nobody knows what's wrong with the foot, but I have told Jeff that when I eventually croak, I want to have an autopsy on my foot! A reasonable request - at least I think so.

I'm taking down all the shoe boxes, which are probably all empty, and putting the corresponding shoe inside. And, because of my OCD, will write on each box, what shoe is inside! And, once I've done all of this, I'll be exceptionally proud of myself.

Image result for picture of louboutin shoes
 SAS Women's Me Too White 11 Wide
Aren't those shoes beautiful! But, from a comfy standpoint, not so much. And, looking at the SAS shoes, you can definitely see how unflattering they are.

Stay safe everyone, and wear masks.


Thursday, July 16, 2020



I've decided that there is so much bad news out there in the world, that I decided (took a vote and I won!), that I would blog about something very different.

Jeff made oatmeal for breakfast this morning. And, with the right amount of "additions", such as both brown and white sugar, it was yummy. This oatmeal is made from Steel Cut Oats, which is made from the groat of the grain. Are you impressed yet? Let's put it this way, once you've eaten your cereal, you won't need to eat until the next day! Kidding, but it definitely sticks to your ribs. When the boys were having a test day, oatmeal was always on the menu. 

You know me. A little research never hurt anyone. The research shows that in 800 BC in India. These oats contain 7 grams of protein in just 1/4 cup of cereal! And, I promise you that you will definitely be full. This is a good thing. No more snacking on pop tarts, etc., in the morning. Of course, later in the afternoon  all bets are off.

My father had a bowl of "Smacks" as he called them, every night. Following in his footsteps, I also have "smacks" in the evening as well. Not actually following in his footsteps, but they're just tasty, and even better if you add a banana! I'm a bit fussy about bananas. They can't be green, or overripe. I pick out, as does Jeff, the near perfect "nanas" for eating. I'm not exactly high maintenance, but have a very strong opinion about my favorite fruit.

When I was staying at Andrew's house, I introduced Benjamin into the world of "frosties". He was reluctant at first, but then I reminded him, that MomMom (me) never eats what I call "ca ca food". Of course, this isn't really a word, but you get the idea. With his first bowl of frosties, he decided that they were very good. I reminded him that I would never, for instance, ask him to eat brussel sprouts. Why? Simply because I don't eat them. No other explanation is needed.

In the cereal aisle, which I generally avoid, there are all manner of cereals, with names like "Captain Crunch", "Fruit Loops", etc. These cereals, aimed at children, taste good, and unfortunately high in sugar, which let's face it, children like. Notice in the picture, butter is added, which is something that both Jeff and I put in our bowl. You know, that everything tastes better with butter!

Jeff loves granola cereal. Granola reminds me of eating hay. Mind you, I have never eaten hay, so the taste is all in my head.  And, we know that I don't have any extra room upstairs!
You have probably eaten breakfast today, but perhaps you could eat oatmeal tomorrow. Brain Food for sure.

Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats {gluten-free} - Allergy Free Alaska

Please stay safe everyone - and don't forget your mask.

! Wearing a Mask Social Story —, an ASERT Autism ...


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Where's Your Stuff?


If you are like most people, including myself, then you probably have "stuff" stashed in drawers, cupboards and, obviously behind closed doors. I have two bedrooms, that have not being used in years.

Basically just like going to Vegas, everything stays in Vegas. In those "empty" spare rooms, it's easy to just chuck most anything inside. I  know this flies in the face of everybody, who is a professional organizer. Think Maria (sp) Lundo. She goes into a house that has things around the house. With the help of fast moving scenes, before long the house looks great. You are supposed to get rid of anything that doesn't bring you joy. 

Having said that, none of my clothes spark joy, and haven't for a long time. Is it necessary to put my clothes in the closet by color, or by usage (office, formal)? You get the idea. As I write my closets, and yes I have more than one, are jammed full of clothes. I don't sort by either color or occasion. I'm doing good just to get my things on hangers. Currently, I have clothes that are way toooo big to wear now (I know this is a terrible problem to have). I have a few clothes that fit me right now, I also have clothes that will fit me when I lose a few more pounds. I have started making a pile of clothes that are now really too big and need to be donated.

Then there are my books, a true passion of mine. I have always been reluctant to donate or loan out my books. Why? If I give away a book to a friend, I have to assume that I'll never see it again. Or, sometimes I put a note on the front of the book, indicating that I don't or want the book back. My theory is that you can never own too many books. After my book drive in the neighborhood, I have received a lot of books. Love it! It was no small effort on my part, to find a place to store all of these books. If you're a book reader, then you know what I'm talking about.

The "junk" drawers in the kitchen, are just that. There are glasses that Jeff and I no longer need (wrong prescription), but there is always something that holds me back, preventing me to donate these glasses. It's not that these glasses, will ever be used by either Jeff or myself. And yet, I still keep them in the drawer. Spools of thread and needles and I don't sew! Oh, to be fair too myself, I can sew a button onto clothes. Card game, doggie bags, notebooks, crayons, as well as spare batteries, that I don't even know if they are still useful. 

Since every time I go to see a doctor, I always tell them, that I'm looking for Unicorns and Rainbows. Of course, there hasn't been one doctor that has produced either of those things for me.  My family knows that my spirit animal is Unicorns. I've been happy to receive Unicorns as gifts. Currently, I have Unicorn figures, pinata, coin purses, etc. The list goes on. I feel about Unicorns as I do about books. Unicorns help to make me happy, and that's a good thing. And, I need all the happiness I can find.

After reading all of this, perhaps you too will go through your dressers, cupboards and closets, and feel the urge to purge. This is not my house, but you get the general idea.

Blog - PGH Home Buyers - Receive a Cash Offer for Your Pittsburgh ... 

Please be safe. I'm trying to be. I go out once a week with Jeff to get groceries. Otherwise, I keep this old body, inside the house!


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Current Living


The virus or pandemic that has ravaged the world, since February, is unfortunately taking over us by storm.

When I think about it, I wonder if there's a silver lining in all of this? I really don't think so. It reminds me of a saying that goes pretty much like this: if you see a pile of horse shit, there must be a pony in there somewhere. I think we're all sifting through the present day shit (there is no other word), looking not for a horse, but perhaps a rainbow. Or a vaccine.

Jeff and I venture out generally once a week. We go to Costco and WalMart. Since our pantry, and the freezer in the basement, are pretty much full, this weekend we bought very few food items. The joke among the family is, that if they run out of food - no need to go to the store - just go to Mom's house! I think Jeff and I have trouble reminding ourselves that the boys no longer live with us. Hence, the need to buy less. This is difficult, and even hard for us to deal with. At one point, when the boys were teenagers, we actually had milk delivered to the house! I wonder if the dairy still does that? While I would like to "shop", Jeff says, and he's right, we're there to buy only. Logically, I understand, BUT as a woman, love to browse. Frankly, it's part of our DNA!

We did venture out to Andrew's house last weekend. We were finally able to hug Benjamin, Stacey and even grumpy Andrew. We ate dinner outside on their porch/deck, and it was wonderful. Stacey has put a lot of work into their yard, and her effort has certainly paid off. Stacey has planted multiple vegetables in her garden. Unfortunately, deer also like her garden! I did some research this morning (of course I did), and sent her a list of flowers, plants, etc., that deer don't seem to like. 

Stacey, cut my hair, for which I was very grateful. I did have my hair uber (spelling) short just before everything was shut down. Before getting it cut by Stacey, again uber short, I was contemplating letting Jeff use the dog clippers on my hair! It's not like I'm out in the public on a daily basis, and frankly, when shopping at WalMart, I don't give a damn. Believe me, my hair cut doesn't even begin to compare with other people see in the store. While it's painful (thank you lefthip), I refuse to ride in those carts, that make that obnoxious beep-beep noise, when you're backing up. Reminds me of a delivery truck. Oh, and not to mention how much people stare at you. At least, unlike most people, my body doesn't hang over the edge of the seat. I might be a little "vain" in that regard, ya think.

I could go on and on, but the clock tells me that it's time to move, and actually get "something" done. Laundry comes to mind, which I find super boring. The loading clothes in the washer is okay. It's the folding and putting away clothes, that I find tedious! 

Have a great day everyone. And, more importantly stay safe.



Monday, July 13, 2020



I know you're wondering what I'm going to blog about when it comes to spots. I'm not going to blog about spots on animals. I could do that, of course, but today I want to blog about spots on people.

At age 70, I'm old by younger people. I get that I've reached a "certain" age, and spots are considered "normal". Okay, they may be normal, but that doesn't mean I have to like them. I notice now, okay, I've noticed for some time, that the ugly age spots are showing up pretty much everywhere on my body. First, it was just on my hands, and I eventually learned to live with that. I don't much like looking at my body, so I avoid mirrors as much as possible. But, when I eventually did give in, much to my horror, the spots had moved up and down my body. Disgusting. How did age spots move "south"? What's up with that? 

What do the famous people, or movie stars know that I don't? Obviously, they have "people" to help take care of their skin issues, whether it's sagging skin or uplifting needed, they have the money to take care of every- thing related to their skin. So, I'm jealous - big time. 

It seems as if every day, a new spot shows up. I feel about these pesky spots, much as I do with mice and ants, let's just get rid of them! Easier said then done. The only thing I get done, on a fairly regular basis, before the virus, is doing toes and nails. And, for most of my adult live, my make-up, if you can call it that, consists of lipstick. I was with Benjamin over the weekend, and he said that I looked pretty - that's good enough for me.

Today is "National holiday is World Elder Abuse Awareness day". 

I'm signing off with all of my wrinkles and spots in place!



Friday, July 10, 2020

Pandemic and Masks


As far as I'm concerned, and I'm sure all of you as well, would (wishful thinking on my part) like to return to our "normal" lives.

When I was in the hospital, you had to wear a mask anytime you left your room. And, sometimes other patients, such as myself, would leave the room, and be gently "reminded" that I didn't have my mask on.

Obviously, if you're home, you don't have to wear one. For that reason alone, it's easier to just stay put. Some people, who are not a recluse like me, find it hard, if not difficult, to stay home. Here at home, I have television to watch, books to read, and Christmas presents to make. If, I become bored, then it does become a huge problem for me. Truth is, I like my own company, and have ever since I retired a few years ago.

When all of this nonsense started, Jeff and I didn't own a thermometer. Knowing that we should have one, we ultimately found one that sort of points to your forehead. Will we ever use it, doesn't seem likely? But, just knowing that we have one more thing in our bag of tricks, certainly makes feel better.

You can buy masks pretty much everywhere. Amazon, Etsy are just two sites to go to. Regular people make them as well. I have been tempted when wearing one of those blue masks, to decorate it. You know, with baubles, beads, and even making a funny face from markers. The problem is that if I were to try and draw something on a mask, it would probably come out as a sneer - and that wouldn't be good.

Will we be mask free in 2021? Let's keep our fingers crossed. For now, be safe. Stay home, or wear a mask when you're outside. If everybody would wear a mask, perhaps the number of cases, and deaths would start to go down. This picture of the virus, reminds me of a pin cushion, or a very odd game of darts.



Thursday, July 9, 2020

Used Books


I started a neighborhood book donation a few months ago. My reward? Books, lots of books. To say I'm in heaven would be under-stating my happiness in having lots of books to read! I now have to store books just about anywhere I can find space! What a problem!

When I was in the hospital, books, as always, were very good company for me. It's a good thing I was going home, because I read almost all of the books available, that I was interested in. A patient wanted to know how many books I had read while in the hospital. I told him too many to count!

And, in these used books, I found treasures. It is amazing what people leave in books they are going to give away or donate. Me personally, before I give a book away, I fan the book, making sure that I didn't accidentally leave any personal (seat assignments, date of a flight, love note, etc.). In the books I have been given, I found all of these things.

In particular, Ms. "x" flew to England (no name, I'm protecting the innocent).😉 I have her ticket number as well as her seat assignment. Now, it's true that this information is of no use to me. But still, why would you leave this information in a book. I have no earthly idea. And, the love note was a bit interesting as well. I guess the note didn't wasn't important enough to save. Sad.

I like to protect my privacy, and the little you know about me, is a good thing. Even my license plate "CUZILU" provides no information about me. By the way, that name is on my car - it stands for Cuz I love you. And, that plate goes with any car that we purchase. It's too good of a plate, to leave it behind! For all I know, a driver behind me, might think my name is Cousin Lou, or something else like that.

Between reading, and working on Christmas presents (obviously can't say more about that), I have lots of ways to keep me busy. Working on being relaxed, that's not going so well. I should probably do some meditation, so I can zone out. Frankly, I'm like a two dollar watch, who has been wound up. I hope that makes sense.

My doctor tells me that I should focus on the positive. I know I have many things that are positive in my life. But, somehow, no matter how hard I try, I keep focusing on the negatives. 

A holiday, that has come and gone. In March, it was National Book Day, And, you know as well as I do, that a day devoted to books, would not have much of a following, except for a Biblichor like me. This word describes the particular smell that belongs to old books. 
Sometimes in the past, I have bought books because they look and smell old. The title of these books doesn't matter, I'm not going to read them, I just collect them.

“Biblichor is the word that describes the particular smell that belongs to old books. While this is a word, not used by many people, it describes me to a "T". Sometimes, when we go to an antique store, for example, I always head to the book section. I never know what I'll find there. All I know, is that any book I buy, is a treasure for me.

Have a great day.



Wednesday, July 8, 2020

I'm Back!!!


Did you miss me? This is where you say of course we did. 

I came from the hospital yesterday. I've been in the hospital since June 8th. A very long time in the blogging world. I do apologize for the length of time that I was away. But, going forward, I'll be here, just like before 5 days a week.

While I was away, I wrote down in a notebook, some of the things that I saw while I was in the hospital. Okay, first there were the people. An odd assortment of men and women, all with different personalities. Some of those personalities, were unique and other times, just downright annoying. But, none of these oddities pertained to me, of course! Okay, I'll agree that I might be "somewhat" mental (ya think!), but at least I didn't mutter to myself, and there was a lot of that going in. 

Near as I can tell, I was the only one suffering from memory issues. Some on the people on the floor, had depression issues. The lady that I ate with every day, was there for ECT treatments. She wanted to know, if the ECT that I had had (24 of them), helped me. I wanted to be positive, of course, but I didn't want to lie, so I told her, for myself, I didn't notice a difference. But, I assured her, that every person is different. Before I left the hospital yesterday, I wished her good luck. 

I said I was home. But, when you have been gone for a month, it was scary to come home. I now need to find my "groove". At the moment, I'm somewhat "wound up", and I know that's normal. It may be normal, but, I'll admit to some agitation. I try to keep in mind, that Rome wasn't built in a day.

I had purchased before I was in the hospital, a latch hook pillow. I can't describe it, because it's going to be a Christmas present. I should be able to finish it before December. If not, perhaps Christmas in 2021! And, when I tried to "hook" (unique word to describe this), my memory came up empty. But, I had a wonderful occupational therapist, who worked with me, until I got it. I'm happy to say that I have made good progress on this particular project. I've enjoyed it so much, that I bought several other kits, all to be Christmas presents. 

I'm being referred to a brain injury program. Apparently, they tell me, that when I had my heart attack, my brain was deprived of oxygen. I didn't know this, but apparently it has somewhat, muddled up my brain. Hence, some of my memory issues. I was challenged by an older woman in group therapy, who told me that my memory loss was just a part of aging. You'd be proud of me - I took the high road, and didn't engage with a response. But, boy oh boy, I wanted to. A book was recommend by my doctor - "When I Say No, I Feel Guilty. Describes me to a "t". 

A few months ago, on our neighborhood bulletin, I posted that I had some books on the porch. Take one, etc. The responses from people, who had books that they wanted to get rid of, two very large bags of books! So excited. Ever since when I was young, my Dad, read to me from the Little Golden Books every night. Some of you might remember, one of my favorites, "The Poky Little Puppy". He didn't know it at the time, but those little books, was, I'm glad to say, started me on a lifelong passion for reading. As a teenager, my love of books, when I was asked to do something, I always said - just one more chapter - or two!

Now, for birthday and Christmas presents, I receive Little Golden Books. I have them lined up, of course I do, (blame this on my OCD), in a cabinet. What, will I eventually do with them? As long as I'm still humming along, I will do nothing. I take them out, from time to time, to read. 

Doing my research, and you know I do a lot of this, on Ebay, you can buy 15 vintage books for $575.00. That's crazy talk. Do you know what you could buy, or save, with that amount? Of course, some vintage books, sell for a whole lot less. I think I would still like to have these books, vintage or not.

Let's talk about dieting. This is a subject that strikes terror in a lot of people. I started on my high protein diet last year, and have lost 52 pounds!! When I go to my physical therapy sessions, the therapist, always tells me to donate or toss, pants are too big. This is such a huge problem to have. What I did do, was I donated all my big clothes. This means, that I can never go back, nor do I want to. Being thinner, also means that eventually new clothes, in a much smaller size. And what woman wouldn't like to be able, to buy smaller clothes. Unfortunately, at the moment, I don't have many smaller size clothing. Oh, what a dilemma to have!! It was super easy to lose weight in the hospital, because the food wasn't all that good. Okay, now I'm home, and I'm loving coffee. Hospital coffee is dreadful, to say the least. And, don't get me started on scrambled eggs. Jeff, has always made the best scrambled eggs, I've ever had.  And, if that's not good enough, Benjamin always asks PopPop to make eggs for him when he's at the house. Unfortunately, thanks to this stupid virus, I have only seen (but not hugged), him one time. Jeff went out there last weekend, and was able to see, and hug, him. So jealous.

I apologize that this blog is so long. I just had a lot to say. Hope I didn't bore anyone. I will be blogging, as I always did, five (count 'em) days a week. It's a know fact (just kidding) that bloggers have to rest during the weekend!!

Today, unfortunately, is National Video Day. Whoopy! My love of games, ended with Pac Man, for example. More research, tells me, and now you, that in May of 1972 with the Magnavox Odyssey (first home video game) and Atari in November 1972 (their first PONG arcade game). Atari's game was quickly copied and Atari's game was quickly copied and improved in 1973. Later in 1975, home video games became popular and were sold, pretty much everywhere. And, you can now, buy vintage Pong and games on Ebay!

Stopping for now - I can see eyeballs rolling around - not really. I missed all of you very much, and will try and continue to bring, my latest ramblings!



Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...