Wednesday, September 30, 2020

It's Not Policatal


I will start with, my getting out the sutures, that were put in place last week. At this point, having sutures on my face, I could go out on Halloween, as Mrs. Frankenstein. Kidding, but with a portion of my face sewed up, well you get the idea.

And, discussion for today, has to be last night's debate. You know I don't discuss politics on my bogs, and I wouldn't bring this subject up. But, last night's debate performance, was so unusual, that I actually stayed awake through the whole debate! 

I don't know about you, but I thought, and this is just my opinion, so no hate mail please. It could go down in history, or perhaps will, to bemost unpredictable. And, that's saying a lot.

The over talking of each candidate, made for a frustrating even for his wee little people. Anybody, running for office, especially running for the Presidency, promise a lot. And, unfortunately, generally accomplish nothing.'s I won't put the blame entirely on a President. Sometimes, the two houses, which don't always agree (understatement) lock down on any particular proposed action. This is sad, because the only ones that really get hurt, is us guys.

I watched one loop of the news today, and then I turned the television off. A person,or more precisely this person, can only watch one news loop. Then, I have to get up, and find something else to do. Even, folding up laundry, and you all know how much I love that chore!

The talking heads this morning, went back and forth, with the guests (I think you could say that) on their show. Want to be all mixed up? Oh, and depressed at the same time, just watch the news. I have a need, and most of you do as well, wish there could be some kind of feel good news. Good news, for that matter, would be, in my opinion, a good way for the news to end.

I hope you are all safe, from both Mother Nature's activities such as hurricanes,the massive number of fires in California, and flooding, just to mention a few catastrophic events that we've had this year. And, the cherry on top of all of this shit, is the virus. Jeff says, and I know he's right, that if we stay in the house for 99% of the time, then our chances of getting sick, become minimal. And, I know this is a good thing. But after all these months, makes me, and you as well,wish the virus could just simply go away,

I still, remember that when I was in junior high, our family stood in line, to get our sugar cube, to ward off our chances of getting polio. Basically, as kids, we thought that receiving a sugar cube, was a wonderful way of preventing the spread of this horrible disease. Knowing, that you could prevent polio, with just one vaccine, meant at the time, standing in lines to get your medicine. Those waiting in line for the polio vaccination, unlike today, just stood, single file. There wasn't any protests, etc., that are around today. Being in the streets, to protest against police violence. Unfortunately,  this is, a sign of our times, (please let me go back to the 60's) and, hope that the peaceful protests, going around the country, will eventually fade away, or be gone altogether. When winter comes around, and it's cold outside, then we might see a stop to protesting, or at the very least, reduce the number of protests, peaceful or not.

It's hump day for all of you still working. For me, it's just another day, at the "office" for me.

You all know the drill about the rules for the present time. Let's continue to keep doing what we're doing. In the long run, it should show a downturn in the number of individuals getting sick, or worse, dying.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

What I've been up to


With just a few more flips of the calendar in my office, and we'll be just a bit closer to autumn. Since we no longer have the big oak tree in the front yard, we have fewer leaves and squirrels. Apologies to the squirrels.

Tonight's the first debate. Before it begins, I'll go upstairs and get ready for bed. Some of my night-time meds, make me pretty sleepy. Reminds me of a Saturday Night Drunk!

Yesterday, armed with a broom and eventually a little vacuum, went to war in the pantry. My OCD wouldn't allow me to go another day, without trying to clean the pantry flour. For me, a bit of work was needed. If there is any good news, and heaven knows we need one, is that some of the dry food can no longer be used. Once I see a hole or a chew mark on a package or box, out it goes. I'm not so insane as to want to check every shelf. That would involve a ladder, and nobody wants "Wobbly Patti" to try (emphasis on try) and clean those upper shelves. I guess I'll know when it's time to clean - boxes chewed, stuff like that.

I have become so desperate, okay my OCD has kicked in big time, I'm thinking that Jeff and I should get a cat. Everyone wants a kitten, but for me, I want a cat. Kittens are cute, so they are adopted quickly. The older cats just linger on in the shelter. Personally, I would rather have an older cat. The kind of cat that might have a much shorter life. But, if adopted, can hit the ground running. And, I'm thinking that if we adopt an older cat, he/she could stand her ground, against the dogs.

I am working on one of Benjamin's presents. It's a picture of a Bassett Hound (I know you saw that one coming) resting on a rug. This is a non-printed canvas. This means that you have to count how many spaces over and what color to use. I'm afraid that I might not have enough of a particular color, so I wrote to the seller. The response was almost immediately. I sent them a picture of the rug, so that they would know what I'm talking about. We'll see what happens. I can go rouge (sp?) for some of the colors, but the yarn I need the most is for the background, which is yellow.

Tomorrow, I am getting the stitches taken out for the biopsy that the surgeon put in last week. My face, around the eye, is a wonderful combination of blue and yellow. What I'm really anxious to see is the spot gone? If not, then I would like to hear a solution. This spot on my face became much more visible, once I stopped wearing glasses. I am convinced, that this age spot, if you will, makes me look tired all the time. More on that tomorrow.

Jeff and I feel so sorry for the people in California, who have lost loved ones and their homes as well. If you only had "x" minutes to leave your home, what would you take? And, remember you can only take a certain amount of possessions. And, Jeff and I would never leave the house without the dogs.

Be well, be safe, and I hope you aren't in the fire areas.



Monday, September 28, 2020

Running Hot or Cold!


Your first question might be, are you going through menopause? Nope, that ship sailed a long time ago, thankfully.

Every year, and I do mean, every year, Jeff and I have a "discussion" about when to turn the furnace and air conditioners on. We seldom agree, but we have, over the years, managed to heat and/or cool the house.

Anybody visiting the house, will always bring a sweater, because we keep the house, during the hot months, pretty much on the cold side. One reason I like running the a/c is, that my recliner is leather - and boy do I hate sitting on leather, and then "sticking" to the chair. 

Once the a/c is turned on, then we will run our two a/c units, full-time for "x" months. For example, today's temperature is only going to be in the 60's, but no matter, the a/c is still on. 

The next debate will be, when do we start using the furnace. Jeff is still running around in shorts, where I am already wearing sweatshirts. Jeff's temperature, if you will, always runs hot - hence the shorts. Me? I run hot and/or cold all the time. If my feet get cold, then that chill just seems to get my whole body involved. I can be a little bit "sloppy" or perhaps you could say "lazy", because in front of my chair in the den, are generally one or two pairs of socks. I put them on, I take them off. It's an annoying habit, but even at the ripe old age of 70, continue to have difficulties regulating my body temperature. This seems to be only a problem for us women. Just one more thing, we ladies have to deal with, during our lifetime. 

Because I was a Girl Scout, I want to always be prepared. I learned my lesson last year, when I called to have our gas log cleaned. I ended up waiting several months. Ah, but I learned my lesson - basically the early caller, gets the early appointment. The fireplace guys have just left. They vacuum and move the decorative rocks around. It's not a big deal, in the scheme of things, but I, in particular, like knowing that the fireplace will turn on, when I need the heat.

We will, sometime in the future, "talk" about turning on the furnace. And, just like the a/c, we differ on when to do this. But, somehow we always work things out. I guess that's the beauty of a long time marriage.

For my friends and family in California, I hope that you all remain safe from the fires. Since our climate seems to be all screwed up, I imagine it won't be long before the polar bears start coming south!

Be well everyone and wear a mask. Having pictures taken at Christmas, with everybody wearing a mask (but probably not), will not make for a wonderful picture.



Friday, September 25, 2020

Multiple Things


For all of you working folks, this besides the weekend, is a great day. I remember, when I was part of the working group, that I always looked forward to two days off. Of course, if it was a holiday, either on Friday or Monday, then we had an extra day off. Here's one of the facts about being retired, and I don't want to rub it in, but for me, everyday is a Friday. 

You remember that I blogged about the large bathroom mirror falling off the wall? It's been 3 weeks, and today is the day, that the new mirror will be installed! I'm excited because walking into the bathroom and seeing that blank wall, was disturbing to me. Jeff didn't seem to care that the mirror was gone. Perhaps, I may be a little more vain! (ya think?) 

I enjoy watching men work around the house. It's not the actual looking at the men, it's the project itself. And, boy do I like to supervise. With my mouth shut!

We've also been given a quote to remove all the Cypress trees in the backyard. The estimate isn't as costly as a new car, but, would qualify for a down payment! Just kidding. The tree man who's coming to do the job, also removed the large oak tree in the front yard and his team did a great job. They even removed the stump, and you'd never know that there was once a large tree in that hole.

Went to the plastic surgeon yesterday. I thought we might talk about my progress, for losing weight. Nope, she had me come in so she could do a biopsy of this ugly "age spot" if you will, on my face. When I wore glasses, it hid part of the "spot", but since I don't wear glasses anymore, the spot just makes me look tired all the time. Okay, I'll admit, that in actuality, I am more tired now, then when I was working. Here's the upside of not yet being eligible for any plastic surgery on my body. Drats (sp?). I kept an Excel spreadsheet of everything I ate every day. And, once I had compiled this list, I was well and truly shocked. Once you see the numbers in black and white, it will give you pause, I promise you. I know now how many calories there are in some of the foods I eat. And, for some things that I have been eating, have to stop, or at the very least continue with moderation. I like cookies and milk, it's all about the dunking. However, doing this is 180 calories. Do I really need the cookies? A bagel has 300 calories. Even after looking at the numbers,

Probably has something to do with all the extra time I now have. And, when I do think of something to do, and it's not interesting (laundry, dishes) for instance, I'm immediately tired!! Since, I've gotten into baseball, there is always a game to watch. I don't even care if it's current or not, something about watching a baseball game, can put me to sleep pretty fast.

The war against mice(s) is still going on today. We have caught several mice, but know there are more to come. As the weather gets cooler, in they come. Where do they go? The pantry of course. What do they eat? Pretty much anything, but lately it's those little packets of spices, that draws them in. What draws them out? The usual stuff, like mice traps. I, would prefer that we didn't have to go this route, but there is only so much I can tolerate. I've always thought that I and the mother mouse had made an agreement. She and her babies could live in the garage and nibble on the kibble that always seems to be on the floor, when filling up the dry food container.  But now, I have my dukes up, ready to enter into battle. I know this may sound silly, but I will tolerate a lot of things, but never mice. Jeff and I are giving some thought to getting a cat. When I look at the animal shelters, there are more kittens, than older ones. Kittens are cute, but personally I feel sorry for the oldies. We need a cat, who knows whats what, when it comes to mice! The only advantage of having mice in the pantry, is that many times, it's purging time. If I find a box or bag, with a hole in a corner, I toss the food out immediately. 

Today, I'm going to put newspaper on the kitchen table, and start putting anything that was on the floor, will now be off the floor, temporarily. And, after I do all that, I'll clean the floor, removing any traces of a mouse being in the house!

Next week, the fireplace man is coming to the house for the annual cleaning of our gas log. When I made the appointment, the person on the phone, told me that my timing was excellent. Most people, and I made that mistake last year, wait too long to make an appointment and then have to wait "x" amount of time, while the temperatures start to go down. I don't remember most things, but I was able to remember that the early bird, gets the job done, before I need to.

I hope all of you have a great weekend and stay safe.




Thursday, September 24, 2020

Calories Really Do Count


All of us know, and sometimes in the back of our heads, that calories count. How many calories in this or that food item, add up quickly. And, more quickly than you might realize.

I am seeing the plastic surgeon again today. Yes, this old body could use some general clean-up. This might catch you off guard, but I want some work done on my body. I'm not looping for a bigger bottom, or boobs. Injections for lips, also out of the question.

In the three weeks since I saw the surgeon, she wanted to see how much weight I could lose in that period of time. I'm afraid, even with best efforts, I've only managed to move the scale to the left - a measly 4 pounds.

Now, here's what I've done, and believe me it's an eye opener. I have created a document, that for each day, I record what I've eaten and how many calories are in food. And, I was surprised.

I can now see in black and white, that there are 700 calories two slices of pizza. Obviously, the fix is to eat only one slice. An English Muffin, which I had this morning has 300 calories. Perhaps, I should have eaten only one muffin, but they are so good. Bagels have 300 calories. But, there are just some food that I feel I have to have. My breakfast, for all the years I can remember, revolved around a cup of coffee, and some kind of bread: toast, bagels, muffins. You get the idea.

After looking at the calories each day, I now know what I'm actually consuming at each meal. When Jeff and I went grocery shopping last weekend, he would tell me the calorie count of this or that item. I nixed most of the items, when he told me the calorie count.

I hope the doctor, will be happy with both my diligence, as well as my resolve to eat foods with fewer calories. I have to tell you that when I saw how easily the calories added up each day. I was having a "ah" moment. 

Due to some parts of my body wearing out, real exercise is not part of my routine. I work with a personal trainer twice a week. We concentrate more with increasing strength, rather than big biceps!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed, that the surgeon will be happy that I've worked so hard, to lower my weight - even if it's just four pounds! It took me all of the three weeks, to lose those pounds.

I hope wherever you are, that you are safe, and everybody is wearing masks (and I personally hate them).


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Getting Shot Up!


In a word, here's what's going on - nothing. Perhaps, this is a good thing with all the craziness going on in the world.

Yesterday, Jeff and I went to the drug store to get our vaccine against Shingles. I had Shingles when I was a teenager, and it wasn't pretty! Other than the coach telling me to get out of the pool and to find something else to do for the duration of not only that class, but all the ones going forward.

I remember taking baths with baking soda. Perhaps because I was a teenager, and feeling awkward, I thought I was doomed to have these ugly blister spots forever. Happy to say, that the blisters went away, but I was still awkward!!

During my physical this week, it was recommended that Jeff and I both get a Shingles vaccine. We received the shot yesterday, and man oh man, do our arms hurt. You have probably figured out the answer. Yup, our arms hurt like the dickens. And, the shot has to be done twice. We go back in December, and get the shot for the second time. Can't wait.

I see the plastic surgeon tomorrow. She gave me three weeks to see what I could do about my weight. I've lost 5 pounds, which isn't going to earn me a gold medal or anything. But, what I do know is that for these three weeks, I have paid real attention to the amount of calories I consume in a day. Even when we went grocery shopping last weekend, Jeff would pick up a box of something or another, and read me the calories. I turned down a lot of different food.

Interesting to note, I'm actually not hungry during the day, but boy did I need help in the evening! I have a sweet tooth, actually a big sweet tooth, and I want some kind of dessert after dinner. I eat yogurt, which has low calories, but really isn't what I consider a sweet treat. And, since I have put all the candy (um chocolate candy to be precise), in the freezer downstairs, I would really have to want a piece of chocolate. I don't like going into the basement, so the bag of chocolate remains un- touched. This goes back to out of sight, out of mind. My saying would be changed ever so slightly - out of sight - but still having a big desire to eat chocolate. Perhaps, I should try hypnosis - you don't like chocolate. Who knows, It might be worth a try.

It's such a beautiful day, perhaps, I'll grab my rollator and took a few spins around the circle. I suppose I could try and do a loop without the rollator, but it's a possibility that I'll be all tuckered out, and need to be able to sit down. So far, when I do go out and about, I can do three loops. I should challenge myself, and do four loops. I'm sure the Olympic committee will be calling me soon, offering me a slot in the
"old fart" walking competition! I'd win hands down - NOT.

I've been putting things away in the house, so I think it's time to put little reminders on the appropriate places. I can't always remember where my sunglasses are, where is my purse. And, many other things. It's not the least bit fun when memory issues start. I can pretty much always watch a show, particularly a baseball game this afternoon. By evening, I will believe that I've never seen the game. Annoying stuff like that. 

One of the things that makes me sad, is the inability to type at 100 wpm, which was something I maintained all of my working years. Basically, my boss could dictate to me, and I could keep up with him. Sadly, I have started to begin touch typing, and an inability to find the special characters. I really have to look at the keyboard now. Typing was something that I was really good at. Mom said it was because my fingers were small. Was that the reason?

And, I know shorthand. Okay, I say know, but that might be overstating what I can do. But, while watching a tv show, I sometimes, but not always, remember how to write down certain words. Over the course of our marriage, Jeff knows, that if there is a double line under a word, it means you use UPPER case letters. And, if there is an "X" on a piece of mail, etc., it means it's okay to shred. Research, one of my favorite things to do, indicated that shorthand goes back as far as the 1800's. I think the ability to write shorthand is or has, become a lost skill. See below:

 shorthand - Wiktionary

I see the clock moving toward 11:00, and Ada comes today. You know what that means. I do some necessary "tidying" up before she comes. This is something that Jeff doesn't understand, but I'm pretty sure that more women, than just me, do the same thing.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Mice, Micees (not a real word)


Our anniversary was on the quiet side. I had a visit with our doctor in Baltimore. There is something about going to Hopkins, which generally means literally pack a lunch! I did, and Bella, who loves to eat, enjoyed a bite of the pretzel logs I brought along.

 We've lived in this house for 32 years, and every time the weather gets colder, the mice move in to the pantry. Two so far, have made the ultimate sacrifice for their brothers and sisters. Yesterday, while sitting in my office I actually heard the mouse trap (the old kind) go off. There is a little bit of good news about the mice and my pantry. When there is obvious signs that some four legged crawly thing has been in a box or bag, that's when the pantry begins to empty out. Apparently, the mice(s) like those little packets of food additives. I came down one morning, and I could smell the overwhelming odor of spice. Sure enough, and I'm not sure how, a spice packet for use in chili, was on the floor, with the mouse that didn't get home that night.

I thought I had an agreement with the "head mouse" years ago. The mice could anything they could find in the garage. But, coming into this house means that mice are going to die. I don't even feel bad for the mice. Just the image of mice crawling around in my pantry, makes me sick to my stomach. 

I think now would be to get a cat. Not a kitten. But a cold blooded killer - a cat. Obviously, if I got a cat, it would also mean that the pantry door would have to be open. A few adjust-ments would have to be made, so that Bella, who loves food, can't reach food. If I empty the floor in the pantry, I don't believe that Bella will search farther into the pantry. She's always hungry, but I'm sure that she's that she's hungry enough to eat a spice packet! Or, at least I hope she doesn't!

I have an appointment to have my brain "shrunked" with my psychiatrist. 

Talk with you all later.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Happy Anniiversary Jeffrey

Brim the Mastiff - Home | Facebook  


Picture above is a Mastiff. This is the kind of dogs that Scott and Wendy own. Gentle giants. Truthfully, I couldn't remember how to move the picture to the bottom!

Today, Jeff and I celebrate our 46th wedding anniversary. And, the road to this anniversary, started from a blind date, set up by my dad, and Jeff's sister.

Our wedding was small, and as a divorced woman, opted for a light tan dress, that my mother made for me.

I will not lie to you, and say that the road to this anniversary, has always been easy. But, through each difficult situation, we have been in the boat of life, oars in sync.

We have been in Maryland for 34 years (again, math isn't my strength, and you all know that). The process of basically starting life over, in a completely different state as well as mind set, was difficult in the beginning. Why wouldn't it be?

Here's a few highlights, if you will, of our life together:

  • Married in 1974
  • Rented our my parent's rental house, until a burglar broke in, and stabbed our water bed. This was hard to explain to my father. But, he did get new carpeting, so that's not so bad
  • Scott was born in 1978
  • Andrew was born in 1982
  • We bought our first house in 1975, and remained in that little house, for 11 years. 
  • Jeff was hired by IBM, a company he had wanted to work for, for many years. The exact year, I don't remember.
  • We don't move around much, either in residence or job. 
  • Bought a 1942 Weapons Carrier, which didn't run, but a hobby of Jeff and our friends for many years. Initially, it was going to be a dune buggy, but the WC was not a lightweight, ride, by any means. The WC weighed about 1/2 ton. We were young, and sometimes not the sharpest knife in the drawer. In reflection, if we actually managed to get the WC running, it's very weight would have destroyed beaches!
  • Went to an unclaimed and unopened storage auction, where we, and our friends, bought a box, just knowing that there would be "treasures" inside To the contrary, the box held orange curtains (yeah), and books with titles such as "Whip Me Harder" (you get the idea). Our money was not well spent, but we were young, and this was fun.
  • Moved to Maryland in 1986, and since we were in the process of building a home, which we live in today, the move from California had to be stored into two groups. The furniture, etc., that we would absolutely need for temporary living. And, the rest of the items, put in storage. The moving company was United Van Line, and for a very long time, the boys would call out "that's a United Van" and wondered if that was "our" United Van.
  • Took a job with patent attorneys, not even knowing what a patent really was. I can't tell you the date, but it was a long time ago.
  • Started spending two weeks at the Outer Banks, with family, every year
  • Birth of Benjamin (Andrew's son) in 2008. Benjamin, lived with us for approximately two years.
  • Learned, slowly, how to manage all the new fangled (sp) baby products. Car seats that could fly Benjamin into space, and not get hurt!
  • Jeff, "resigned" (and you know what that means) in 2013. A very sad day for him, he had fought hard to become an IBM employee, for many years. Again, I don't remember when he started with IBM.
  • Rescued Daisy and Bella in 2016. They finally stopped chewing on the furniture, but some pieces will have to sold as "vintage"!! 
  • Andrew married Stacey on September 17th 9 years
  • Scott married Wendy, and her daughter Elly, on August 18, 2019. Elly will be 11 on October 26th. So after so many years raising boys, which is challenging, I finally got a "pink" granddaughter, and Jeff and I couldn't be happier.
  • Jeff celebrated his 71st birthday, and I turn 71in December. Where did the time go?
  • I retired in 2014 (again dates are sketch) and worked at Marriott headquarters for many years, until I had to resign for medical reasons 

Both Andrew and Scott, both added to their families, with dogs, big dogs, Mastiffs for Scott and Wendy, weighing somewhere between 120 to 230 pounds.And Anatolian Shepards (sp) for Andrew and Stacey. Their dogs weigh anywhere from 88 to 120 pounds. No lightweights for either breed.The dogs are good pets, and very protective.

Picture of an Anatolian Shepard here and picture above is of a Mastiff.


Enjoy your day and stay safe.




Saturday, September 19, 2020



Last night, while watching television and "hooking" as well, Jeff came down to tell me that RGB had died.

Few of us normal people, had never met her. But, announcing her death, took all of us by surprise. Oh, we all knew that she was old, and had cancer in her body. However, knowing all of this, I guess we all thought she would live together. 

She worked out with a personal trainer who I believe, kept her strong and flexible for years. I do personal training twice a week now, but I know in my heart, that she could probably run further and faster than I could. So much for being in shape, at my age.

As RBG got older, she began to stoop a little when she was walking, and occasionally would fall asleep at State of the Union Address. If, I can fall asleep during a baseball game, then I completely understand nodding off.

Ginsburg had a collection of lace jabots from around the world. She had a particular jabot she wore when issuing her dissents (black with gold embroidery and faceted stones). And, another one she wore when issuing majority opinions (crocheted yellow and cream with crystals), which was a gift from her law clerks. Her favorite jabot (woven with white beads) was from Cape Town, South Africa.

Ginsburg was a rule changer. Instead of wearing the traditional black robe, she opted to wearing a robe d'avocat. There is a difference between a generic black robe, and the French one. Since the description of the robe in question is written in French, I am unable to find an answer in English. 

RBG had two children: a boy and a girl and 4 grandchildren. It goes without saying, that I suspect that she was a good mother, as well as being a great Grandmother.

Here's also what I know. The crowds started gathering in front of the Supreme Court building. Remember, there was probably not one person standing there, that actually knew her personally. But, in times of grief, the loss of somebody, who was bigger than life, was and will continue to be someone that all of us wished we knew.

I asked Jeff last night, if he thought that RBG would lay in state. We don't know, at this moment, whether she will. I believe, that somebody who gave so much of herself, deserves this honor. We'll just have to wait and see as the following days unfold.

Blessings for you RBG. You will not be forgotten.



 President Obama Delivers State Of The Union Address

Friday, September 18, 2020

Latch Hook Yarn


Some of you, if not all of you, don't have the fogist (actually I don't even know how to spell it) idea what I'm talking about.

Research shows that the first latch hook product was started in 1847. My math, which isn't always accurate, says from then to now is 173 years!

Over the years, making a latch hook rug, pillow or the like has had it's ups as well as downs. Many years ago, I "hooked" a really intensive, and large rug. That rug is in a closet somewhere in the house. I stopped because, if I remember (ha), when the rug was done, I didn't know what to do with the edges. Perhaps, some day, I'll drag it back out, and see, with the help of YouTube, how you finish your rug edges!

Okay, back to my original thought. I am, at this time, (but don't tell anybody!), that I think I have 6 kits to hook. There are at least two kinds of canvas: (1) shows you the picture of the completed project, and which yarn to use in a designated place; and (2) canvas that actually has the pattern lightly colored making this kind of project go must faster.

I remember when I was in the hospital, and one of the counselors came by, saw me working on something. He wanted to know what I was doing. Answer, I'm "hooking". After giving him the answer, he quietly walked away. But, for me, I had a good laugh, because of his question and my answer!

The project I'm working on right now, is the kind where you have to count, and use the right color in the right place - on a blank canvas. To say, that, I've been working on this project, for a long time. Every now and then, I go rouge (correct spelling?) and put in a color not related to the square I'm working on. 

I've asked Jeff to order several plastic, shoe sized, so that I can pop each kit and yarn, all in one place. 

When I get up, after hooking for a fairly long time, I notice that some pieces of yarn follow me around. Static I think is the problem. Right now, there is a piece of yarn in the hallway, several in the kitchen and even more in the den! I am getting my exercise in, as far as bending down and picking something up. And, even more importantly, can stand up, and don't fall down! After my last two falls, my body is marked with bruises, particularly on my arms. Because when I know I'm falling, I try to break the fall with my arm. Not smart I know, but better than falling on my face!

Because these kits are going to be a part of Christmas presents, I can't tell you, who these completed projects are for. But, in all actually, I think most people, who read my blog, actually knows whom (I love using that word), I might be hooking for multiple projects. The surprise if you will, who is getting which completed kit (fingers crossed). Even as adults, all of us look forward to presents. This is a picture of a completed rug. This pattern is very straight forward.

Latch Hook Mondrian Rug | Looksi Square

I wish the project I'm working on was that simple, but it's not. But, I know that someone will like, I hope, the finished piece.

I didn't know anything about Grandparents' day, but Elly remembered and sent Jeff and I a very nice card. The card is on the mantel so everyone can see. Thank you Elly and Wendy for sending us this card.



Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Little Red Chair


I'm sure that most, if not all, of you remember when Benjamin came into our lives. Yes, it's been 12 years, and he and I can no longer sit in the same chair. I also tell him, it's his "fault"! that we don't fit in the chair together. Benjamin, finds this very funny, as do I.

Today, I'm donating the little red chair. I have held onto this little chair, because for years, Benjamin had started up a grocery store, with his play food, sitting on the little red chair

I had different rules of playing on my coffee table, when the boys were growing up. When Benjamin started playing on the table, I didn't even mind the scratches. Wood furniture can easily be sanded, etc. Benjamin had so much fun playing "imagination" games. During the game, he would give me a hamburger patty (yes, he had fake food). At that point, I could either accept or reject his food offering. For the fun of it, I generally rejected the food he was trying to sell to me!

And, then there's the little red chair. A few weeks ago, I put a lot of Benjamin's toys, that he has outgrown. I will say, that it was easier for him, than for me. I knew that the toys, etc., he wasn't emotionally invested in them. He went through the two plastic bags, and saved I think, only four things. Jeff and I took the unwanted items back home, to donate to a child, who would love to have something new to play with.

The cleansing of toys, if you will, didn't emotionally (okay, okay), did bother me a lot. After most of the toys were given away, Once the toys were packed up, it had a dramatic effect on Benjamin's spare room. That room, which is so tidy, could be used by Benjamin and/or Elly. The other spare room is the room, where at the moment, I try on clothes, and decide whether that particular piece of clothing is tooooooo big for me now. And, then there were a few clothes, that I, at the moment, could wear, but it would be a tight fit!

Benjamin, had in the bedroom that I will his, had a very cute, yellow and red tiny bookcase. All of his books, fit nicely on the shelves. And, over time I added books to the bookcase.

Yesterday, I boxed up all of his books, all of which were/are for a younger child. I'm keeping the box in our basement. There may be a time in the future, when Benjamin has a child. And, then he could read the Bernstein books, which he loved very much.

I know when it's time to let go, but does it have to be right now? Perhaps, I should wait until next year. The correct answer? Yes, I must let go of some things that I'm emotionally attached to. That being said, I'm emotionally attached to everything I get.

Yesterday, Jeff and I received a very nice card from Elly, wishing us a "Happy Grandparents" day. I knew, somewhere in the back of my head, that there was such a day, but have never given it much thought. Elly's card sits on the mantel, so Jeff and I can enjoy looking at this very pretty card. Thank you Elly, for thinking of Jeff and I.

Okay, putting off the subject of the Little Red Chair, and putting out for a donation, does not make me happy. If you know me well, and I think most of you do, then you know that as I write this, I have started to cry. I haven't told Benjamin that the little red chair is gone, but the truth of the matter is, he's too big to sit in the Little Red Chair. When the chair is picked up this morning, it will feel, at least to me, that the Little Red Chair, while going to a small child, will make them happy. And, for all the happiness the Little Red Chair, will bring to another child makes for a good feeling.

And, then there's my feelings. My feelings and emotions run high. I date my cards, although knowing this, Wendy put the date on the card already. Thank you Wendy.

In my head, giving away the Little Red Chair, is the right thing to do. But, to be truthful, I am very sad to let this chair go. I guess it might have something to do with, by donating the Little Red Chair, I must move on. But, I don't want to.😢

I just looked outside to see if Purple Heart had been by this morning. There is still time, to bring back inside the Little Red Chair. As much as I would love to do that, I know it's the right time to let go. 

My friends tell me, all the time, that I'm too attached to the cards I receive, as well as the teeny little Crocs wore to playschool. I still have, in one of my glass cases, a pair of my baby shoes! The shoes are made out of flannel, yellow and white. To ensure that these little shoes don't start to sag, I put tissue paper inside. These little shoes or booties, are now approximately 70 years old, and still I keep them. I know that when I'm gone, the boys will or should have an estate sale to sell all of my glass pieces - and I have a lot!  What can I say? Here's a picture of a similar Little Red Chair.

Image result for little tikes plastic chair

Enjoy your day, and I know you're looking forward to the weekend. I know that I did, when I was working.

Be safe.



Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Fat Clothes Going, Going, Gone


Nothing brilliant, or even dull, is happening today. Today, is recycling day - whoopee! Doesn't that sound exciting?

Tomorrow, Purple Heart are coming to pick up my donation of clothes - lots of clothes. And, a box of books as well. Whenever, I give books away, I have to think and rethink about do I really want to part with this book or that book. The correct answer is "do I really not like" said book(s). I have a ravenous appetite, and always have, for books. I seldom, if ever, read a book twice. For sometime though, I can finish reading a book, let's say yesterday, and I have almost no recall of what I've read. It's like that also when watching television shows. Even though I have already watched the show, it's brand new to me! I guess you could say this is a good thing or a bad thing. For me, it's more of a bad thing. Having to search around in my brain for recall, causes me a lot of anxiety. And, I don't need to have anything else bothering me. I fret so much, that I am probably (nope actually) annoying to people. But, this particular trait of mine, has been with me for years. 

This morning, while typing, I looked down at my keyboard, and boy certain keys, that I use often are really dirty. And, I personally, don't want to have dirty keys. I did a little research, and one site says that you can remove the keys, and wash them. If I did do this, I would only wash certain keys, or write down where each, now clean, key goes on the keyboard! I've been typing, or whatever they call it now, for 52 years. The speed of my typing remains the same, now as it did years ago. But, what's tripping me up, is where is the key that, for instance, where the parentheses key is located. I know that certain parts of my brain, no longer work as it once did. But, so far, I'm not drooling in my soup!!

We have a new mirror for the broken one in the bathroom coming. But, in the meantime, that empty wall some how seems spooky, or something like that, to me. Solution? I am taking contact paper (without removing the backing) and taping the paper to the wall. And, I hope it makes a difference to me. Fingers crossed about this.

Well kiddos, time for me to launch myself out of this chair, and do something.

Wherever you are, please stay safe.




Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Climate Issues?


I watched this morning, my usual one loop of news. If I watch more than one news show, at any point in the day, it's hard not to become depressed.

There are multiple hurricanes heading toward the Gulf of Mexico. One of them, I believe, has now been categorized as a storm. The difference between an actual hurricane versus a storm, is the strength of the wind. 

Research: Once a cyclone's winds kick up to 39 miles per hour and sustains that speed for 10 minutes, it becomes a tropical storm and the NHC gives it a name. If the cyclone keeps growing and sustains 74 mph winds, it graduates to being a hurricane. Aren't you glad that I do the researching for you, and found the answer to the question?

Okay, now we all agree that rain and wind, are going to come ashore. Between storm surge and very high winds, we thank you Sally.

I also did some research about having a concrete block house. Here's what I found:

To survive a direct hit from a strong tornado, you need thick re-enforced concrete. No conventional construction will withstand it.

As far as heavy masonry and concrete construction can survive a direct hit from even a severe hurricane. Knowing that, I would still prefer not to live in a cement house. There would be windows, of course. And, those windows would have to be covered by plywood.

Now, if it was up to me, and I knew that a large storm was coming through, then definitely use plywood. My difference would be that I would have each piece, marked for it's location. While it would still be a big task, at least you wouldn't have to stand around and try to find the right size window. See what a genius I am?

Um, I'd also be thinking that it was probably time to get out of dodge. Storm season - a full tank of gas, some non-perishable food, and perhaps a change of clothing. Obviously, also grab up the dogs. I'm so not leaving them behind to fend for themselves. 

I heard the news about the 13 year old grandson, was driving his grandmother out of the danger zone. The ground was so hot, that the tires actually melted. Sadly, neither did the young boy or his grandmother survive. But, for me, he needed to get his grandmother to somewhere safe. My heart is filled with sorrow for the family. But, I also have empathy for the family's loss.

Well, my friends that's as much as I can write today. Knowing none of these people, still makes my heart hurt.


Monday, September 14, 2020

Trees, bushes and calorie counting


Yesterday, Jeff, Bella (who always goes) and myself went to Jeff's two places to shop. And, of course you know what those two stores are: Costco and WalMart. I can only walk one store, so I prefer WalMart. Actually, in truth, I'd really rather go to a Target, Michael's, or other stores like that.

Yesterday, was my third appointment with a personal trainer. My goals are to be able to stay on my feet, which has become somewhat of a problem this month. And, he adds strength exercises too. The things he has me do, are not hard particularly, but when you are starting from zero, then there's a lot of room for improvement!

When I saw a plastic surgeon a week or so ago, she told me to try and lose some weight before see her later this month.

People, I have written down everything I've eaten so far. On my first day of returning to the counting calorie flock, I ate approximately 1,110 calories. My breakfast is always the same: some kind of bread, bagel or muffin. A bagel has 300 calories, and as a perk, the bagel also has 12 grams of protein! But, here's what I now know - two pieces of pizza simply have to many calories to eat two pieces.

But, the downer of writing down calories as well as protein numbers, is that my weight is really not going down. And, more depressing, my weight seems to fluctuate, and the number on the scale is depressing. For sure, it's hard to count calories for everything. How much does one little chocolate piece of candy have calorie wise. I really don't know. But, since I have a horrific sugar need (actually, I think that's more of a want), perhaps I actually don't care to know.

Yesterday, I bagged up all the chocolate candy in our freezer in the kitchen, and then took them to the big freezer in the basement. My logic is if I can't see any candy in the kitchen, my chocolate craving will never be strong enough for me to go down into the basement, partly because I don't like being down there.

Here's what I do know: the pants that I was wearing yesterday, are going to be washed and donated. There's big and and then there's really too big. Some lucky person, will be receiving some very nice pieces of clothing, including a complete suit, when my donations arrive at the other end. For both my health and ego, I just have to stick with a number that will never again show up on my scale. 

Yesterday, was training, and today is "shrink" day. Even though it's on Zoom, I don't like that very much. But, I do get to talk to Dr. H and tell her how things went the past week. 

Time to think about doing some sprucing up in the backyard. Other than the cypress trees, we have only have one or two bushes in the yard. Once the trees come down, we obviously have (my word not Jeff's) to plant something in the blank space.

In my mind, and we know it's a shallow one, perhaps I could put holly bushes around in the yard. As a plus, they grow quickly.

If I do happen to go into the backyard, there's nothing to sit on, and nothing to see. If you want to look over into my backyard, all you'll see is grass. Based on my physical disabilities, "playing" in the dirt is very hard on me. Hence, my reluctance to trim the bushes in the front yard. Or, pull up some weeds in the back, between the two air conditioners. And, after breaking my shoulder once while I pulled up weeds, definitely gives me pause about doing any additional yard grooming!

Jeff and and I, feel very sorry for the firemen who are trying to put out multiple fires. And, our hearts definitely go out to all the people who have lost their home to the fires.

Quote for the day "when attending meetings, sit down front".

Take care everyone, and wear your masks. Jeff and I do wear masks in public, but we don't like them. I'm having trouble believing that in the future, a day might come, when we can go without masks! But, still keeping my fingers crossed. Be safe everyone.


Friday, September 11, 2020

The Tragedy of 9/11/01


It's been 12 years to the day that our world, as we knew it, changed us forever. And, if I've done my math correctly (and that is always a challenge), Benjamin, born in 2008, would have been, at that time a toddler. As years go by, memories, at least mine, begin to fade. I believe at that time, Benjamin was in Marriott's daycare center. 

The day started just like all the days before, get your coffee, turn on your computer, and once settled, start working. I remember, that as I was working, I began to hear screams of horror in the conference room.

I went to the conference room, where practically everybody in the Law Department was there. And, then to the horror of everybody, we watched as the twin towers of New York, that had been attacked, tumble to the ground. It was, and if I think about it now, is still the stuff of nightmares.

Obviously, Marriott closed that morning. As an employee, we were given two choices: (a) stay in the building. If we did that, there was enough food in the kitchen for those that had decided to stay; or (b) grab up your possessions, and in this case, also Benjamin and I drove the back roads to get common.

What I also remember about that day was, how quiet it was on my way home. I began to feel as if myself and Benjamin, were living in a surreal moment of time. And, we were. During my drive home, I encountered only a few cars, but none heading in my direction. Remain calm I told my inner self, you're not lost, you just haven't driven this way home before.

Once home, I called Scott and Andrew, and told them, that if things got back,after the Pentagon had been hit, to go to Illinois, where my brother lives. I also assured them, to get in their cars, and head west. Don't worry about Dad and I. We'll be taking the same route to Illinois, and descend on my brother.

I also called my brother, and told him, that if things worsened in our area, Jeff, myself and the boys, plus the dogs, were coming to his house. I remember my brother asking if it was necessary, or words to that effect, that the dogs come along. I also told him, that we didn't intend to stay at his house, we just needed someplace for all of us to gather. Luckily, this plan wasn't thankfully, put into motion.

At breakfast, I turned on the news, and then mere moments later, changed channels to anything but news. I, will always remember that day forever. But, I just don't want to relive something that horrible. The images of that day, were horrific, and for me, best left in my memory bank.

I also remember where I was, when it was announced over the speaker, that Jack Kennedy had been shot and died. I was in a English class, amid the usual rumble of voices and sounds.

I walked home, which I did every day, but again everything was eerily quiet. When I got home, Mom and Dad were glued to the television, and watched, and watched again, the horrors of that day. I was a teenager, and at that time, really didn't want to see or hear the news over and over. 

But, at the present moment, I'm 70 and not 14, I watch the morning news. Because of my age, I suppose, I do watch at least one round of news. After that, I engage my mind to read, or rook on my latch hook rugs.

I need you to understand, that I will always remember where I was, on that frightful day. Today, I have both sympathy, as well as empathy, for the families who lost someone during these attacks. For me, it is a nightmare, and one that I hope doesn't occur ever again. 

On the internet, you can find many, many pictures from that day. People running away from the towers, people helping people, and the mass of people crowding the bridges to get out of the city.

We'll always remember....


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...