Friday, September 18, 2020

Latch Hook Yarn


Some of you, if not all of you, don't have the fogist (actually I don't even know how to spell it) idea what I'm talking about.

Research shows that the first latch hook product was started in 1847. My math, which isn't always accurate, says from then to now is 173 years!

Over the years, making a latch hook rug, pillow or the like has had it's ups as well as downs. Many years ago, I "hooked" a really intensive, and large rug. That rug is in a closet somewhere in the house. I stopped because, if I remember (ha), when the rug was done, I didn't know what to do with the edges. Perhaps, some day, I'll drag it back out, and see, with the help of YouTube, how you finish your rug edges!

Okay, back to my original thought. I am, at this time, (but don't tell anybody!), that I think I have 6 kits to hook. There are at least two kinds of canvas: (1) shows you the picture of the completed project, and which yarn to use in a designated place; and (2) canvas that actually has the pattern lightly colored making this kind of project go must faster.

I remember when I was in the hospital, and one of the counselors came by, saw me working on something. He wanted to know what I was doing. Answer, I'm "hooking". After giving him the answer, he quietly walked away. But, for me, I had a good laugh, because of his question and my answer!

The project I'm working on right now, is the kind where you have to count, and use the right color in the right place - on a blank canvas. To say, that, I've been working on this project, for a long time. Every now and then, I go rouge (correct spelling?) and put in a color not related to the square I'm working on. 

I've asked Jeff to order several plastic, shoe sized, so that I can pop each kit and yarn, all in one place. 

When I get up, after hooking for a fairly long time, I notice that some pieces of yarn follow me around. Static I think is the problem. Right now, there is a piece of yarn in the hallway, several in the kitchen and even more in the den! I am getting my exercise in, as far as bending down and picking something up. And, even more importantly, can stand up, and don't fall down! After my last two falls, my body is marked with bruises, particularly on my arms. Because when I know I'm falling, I try to break the fall with my arm. Not smart I know, but better than falling on my face!

Because these kits are going to be a part of Christmas presents, I can't tell you, who these completed projects are for. But, in all actually, I think most people, who read my blog, actually knows whom (I love using that word), I might be hooking for multiple projects. The surprise if you will, who is getting which completed kit (fingers crossed). Even as adults, all of us look forward to presents. This is a picture of a completed rug. This pattern is very straight forward.

Latch Hook Mondrian Rug | Looksi Square

I wish the project I'm working on was that simple, but it's not. But, I know that someone will like, I hope, the finished piece.

I didn't know anything about Grandparents' day, but Elly remembered and sent Jeff and I a very nice card. The card is on the mantel so everyone can see. Thank you Elly and Wendy for sending us this card.



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