Friday, September 25, 2020

Multiple Things


For all of you working folks, this besides the weekend, is a great day. I remember, when I was part of the working group, that I always looked forward to two days off. Of course, if it was a holiday, either on Friday or Monday, then we had an extra day off. Here's one of the facts about being retired, and I don't want to rub it in, but for me, everyday is a Friday. 

You remember that I blogged about the large bathroom mirror falling off the wall? It's been 3 weeks, and today is the day, that the new mirror will be installed! I'm excited because walking into the bathroom and seeing that blank wall, was disturbing to me. Jeff didn't seem to care that the mirror was gone. Perhaps, I may be a little more vain! (ya think?) 

I enjoy watching men work around the house. It's not the actual looking at the men, it's the project itself. And, boy do I like to supervise. With my mouth shut!

We've also been given a quote to remove all the Cypress trees in the backyard. The estimate isn't as costly as a new car, but, would qualify for a down payment! Just kidding. The tree man who's coming to do the job, also removed the large oak tree in the front yard and his team did a great job. They even removed the stump, and you'd never know that there was once a large tree in that hole.

Went to the plastic surgeon yesterday. I thought we might talk about my progress, for losing weight. Nope, she had me come in so she could do a biopsy of this ugly "age spot" if you will, on my face. When I wore glasses, it hid part of the "spot", but since I don't wear glasses anymore, the spot just makes me look tired all the time. Okay, I'll admit, that in actuality, I am more tired now, then when I was working. Here's the upside of not yet being eligible for any plastic surgery on my body. Drats (sp?). I kept an Excel spreadsheet of everything I ate every day. And, once I had compiled this list, I was well and truly shocked. Once you see the numbers in black and white, it will give you pause, I promise you. I know now how many calories there are in some of the foods I eat. And, for some things that I have been eating, have to stop, or at the very least continue with moderation. I like cookies and milk, it's all about the dunking. However, doing this is 180 calories. Do I really need the cookies? A bagel has 300 calories. Even after looking at the numbers,

Probably has something to do with all the extra time I now have. And, when I do think of something to do, and it's not interesting (laundry, dishes) for instance, I'm immediately tired!! Since, I've gotten into baseball, there is always a game to watch. I don't even care if it's current or not, something about watching a baseball game, can put me to sleep pretty fast.

The war against mice(s) is still going on today. We have caught several mice, but know there are more to come. As the weather gets cooler, in they come. Where do they go? The pantry of course. What do they eat? Pretty much anything, but lately it's those little packets of spices, that draws them in. What draws them out? The usual stuff, like mice traps. I, would prefer that we didn't have to go this route, but there is only so much I can tolerate. I've always thought that I and the mother mouse had made an agreement. She and her babies could live in the garage and nibble on the kibble that always seems to be on the floor, when filling up the dry food container.  But now, I have my dukes up, ready to enter into battle. I know this may sound silly, but I will tolerate a lot of things, but never mice. Jeff and I are giving some thought to getting a cat. When I look at the animal shelters, there are more kittens, than older ones. Kittens are cute, but personally I feel sorry for the oldies. We need a cat, who knows whats what, when it comes to mice! The only advantage of having mice in the pantry, is that many times, it's purging time. If I find a box or bag, with a hole in a corner, I toss the food out immediately. 

Today, I'm going to put newspaper on the kitchen table, and start putting anything that was on the floor, will now be off the floor, temporarily. And, after I do all that, I'll clean the floor, removing any traces of a mouse being in the house!

Next week, the fireplace man is coming to the house for the annual cleaning of our gas log. When I made the appointment, the person on the phone, told me that my timing was excellent. Most people, and I made that mistake last year, wait too long to make an appointment and then have to wait "x" amount of time, while the temperatures start to go down. I don't remember most things, but I was able to remember that the early bird, gets the job done, before I need to.

I hope all of you have a great weekend and stay safe.




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