Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Holidays and Days Off


Well, my friends, this past weekend was what I call "end of summer"! Perhaps, and this never happens, I could be exaggerating. So, I had to research, and you know how much I like the hunt, to find out when summer really ends. 

According to experts (and, alas I'm not one of them), "for the United States and the rest of the northern hemisphere, the first day of the autumn season is the day of the year when the Sun crosses the celestial equator moving  southward (on September 22nd or 23rd). If you believe the experts, then I guess you should start, putting away summer things, like bathing suits, for one. Those days are known as the Autumnal equinox" what ever that means. 

Other experts, and there is always an expert, or two say that "between September 21 to 24, are the "official dates marking the end" of summer."   

But, I know, as well as you do, that just because the calendar flips to September 25, doesn't mean the absolute end of summer! People will still flock to the beaches, probably for the last time of the year, on weekends. We also know, that early in September, schools are in session, virtual, in a classroom, or perhaps a combination of both.

We used to stay two weeks in September. This is a great time to go. The rental fee for a house at the Outer Banks, is reduced, after Labor Day. And, as an added bonus, the number of people on the beach is reduced. There was  only one time, where we had to cut our vacation time short, because of an impending hurricane.

Because of all the nonsense this year, seems like it would be a great time at the beach. Jeff does work remotely, which means he could be remote, but some place different from home.

I hope all of you had a lovely long weekend. So today, in my thinking (and you know how that works - not), today would be "logical" Monday.

Please stay safe. And, if you've gotten a beach tan, then I wish that your tan will last at least for the first one or two weeks back at work.


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