Friday, September 11, 2020

The Tragedy of 9/11/01


It's been 12 years to the day that our world, as we knew it, changed us forever. And, if I've done my math correctly (and that is always a challenge), Benjamin, born in 2008, would have been, at that time a toddler. As years go by, memories, at least mine, begin to fade. I believe at that time, Benjamin was in Marriott's daycare center. 

The day started just like all the days before, get your coffee, turn on your computer, and once settled, start working. I remember, that as I was working, I began to hear screams of horror in the conference room.

I went to the conference room, where practically everybody in the Law Department was there. And, then to the horror of everybody, we watched as the twin towers of New York, that had been attacked, tumble to the ground. It was, and if I think about it now, is still the stuff of nightmares.

Obviously, Marriott closed that morning. As an employee, we were given two choices: (a) stay in the building. If we did that, there was enough food in the kitchen for those that had decided to stay; or (b) grab up your possessions, and in this case, also Benjamin and I drove the back roads to get common.

What I also remember about that day was, how quiet it was on my way home. I began to feel as if myself and Benjamin, were living in a surreal moment of time. And, we were. During my drive home, I encountered only a few cars, but none heading in my direction. Remain calm I told my inner self, you're not lost, you just haven't driven this way home before.

Once home, I called Scott and Andrew, and told them, that if things got back,after the Pentagon had been hit, to go to Illinois, where my brother lives. I also assured them, to get in their cars, and head west. Don't worry about Dad and I. We'll be taking the same route to Illinois, and descend on my brother.

I also called my brother, and told him, that if things worsened in our area, Jeff, myself and the boys, plus the dogs, were coming to his house. I remember my brother asking if it was necessary, or words to that effect, that the dogs come along. I also told him, that we didn't intend to stay at his house, we just needed someplace for all of us to gather. Luckily, this plan wasn't thankfully, put into motion.

At breakfast, I turned on the news, and then mere moments later, changed channels to anything but news. I, will always remember that day forever. But, I just don't want to relive something that horrible. The images of that day, were horrific, and for me, best left in my memory bank.

I also remember where I was, when it was announced over the speaker, that Jack Kennedy had been shot and died. I was in a English class, amid the usual rumble of voices and sounds.

I walked home, which I did every day, but again everything was eerily quiet. When I got home, Mom and Dad were glued to the television, and watched, and watched again, the horrors of that day. I was a teenager, and at that time, really didn't want to see or hear the news over and over. 

But, at the present moment, I'm 70 and not 14, I watch the morning news. Because of my age, I suppose, I do watch at least one round of news. After that, I engage my mind to read, or rook on my latch hook rugs.

I need you to understand, that I will always remember where I was, on that frightful day. Today, I have both sympathy, as well as empathy, for the families who lost someone during these attacks. For me, it is a nightmare, and one that I hope doesn't occur ever again. 

On the internet, you can find many, many pictures from that day. People running away from the towers, people helping people, and the mass of people crowding the bridges to get out of the city.

We'll always remember....


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