Tuesday, September 29, 2020

What I've been up to


With just a few more flips of the calendar in my office, and we'll be just a bit closer to autumn. Since we no longer have the big oak tree in the front yard, we have fewer leaves and squirrels. Apologies to the squirrels.

Tonight's the first debate. Before it begins, I'll go upstairs and get ready for bed. Some of my night-time meds, make me pretty sleepy. Reminds me of a Saturday Night Drunk!

Yesterday, armed with a broom and eventually a little vacuum, went to war in the pantry. My OCD wouldn't allow me to go another day, without trying to clean the pantry flour. For me, a bit of work was needed. If there is any good news, and heaven knows we need one, is that some of the dry food can no longer be used. Once I see a hole or a chew mark on a package or box, out it goes. I'm not so insane as to want to check every shelf. That would involve a ladder, and nobody wants "Wobbly Patti" to try (emphasis on try) and clean those upper shelves. I guess I'll know when it's time to clean - boxes chewed, stuff like that.

I have become so desperate, okay my OCD has kicked in big time, I'm thinking that Jeff and I should get a cat. Everyone wants a kitten, but for me, I want a cat. Kittens are cute, so they are adopted quickly. The older cats just linger on in the shelter. Personally, I would rather have an older cat. The kind of cat that might have a much shorter life. But, if adopted, can hit the ground running. And, I'm thinking that if we adopt an older cat, he/she could stand her ground, against the dogs.

I am working on one of Benjamin's presents. It's a picture of a Bassett Hound (I know you saw that one coming) resting on a rug. This is a non-printed canvas. This means that you have to count how many spaces over and what color to use. I'm afraid that I might not have enough of a particular color, so I wrote to the seller. The response was almost immediately. I sent them a picture of the rug, so that they would know what I'm talking about. We'll see what happens. I can go rouge (sp?) for some of the colors, but the yarn I need the most is for the background, which is yellow.

Tomorrow, I am getting the stitches taken out for the biopsy that the surgeon put in last week. My face, around the eye, is a wonderful combination of blue and yellow. What I'm really anxious to see is the spot gone? If not, then I would like to hear a solution. This spot on my face became much more visible, once I stopped wearing glasses. I am convinced, that this age spot, if you will, makes me look tired all the time. More on that tomorrow.

Jeff and I feel so sorry for the people in California, who have lost loved ones and their homes as well. If you only had "x" minutes to leave your home, what would you take? And, remember you can only take a certain amount of possessions. And, Jeff and I would never leave the house without the dogs.

Be well, be safe, and I hope you aren't in the fire areas.



1 comment:

  1. if we had a fire I would take a couple of quilts and some of the art that I have made and Molly (dog) would be the first one in the car. We had a fire come over the hill in 2014 and I was convinced it would come up to our house...I had stuff by the door :) I have disbursed photos to the children already so I dont have to worry about that anymore. Oh... and our black box of important papers too


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