Monday, September 28, 2020

Running Hot or Cold!


Your first question might be, are you going through menopause? Nope, that ship sailed a long time ago, thankfully.

Every year, and I do mean, every year, Jeff and I have a "discussion" about when to turn the furnace and air conditioners on. We seldom agree, but we have, over the years, managed to heat and/or cool the house.

Anybody visiting the house, will always bring a sweater, because we keep the house, during the hot months, pretty much on the cold side. One reason I like running the a/c is, that my recliner is leather - and boy do I hate sitting on leather, and then "sticking" to the chair. 

Once the a/c is turned on, then we will run our two a/c units, full-time for "x" months. For example, today's temperature is only going to be in the 60's, but no matter, the a/c is still on. 

The next debate will be, when do we start using the furnace. Jeff is still running around in shorts, where I am already wearing sweatshirts. Jeff's temperature, if you will, always runs hot - hence the shorts. Me? I run hot and/or cold all the time. If my feet get cold, then that chill just seems to get my whole body involved. I can be a little bit "sloppy" or perhaps you could say "lazy", because in front of my chair in the den, are generally one or two pairs of socks. I put them on, I take them off. It's an annoying habit, but even at the ripe old age of 70, continue to have difficulties regulating my body temperature. This seems to be only a problem for us women. Just one more thing, we ladies have to deal with, during our lifetime. 

Because I was a Girl Scout, I want to always be prepared. I learned my lesson last year, when I called to have our gas log cleaned. I ended up waiting several months. Ah, but I learned my lesson - basically the early caller, gets the early appointment. The fireplace guys have just left. They vacuum and move the decorative rocks around. It's not a big deal, in the scheme of things, but I, in particular, like knowing that the fireplace will turn on, when I need the heat.

We will, sometime in the future, "talk" about turning on the furnace. And, just like the a/c, we differ on when to do this. But, somehow we always work things out. I guess that's the beauty of a long time marriage.

For my friends and family in California, I hope that you all remain safe from the fires. Since our climate seems to be all screwed up, I imagine it won't be long before the polar bears start coming south!

Be well everyone and wear a mask. Having pictures taken at Christmas, with everybody wearing a mask (but probably not), will not make for a wonderful picture.



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