Friday, September 4, 2020

Where Am I Today


My sincere apologies for the last few days. I have put in pictures that are not exactly where I intended them to go. Jeff, who reads my blog every day, pointed out my mistake.

Unfortunately, I'm easily distracted (did someone just say "squirrel) and for me to be "distracted" is easy. For me, I can, at certain times, really not remember what I was doing, or where I'm going, as well as other minor stuff. One example, that is happening to me now, is not being able to find the right key to press for things, such as a "question mark" on the keyboard. When this happen, it is a big blow to my ego. I worked for 45 years, and I was proud of the skills that I brought to the table. It's bad enough to have an old brain, or a brain like mine, that no longer works on all cylinders! Part of my brain "knows" that I know something, but I can't find what I know or knew! It's an understatement to say that my brain is no longer working up to it's full capacity. And, likely never will. Having a brain, such as mine,does allow me to watch the same television show, over and over. Most of the time, I really do forget what I've seen and/or heard. Will I grow out of it? Doesn't seem likely. 

Jeff, is very patient with me, and I know that it must be hard. it's hard for me too, but there are two goals in baseball: one of which is not to strike out, and when it's your turn to bat, the players really want their hit to become a home run.  I will even watch games, that I have already seen, perhaps just hours ago. But, all the games are brand new for me. I guess you could say, that I'm easily entertained!

I did meet with the plastic surgeon yesterday. I liked the doctor very much but she wants me to lose another 15 pounds! Thanks to my "iffy" hip, walking and/or standing are things that I can no longer do for an extended period of time. 

I'm a recluse by nature, and now that I no longer work, retired, with all of my friends still working. Then just to make things more interesting, add in the virus, and stir vigorously. Jeff tells me every time we do go out, that there are "zombies" outside that are just waiting for me.

This is a three day weekend. And, you know what that means. People of all ages, but particularly the college age children, will be on the beach in large numbers. I'm pretty sure this crowd, will not be wearing masks, or practice social distancing. Basically, when the sun goes down on Monday, then the talking heads will tell us how many cases have cropped up.

It is estimated, that by year's end, we will have numbers around 300,000 of people dying. That, my friends, is sobering news indeed. I'm trying to think positive, but also realistically. I do understand that nobody wants to wear a mask at the beach. If you do wear a mask, you might turn out looking like a racoon!

Perhaps, this weekend, Jeff and I will live on the wild side - go to Costco - and wait for it, buy a hot dog!  I know you are all wishing that you were me right about now.

Words of wisdom, from the calendar today: get your next pet from the animal shelter.  

Jeff and I have done our part, we rescued both girls from a local pet store. I assure you that these puppies didn't come from the store. Nope, they all hailed from West Virginia! And, seem to like it here at the house.

You all know the drill by now, So let's just keep doing what we've been doing.



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