Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bedding Tags


I just bought a new pillow that has not one, but three tags hanging from the side.  All the tags give you the warning "do not remove tag under penalty of law". The tags on bedding and pillows look like little wings hanging off the sides and yet, for whatever reason, most of us leave the tags on.  

Do we leave them on because we really believe that the tag police are going to raid our house and turn over every pillow and mattress to make sure that the tags are intact?  Apparently after doing some research, the tags are not meant for the consumer, but for merchants and manufacturers.  .

 Back in the old days when business people were not as high-principled and as scrupulously honest as they are today (I question that), some manufacturers were not too picky about the materials they used to stuff mattresses and the like. So you might have ended up sleeping on vermin or stuff that could make you sick or a dead cow or something. Well, probably not a dead cow.  I don't know about you but I've never read the tags so I'm not even sure what they say. But being a good citizen I leave the tags on.
Anyway, the government stepped in and required them to put a tag on the product listing its contents, and it carried the warning "Do Not Remove Under Penalty of Law." That never applied to you, just to the manufacturers and dealers, but lots of people didn't understand that.

Nowadays the tag says, "This tag may not be removed except by the consumer." So people go about your house today and freely cut or rip the tags off of every pillow and bedding in your house.  

I'm going upstairs to take care of my new pillow. I feel like such a rebel!


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