Sunday, July 20, 2014



I have just returned from doing a "wee" bit of weeding in the yard.  I say wee because there isn't enough life left in me to pull all the weeds out in one setting.  Weeds remind of facial hair on women, everybody's got some and nobody wants them!  

And while I'm outside sweating my socks off, covered in copious amounts of bug spray to prevent those little "no-see-ums" from biting me as they did earlier this month, I look at my new plants that I put in the backyard in June.  They weren't very big to start with and when you go outside, all you really see are the stupid weeds.  

What part of pulling them out of the ground do they not understand?  Nope, I don't want you to come back - now - or ever.  Leave my yard alone, which is wishful thinking on my part obviously. So how much time do I devote to sweating and shaking from trying to get up and down off the ground?  I have a rug thing that I kneel on so that I may better convene with the dreaded and ugly weeds.  Then I have a small bench (sturdy), that I have to use to haul my sorry *** off the ground in order to stand up.  

Weeding has never been on any of the top ten chore lists, so if I want the scourge to be eliminated, or at the very least thinned out a bit, that's my job.  I hate to go outside and see my new fledgling plants fighting to stay alive while surrounded by weeds.  

I have hostas, and those of you in the west may not be familiar with them, but it's a green and sometimes striped plant that left in the ground year after year, just grows and grows.  Weeds, if they survive at all, under the hostas, aren't a blight in the yard because I can't see them.  Perfect.

This morning I got out the "big girl" shovel and dug up two hosta plants in the backyard that were enormous, and moved them to a flowerbed at the side of the house, where they will grow and grow and grow!  

It's not likely that I will return to the yard later today, I can only do so much at one time before I get a bit shaky and that's the best indication I know of that I've done enough for one day.  Besides, it's not like those nasty little weeds will disappear magically over night.  Nope, they'll be right where I left them today, the next time I want to play Farmer Jane!  If only my actual plants could grow at the same rapid rate as the weeds!

Happy Sunday.


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