Monday, July 21, 2014



Those of you who know me well, and that would be most of you, also know that given any choice about driving, I'd opt out every time.  If I was a rich woman, I'd have a driver and would never again sit in the driver's seat.  Trust me when I tell you that I wouldn't miss driving a bit.

In high school, I was the girl that couldn't steer straight and once while driving with my Dad nearly plowed a stop sign over.  I believe that was about the time that Dad decided driving wasn't going to be my "thing", and the lessons ended.

Fast forward to me being 25, living alone with my son, and I still didn't know how to drive.  However, as a single parent, I knew that sooner or later I'd have to bite the bullet and try driving again.  Once again my Dad was my instructor and I was a better driver at 25 than I was at 16.

Dad helped me buy a used Rambler (some of you may not even know what kind of car that is), and the car sat in his driveway untouched.  He finally told me that as far as he was concerned the car could sit in the driveway until the wheels rotted of - or - I could get behind the wheel and learn to drive.  I listened to him, as I pretty much always did, and soon Dad and I were tooling around the back roads in town.  I got my driver's license and my little car and while I didn't actually enjoy driving even back then, I was finally able to go when and where I wanted to.

Now let's really fast forward to present day.  Since I was hospitalized in one form or another for nine months last year, when I got home I was more panicked about driving than I had been at 16.  Initially, I wanted no part of driving and Jeff had to take me everywhere.  We eventually evolved to driving around an empty parking lot while I became more comfortable behind the wheel.

Then there was a trip to the library and the only thing I did that first time was tried to turn into oncoming traffic!  Luckily, Jeff was still riding shotgun with me and helped me correct the car into the right lane.  

Through repeated trips to the library, I got the hang of going there by myself as well as to get my hair cut.  I would drive only 3 or 4 miles away from home and tried hard to only drive when traffic would be light.

Last week, I started a volunteer job at a local non-profit agency three mornings a week.  And, the best way to get there is to take the interstate.  The first morning Jeff drove while I tried to memorize the route.  Days two and three, Jeff rode shotgun and I drove with a tight grip on the steering wheel.  But I survived.

Today is huge for me.  I, all by myself, drove on the interstate (local lanes only but still) to "work" and while my stomach was in my throat this morning, but I was much calmer on the ride home.  Don't expect to find me on the interstate changing lanes and going 70 miles an hour.  For now and perhaps forever, the local lanes are enough traffic for me to handle.

I know my doctor will be very proud of me tomorrow when I see her tomorrow.  One more big step I have taken since coming home last September.


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