Thursday, July 31, 2014

Water Park - The Day After!


Yesterday, as I said in my post, Benjamin and I were heading to a local water park.  I don't know about you, but when I was growing up, if the town had a pool - they had a pool - nothing else.  No slides, no sprinklers, and the pool depth went quickly from about 2 feet to the definitely have to swim or sink part of the pool.

I packed a bag with the usual assortment of junk you have to carry, sunblock, tissues, hat, towels, change of clothes.  Well you get the idea.  Let's just say that the bag was heavy with a capital H.  Unfortunately, since I had never been there before I parked at what looked like the main entrance, but it wasn't.  We walked and walked, turned right at the putt-putt course, continued to walk and when we finally made it to the pool entrance, stood in line!

I must say that the water park was fabulous.  There were small and large slides, two heavy plastic toys that were anchored to the bottom of the pool, but still allowed the kids to turn over the crocodile or the log.  

There was a pole with revolving buckets that if you weren't paying attention, would give you a good dosing of water.  Fake palm trees surrounded the pool with little islands that they kids could climb on and then jump in the water.  Sprinkles were everywhere. The kids and adults were all having a really good time.  Benjamin and I stayed around 3 or 4 feet of water (since I don't swim).  He floated on his back many times and really enjoyed the water moving him gently around.  

There is a concession stand, so of course Mom-Mom's peanut butter crackers and a bottle of water wasn't going to cut it (surprise, surprise), so I bought Benjamin a corn dog and we shared some very tasty french fries.  Okay I know - not healthy - but aren't grandparents supposed to indulge a little - or a lot?!

When Benjamin's teeth were beginning to chatter and we had been in the water for about 3 hours, we went to the bathroom, took a shower and got into our clothes.  There was a small playground that Benjamin played on - after we had ice cream - of course.

All good things have to come to an end, and I know that he would have liked to stay a lot longer, but after setting a time on the clock that he could see, we went back to the car and headed home.  Once home, Benjamin while not sleepy, settled in on the sofa and watched a Disney movie and went to bed early.

One thing that I noticed was that while I'm walking in the water, I am completely pain free in the left hip area.  Once back on "land", the brief bit of respite I had enjoyed, was unfortunately gone which didn't surprise me.

I don't know about Benjamin, but once I went to bed I was GONE!


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