Thursday, July 17, 2014

It's Worn Out


I have, and I'm sure you have as well, had things wear out, break or become obsolete.  Trouble is finding a suitable replacement for these things you own and used, can sometimes become difficult.  

Bed pillows for instance.  I don't like to keep my pillow after all the "plump" is gone.  Jeff, on the other hand, feels differently.  I get a pillow that I like and for many months it's fine.  And then it's not.  At some point I find myself doing more plumping of my pillow before bed than I believe is necessary.  I could, I suppose, continue to use the old pillow, but there are so many new ones out there just waiting to be bought.

This week, while at the store, I noticed an arc-shaped pillow designed mostly for side sleepers, such as myself and knew I had to buy it.  The pillow is made of some kind of foam and has a super soft cover.  That first night, I threw my old pillow to the ground and started using the new one immediately - and I loved it.  Will I love it a year from now?  Probably not, but at the moment we're sort of in the "honeymoon" phase of our relationship.  The old pillow has been relegated to the den sofa for me to use when I'm watching television.  And the older, old pillow is now resting in the bottom of the trash can, waiting to be taken to the dump.  

Toothbrush heads, another thing that needs replacing, but doesn't get done nearly often enough.  Why?  Probably because I don't think about replacing the head until it's bedtime and frankly at that moment just don't give a hang about a new brush head.  Of course, by the time morning comes around, I've long since forgotten that I intended to throw the old toothbrush head out.  So the circle of remembering at night and forgetting in the morning, plays in a continual loop in my head.

Potholders.  I have an entire drawer full of potholders and yet only use one or two.  The rest just sit at the back of the drawer serving no useful purpose.  I could, I suppose, toss out some of the unused ones, they are all quite old, but then I worry that I might someday (emphasis on some) need more than the two potholders that I use all the time.  And, I can't remember the last time I actually bought new potholders.  They're reasonable inexpensive, but when I'm moving through WalMart or Kmart, I don't rush to the kitchen section to browse at potholders.  Does anybody do that on a regular basis?  Somehow I don't think so.  

I have just about given up on buying kitchen towels.  I buy instead the large bag of white bartender sized towels at Costco and use them for everything - cleaning up spills in the kitchen, wiping down the car after it's been washed, and every other thing that needs to be cleaned.  They are inexpensive and even with repeated washings, last a long time.  And, as an added bonus, because they're white, they go with everything - not that I care.

I have many bottles of nail polish with little to no polish left in the bottle.  And even knowing this, I keep them around.  And don't bother to ask me why, because I don't know. Maybe it's because it really is hard to know when you've hit the bottom of a nail polish bottle.  I have a basket filled with bottles of polish in various stages of usage.

While I know I'm in the minority, I still use a powder puff and powder after I shower every day.  I have done this for my entire adult life and have no intentions of stopping.  When the powder is gone, I have bags of replacement powder that I order from a seller on Pinterest.  I used to use only Chloe powder, but it's hard to find and super expensive to buy.  I found a seller that makes a lightly scented substitution and I order my powder from her.  The puff, however, just doesn't seem to get replaced very often.  And, in case you were wondering, they do need replacing from time to time.  But the puffs, much like the toothbrush heads, never show up in my memory bank at the right time, which is when I'm awake, and running out of other things to do!  

Socks is something else that, for whatever reason, just seem to stay in the drawer forever, even when there is no match!  Pure laziness on my part I assure you.  Put in the drawer they are out of sight and mind until I go to find a pair of socks and find more solo socks than pairs!

Look around your house.  I'm sure there is something(s) that could/should be replaced.  Nothing lasts forever and if all of us didn't buy new things, whatever would the manufacturers do without our business? 


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