Friday, October 3, 2014

Annual Migration

Image result for las vegas


As you read this, I suspect that you are imagining I'm going to talk about birds flying south and things like that.  Nope.  I'm talking about pilots who own a Cirrus plane like ours, and their annual migration to a destination for nearly a week of "pilot" talk!

This year the migration is in Las Vegas, which will be sooooooooo much more fun than Mobile last year.  Because of many things, one being my mental fragility, I have opted to stay at home this year.  I'm not a pilot, don't want to be a pilot, and am generally not interested in "piloty" stories.  

Jeff is taking another pilot along with him, who has lost his pilot's license due to medical issues, but does know and could fly the plane if Jeff became incapacitated for some reason.  Plus as an added bonus, Jeff will have someone to talk to when he's not talking to traffic controllers.

On Jeff's wish list would be to see the Penn and Teller show, plus a trip to the store where the show Pawn Stores is filmed.  These annual migrations tend to be filled with meetings and tours for much of the day and night.  But, if the he and his friend are able to sneak in something that has nothing to do with pilots and planes, I think they would enjoy these side adventures a lot.

Since Jeff will be close to California, he is going to see his half-brother and his step sister in Southern California.  After they leave California, Jeff is flying south over I believe the Grand Canyon.  Jeff and his friend are going to take their time flying home.

To a pilot it's not necessarily the destination that's important, the fun is flying to and from!

As a pilot "widow", I'm planning on (a) not cooking anything that doesn't fit inside the toaster; (b) watching all the cheesy television shows possible; and (c) maybe even go to see a movie in the middle of the day!  Tuesdays is senior day where all of us gray haired folks, get a discount on the price of movie tickets.

I'm heading off to the library today to restock my supply of books!

So during the time that Jeff is gone, he and I will both be doing exactly what we want to do.  I no longer feel capable of driving at night thanks to that little nasty cataract, so all of my "running around" will have to be in the daytime.  So bar hopping (ha) is not on my agenda, but Judge Judy at 6:00 pm definitely is!

I am thrilled that Jeff is going to go and have a good time without worrying about whether I'm having a good time listening to talks all of which relate to aviation.  He may worry about me because I'll be alone, but I've promised to leave him messages during the day, to reassure him that I'm okay.

Happy flying.


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