Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Jack Sprat, Humpty Dumpty and Losing Weight!


Jeff and I are sort of a Jack Sprat couple.  He loves salt and fat (buttermilk, cream cheese), I, on the other hand, like - nah LOVE sugar.  I don't think there's anything out there made with sugar that I don't enjoy.  How could there be, we're talking sugar here people.

Unfortunately, over time with no calorie restrictions (yes, I know that's bad), and a sedentary lifestyle thanks to my hip, I have overtime began to closely resemble Humpty Dumpty!  And that's not good.  When I was in Chicago with no access to food except for three times a day, I lost weight.  But, once I was home and the pantry was so close as were the cookies, then I bet you can guess what happened.  The weight slowly creeped our jumped back up to a number on the scale that isn't healthy and/or if I don't get my snacking under control, will require large sized clothes.  And that my friend, is unacceptable.

The doctor yesterday suggested that I go to a weight management doctor, but I don't need a doctor.  I know what to do.  I learned all about portion control and what's good to eat and what's not while I was going through the process of gastric bypass surgery.

Since I can't do too much about being physical, I must therefore stop putting food in my mouth.  If you're hungry, really hungry you should eat something.  Some folks maintain that once you're tummy starts to growl you should try and wait 20-30 minutes before eating, which is good advice.

So instead of shelling out money to have somebody tell me I'm overweight (duh) and that I should eat more celery and salad, and less cookies, ice cream and candy, I'm determined to try and take off the pounds the old-fashioned way - eat less!  It's not rocket science, everybody knows that the less you eat and/or the more you exercise, the more weight you will lose. Thanks to my body limitations, walking isn't something that I can do without dealing with pain. I suspect that if I limit, I can't imagine living completely without sugar, the scale will start to the left rather than the right!  Uppy numbers are no good, we want "downy" numbers.

I see the doctor in six weeks and I'm hoping that I will be able to show him that I did begin to pay attention to my diet.  I'm not exactly expecting a gold star from him, but in my head if I have a lower number on the scale, I'll give myself an imaginary gold star!


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