Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Blowing in the Wind


Today is a Winnie the Pooh day, which is to say, a blustery day.  Our oak tree is dropping leaves faster than we can pick them up. It would be lovely if there was just one massive leaf drop, but apparently Mother Nature doesn't work that way.  

I went out this morning for a few minutes of leaf round-up, which reminded me of trying to spit into the wind (and you know what happens when you try that).  I couldn't sweep up the leaves fast enough into a pile, get the dustpan (I know it's an unusual tool for the task, but it works) and scoop up a pile of leaves before another wind gust blew them away.  It's bad enough if you have to pick up the leaves in your pile once, but to have to do so twice is just plain cruel. 

I raked up two small piles, managed to get them into the bag, and feeling quite smug with my work, decided that picking up some leaves was better than picking up none.  I don't know about you, but I personally hate the recycling lawn bags. Why?  Because when you first open up the bag, it's pretty darn hard to get the stupid bag to stand up.  There is nothing more frustrating than to have a handful of leaves and turn around and find that the bag has fallen over and can't get back up!  I understand the need for recycling, but I wish the manufacturers could come up with a stiff bottom or something.  I'm sure that the manufacturers are working on this problem right now -  not!

Our house is at the top of the street, so if I don't rustle up my leaves, they just blow down the hill into somebody elses' yard.  This bothers me some, but assuredly doesn't keep me awake at night.  

The folks who mow our lawn offer leaf pick-up services.  Once pick-up is $165!  That seems steep to me since all they do is blow the leaves into a tarp, grab up the ends and throw the whole bundle into the back of their truck.  Leaf duty does give me some exercise, but as I've said before, exercise is over-rated!  

Tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to rake up leaves - or not!


Image result for picture of leaves falling from tree

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