Friday, February 28, 2020

New Stove


Here I am, wrapping up my week. For the moment, I've decided to not blog on the weekends, unless, I've found something really special to blog about.

Yesterday, our new microwave/oven arrived. Costco put it in the kitchen for us, and then left. The box was situated in such a way, that Daisy couldn't/wouldn't even come in the kitchen. Eventually, she mastered her fears, and she literally ran through the small space into the basement.

Jeff was able to remove the little microwave, that we were using temporarily. This weekend, it will be returned to the basement, hopefully never to be used again.

Scott and Wendy came over, and Scott was able to help Jeff get the new unit on the ground, and then started on the install. This new unit is beautiful. The inside of both the microwave and oven are deep blue - very pretty. The installation took more than a few minutes. Jeff and I were so glad that Scott was there to help him/us.

After everything was finished with the new appliance, we went to our favorite restaurant. They serve Mexican and Salvadoran food. Off and on for many years, Scott, Computer Ken and Jeff and I went there faithfully on Thursday. Since the men wanted to talk about all things computer, I normally brought along a book. That might sound rude, but there was definitely nothing I could add to their conversation.

Last night, Wendy was there, so I had somebody to talk to. This was very nice. Keeping with my current "diet" program, I didn't eat of the chips, which I love. I ate half of the steak quesadillas I ordered. I'm going to have a great leftover lunch today. Truthfully I was saving myself for dessert - tres leches cake. I think I spelt that right. So, by keeping my calorie count low, I felt I deserved dessert.  And, pretty much like a piggy, I shared my dessert with nobody. I did ask Jeff if he wanted a bite, he said no because his body really can't deal with too much sugar. Unfortunately, for me, my body not only can digest sugar, but my day is never complete without some kind of dessert. That's how I roll!

Training this afternoon, and then our schedule is free for the weekend. And, in a matter of days, March will arrive. Seems to me, that this year is moving really fast.

Off to get myself dressed (I know TMI), and start my day.

Have a wonderful weekend.



Thursday, February 27, 2020

This and That


Scott is coming today, to help Jeff remove and install the old and new appliances. Also, leaving us today, is an old tube television and Jeff's office chair. So, a trip to the dump will happen today. If not, then Scott will have all of these things rattling around in the truck.

Jeff has ordered a new office chair, so my thinking is, throw the old chair away, let Jeff use another chair, until his new one arrives. If you're going to the dump, might as well make the most of your trip. 

When we lived in California, we had Jeff's old Willy Jeep (correct name?) and in those days we were mostly hauling bamboo. In our case, when we bought the house, we didn't notice the bamboo growing in the yard. Trouble with bamboo is, that the plant doesn't just go underground. Nope. The first step in removing  bamboo is to remove all the root mass and rhizome. Rhizomes? : modified stems running underground horizontally.  

Let's just say that the removal of bamboo is not an easy task, and is frustrating to remove. With all those little stems underground, it does you no good to simply cut the plant down. Because, what remains are those pesky stems that you can't see. I can't tell you how many weekends, Jeff spent digging up all the stems. There was a bit of satisfaction when he got hold of a stem and began to dig and pull it out of the ground. Hence, the multiple trips to the dump. After much work, and cheer leading on the side (me), all the bamboo was gone. These days, all you have to say to Jeff is bamboo and he shutters. There are apparently, some bamboo plants that don't spread out their roots. However, it would make a very good privacy plant in the backyard! Perhaps, best if planted in a pot.

Appointment with the hypnotist this afternoon. It's only 20 minutes long, kind of like a meet and greet. We'll see how that goes.

Cold and windy out today. Not a very nice day to be outside.

person standing between tall trees 

Thought for the day: Don't enter your next meeting as a beige station wagon. Be a roaring red convertible with the top down.



Wednesday, February 26, 2020

My New Oven/Microwave .... And Other Things


Okay, the blog yesterday was pretty much useless. It's hard to get your "mo jo" on, after you have deleted an entire blog. And, the other problem, unique to me, is I don't really know what I was writing about. My short term memory issues, keeps nipping at me. 

Today, our new oven and microwave and  confection cooking will be here this afternoon. I'm very excited. I don't actually know how old our present unit is, but lately it had been showing it's age. The oven handle would unscrew, at the most important times, such as trying to open the oven door (gently) and closing the door with the same gentle care. This, of course, was very annoying, to say the least.

Probably doesn't matter so much now, since I've been banned from the kitchen, unless I want to boil water. At least, I'm in charge of something. Oh, and I can put away the dishes.  All though last night, I dropped an entire bowl of pudding on the floor. I couldn't let the girls to help me pick up the gooey mess, since I wasn't sure where the pieces of glass were. And, I wonder what the hell is wrong with me?

I have taken many tests on the internet, and my score is at the very bottom. Last test I took, I only had 20% of the questions right, even though it was the same test, and I took it three times. I literally could only get one category correct - the answer was spoon and candle. All the other questions, I was off on "la la" land. This worries me because I no longer remember the tv shows, that we watched just last night.  And, I now pretty much consistently forget what I ate, at the last meal. Jeff has been a saint through all of this. I ask the same question over and over again. He gives me the answer, and a few minutes later, I've forgotten the answer, so I ask again and again. It's truly maddening for both of us. And, I so want to do better, but at the moment, this is my better and also my reality.

Jeff and I watched the debate last night. You know, that I don't share my views of a candidate. What I did see, was that all of the people on stage, had their gloves off, and we're going after each other. Something, I hadn't seen before.

Oops, didn't finish before noon. Have a great rest of the day.


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Deleted My Blog


Well, my friends, I've done it again. Written a long blog, and just before saving it, hit a wrong button, and lost everything I wrote. This is very frustrating. For now, I'll give my brain a rest. Perhaps, I'll try and blog later today.

Apologies everyone. My brain is not working 100% of the time now. And, this memory loss stuff, is probably only going to get worse.




Monday, February 24, 2020

New Appliance


 Now we all know, that I tried to burn the kitchen down last week. The "bad" news is that the entire wall unit will have to be replaced. I know there must be an easier way to buy a new appliance, but this was so effective!

Jeff and I went shopping for a replacement. And, boy did we feel like somebody who had just landed from Mars. I kid you not. Now, there are convection ovens, which neither of us understand. But, in looking over ovens, it  seemed like all built-in units, had convection ovens, which is nothing that Jeff and I know about. We are behind the times. Just wait until we have to buy a new washer and dryer. That will be a nightmare, because I believe we don't have enough room for them in the laundry room. We will want a plain, fewer functions, type of washer and dryer. Because we aren't what I would call technology people. Meaning, if it's not broke, why fix it? I have thought about buying ye old machines and store them in the basement. Actually, I think that's a pretty good idea.

We finally landed on a model, and have ordered it. I don't know when it will arrive, but hopefully soon. For microwave usage, Jeff brought up from the bowels of the basement, and retrieved a small microwave that was used by the drivers of our now defunct company. It does the job, while we wait for the new one, but it's really small. I guess all I care about, will it melt butter. This morning, it did just that!

Once the new oven arrives, I'll be able to give a review. Hopefully, a positive one.

Have to close. Time for my "shrink" appointment.


Friday, February 21, 2020

Breaking News: Old Woman Tries To Set Kitchen On Fire!


The old woman? Me. I put some potatoes in the microwave last night for dinner. I used the "baked potato" setting. When the microwave beeped the first time, I checked and they weren't done. Solution: start the bake cycle again. Sounds simply enough doesn't it?

Yes, in theory there didn't seem anything wrong, with cooking the potatoes one more time. Problem was - I fell asleep and the potatoes literally caught on fire!!  I kid you not.

I first smelled smoke, and I hurried to the kitchen and the microwave had an actual fire inside. What to do? Yell for Jeff, then open a window. When Jeff came into the kitchen, the flame in the microwave was quite high. Jeff put out the fire (and truly can't remember how he did it), removed the charcoal-like potatoes (and believe me they were done), and cleaned up inside the microwave. Me? Rooted to the ground, which by the way, is not helpful at all. I had thought that the kitchen needed to be remodeled, but setting it on fire, seems overkill. 

Long after the fire was out, windows were opened, as well as the front door (with a gate set in the doorway), but, obviously, the smoke smell permeated throughout the house.

I put out bowls of baking soda, which I found on line to help with the smell of smoke. Okay, I did that, but I don't think it actually worked. 

Well, in a word, the microwave is toast. Since the microwave and oven are considered one unit, I guess we'll have to buy a new microwave/stove for the kitchen. When I was checking to see what was available, I came across convection ovens. I guess they can be the new solution, eliminating the need for a microwave. Hmm. I'll have to research about the convection ovens. When you don't stay up-to-date with new things, and then your appliance, tv, etc., breaks, you are forced to go into the cold world and find a solution!

Last year, we bought a new television, a large television, because I guess the saying "bigger is better", runs true to televisions. Scott met us at Costco, and walked us through the wide array of options. What size will be the best fit for the wall, which manufacturer, and manly stuff like that. Me? Happy with everything I saw. Stores want more people like me!  

Since the purchase of a new oven combo, will take a few days - first you select, then you measure, and then you measure again, and then you order. I suppose a solution to not having a microwave, would be to buy a toaster oven in the meantime. Job today? Go on-line, and start looking for the oven that will be the just the right one for us. Wish me luck.

Jeff is very busy at work, and is taking a class sometime today (he told me the time, but it didn't stick in my memory). Perhaps, we might go out this weekend and have a look at ovens. I remember when we bought our first microwave, that sat on the counter, it was huge. Initially, to the amazement of the boys, if you put a marshmallow inside, and turned the microwave on, the marshmallow grew in size (like the Michelin Man). When you opened the door, obviously, the marshmallow deflated. 

And, because the burnt potatoes was not my first kitchen disaster, Jeff has all but told me that I'm banned from the kitchen, as far as cooking and baking goes. I made banana bread last week, sat out on the porch, and didn't keep track of the time. When I realized I had something in the oven, the top of the bread was charred black. Jeff didn't have to tell me, I already knew, that my days of cooking and baking were pretty much over. The lack of my short term memory, means my brain has to work overtime, for me to fully understand what I'm supposed to do. My long term memory is still intact. I can tell you all about my high school years, but what I ate for lunch yesterday - not so much.

Jeff talked to me last night, about driving. I hated to hear what he had to say, but knew in my heart, that I had to agree to not drive. Jeff knows, and I do too, that I am easily confused, and could not find my way home. So, for the immediate future, and perhaps longer than that, my car will sit in the driveway and look pretty. Since the car is in the driveway, 24/7, perhaps we should get a car cover for it. Just a thought.

Closing for now, because there is nothing much to report.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Play Date!


Stacey is coming over this morning, so that we can have a play date. For the most part, I am stuck at home. My family thinks I'm not well enough to drive. On one hand, I agree - but, on the other hand, I disagree. I'm not looking to drive on the interstate, but I would like to go to training, the library and the nail salon by myself. My car, at the moment, is large and heavy, actually, more car than I need. I would like to have a "small" car. Easier to park, because I presently sort of suck at parking. My car, is older and doesn't have all the "bells and whistles" that newer cars have. And, I have to admit, I'm jealous.

Watched the debate last night, and it felt like the gloves seemed to be off. Bloomberg didn't have too much to say. Maybe he's letting the others squabble among themselves. While he stays "cool" as a cucumber. Strategy perhaps? I did find, the long debate, and the pills I take at bedtime, eventually made me fall asleep! Both Jeff and I can easily fall asleep in our recliners. But, sometimes when you go to bed,  a "busy" head creeps in.

Yesterday, I went walking, without my rollator, twice around the circle. I let Daisy go out when I do. And, believe me, the girl can run! When I was finished (i.e., tired) walking, Daisy came into the house with me. Her reward? A dog treat, but I always call them cookies. 

Gotta run. Stacey will be here in a few minutes, and I haven't finished my "toilet" yet.

More tomorrow.


Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Yesterday's Blog


I had such a great (in my opinion) blog yesterday. It was all about the Bermuda Triangle. I had even done some research on that subject, statistics and all. Then right at the very end, instead of publishing this wonderful writing, hit the wrong button and the blog disappeared. Perhaps, it went into a computer version of the Bermuda Triangle. Anyway, I was super bummed, that I had lost everything. 

I was watching "The Bachelor" this morning while I ate my breakfast. This episode was about the bachelor meeting the ladies' homes. Some of the visits seemed to go well, and others not so much. It's generally the fathers who appear to be more reluctant. I think it's harder for fathers to "give away" if you will, their daughters. Fathers and daughters, at least in my case, had a special bond.

Statistics: "The Bachelor" has been airing for 23 seasons now since 2002, and only two couples from the show are still together. Out of the 15 seasons of "The Bachelorette" since 2003, six of the couples are still together. Not very good odds I'm thinking. But, Jeff and I met on a blind date (thanks Dad), in May of 1974, and were married in September of 1974. This September we will have been together for 46 years. A pretty good track record, by today's standards.  We have been together a really long time. As, I have progressed slowly (nothing to cheer about) into a world of things I can't remember, fidget with things that were better off alone (because I normally get things all "f____d" up. And, then Jeff (and I'm so sorry) has to come and fix these broken things. I'll start to watch a television show with Jeff, and then he reminds me that we watched that show yesterday. Really? And, believe me, written notes don't work, because I can't remember where I put the notes. Basically, it's not easy living with me now, because Jeff has become in charge of me, most of the time. He doesn't complain, but I beat myself up, that I am not making little or no progress getting my brain to work better.

I strongly believe that Jeff has gotten the worse part of our wedding vows. And, I really would like to do better, mentally, but since all of this nonsense that happened in 2013, has left me the way I am. I feel it's not likely that I will get up one day, and announce to the world that I'm better!

I haven't driven since I backed into a building, a few years ago. I want to drive again. Nothing far from home: salon, library, personal training, etc. I'm pretty sure that I will never drive on the interstate again. And, that's fine with me.

Finishing up now. And, I'm going to concentrate on the right "button" on the keyboard, so that I can publish this blog.


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Deleted my blog!


I had just finished writing what I thought was an informative blog about the Bermuda Triangle. Well, long story short, after finishing the blog, I hit the wrong button (idiot) and managed to delete all of my work! This, obviously, makes me quite angry - at myself.

Later today, I will try and recreate the blog for you.


Monday, February 17, 2020

His and Her Television


In the spirit of generosity, I recorded the Daytona race, for Jeff to watch yesterday. In return, I recorded American Idol. I did watch the entire race, but I could have done without the commenters pretty much all the time. I think of these people, as "talking heads". But, they have a job to do, and to be fair, they do it well.

I recorded American Idol last night, and watched it this morning. Jeff was eating breakfast, so he watched a few minutes, before he headed upstairs to work. Unlike the auditions in the past, only 2 contestants (I think that's how many) didn't get the golden ticket. It's thrilling to be going to Hollywood, but once the auditions are over, then the real work begins. Group singing, which is something that everybody can do. Solo singing, and some people won't make the grade. And, I know that not going further in the battle to become the next American Idol, would be disappointing. I don't sing, not in the shower, not in the car, not ever. When I was a teenager and we were singing Christmas carols, I sang along with the family, and the Christmas tree fell over. Blame was quickly assigned, and I was the "winner"! If I'm somewhere where you are expected to sing, I silently sing the words, nothing out loud. Not too paranoid I swear.

I'm late today, because some kind of glitch in our network system. At least it wasn't my fault. There are really only two things that I want working in the house: my television and my computer. I am the mother of two sons, and one husband, all of whom are "geeks". I don't know whether the television or the computer is the most important. And, I don't want to take sides!

Jeff and Bella went to the store yesterday, and you know that means Costco and Walmart. Occasionally, we will go to another grocery store, but that's rare. I don't always go, because Jeff is a shopper and I'm a looker. I want to browse leisurely in the clothes section, for sure, but other sections, like organizing bins, etc., are also favorites of mine. Jeff wants to get in and out - me - not so much.

The weather today is sunny, and no rain. We've had a lot of rain recently, and all of us are tired of it. Unlike snow, which really doesn't make you feel wet, rain, on the other hand, can soak through your clothes.

Because I know you care, today is: national random acts of kindness and national cabbage day (uck).

Have a great day, and I'll chat with you tomorrow.


Thursday, February 13, 2020

Happy Valentine


Tomorrow, and I know that everybody already knows this - but it's Valentines Day. For late shoppers, if you go to the store today, you can probably get a sale price on cards, gifts, etc. 

Once a holiday is over, or almost over, the stores want to get as much of their "special" inventory out of the way. And, that's where you the shopper comes in. If, you're buying flowers, probably need to go to the store or florist tomorrow for fresh flowers.

As much as I would love to have candy, it's not really on my diet. And, I have a super hard time, saying no to anything sweet. It's just who I am.

Jeff, my best friend, protector, and someone who can open up jars! gave me a lovely card today. I want to be a better person for him, but even with my best efforts, tend to come up short (at least that's my opinion). I really, for the most part, don't remember watching a television show, even though I watched it just one day ago! 

It's been 7 years since my first "incident". And even with many ECT treatments, fear that the memory (or lack thereof) I have today, is the memory I'm sure, I will have to my very last day. Bummer. I do crossword puzzles every day, and am only slightly successful. Jigsaw puzzles, as well as books with word search, haven't so far made a difference, as far as my mind is concerned.

Jeff is, and has been, supportive of the mental missing links, I have. Unfortunately, for him, I repeat the same questions over and over again - I really can't remember his answers. You don't have to be a rocket science to know, that this behavior can be annoying. And, I wish I could do better.

So a special Valentine Day message to Jeff. Our vows, like most people, was for better or worse.  Sadly, I believe that, at this point in time, Jeff is getting the worst part of that vow.

Here's to my best friend, who has never let me down, tries patiently to deal with the things that I can't remember. Which, to be sure, are many things.

Thank you Jeff for always taking good care of me, in the past and definitely doing so now. My father was right in 1974, when he told me that you were a good man, just before I went down the aisle.

Happy Valentine's Day Jeff. Love you.

Image result for picture of valentine hearts



Wednesday, February 12, 2020

My World


Another dreary day in the neighborhood. I suppose that when we actually get a sunny day, we'll really appreciate it. So far, we've haven't had a snow accumulation. I know people, Scott in particular, who wants a lot of snow. Me? Not so much.

I've been watching, from time to time, the votes coming in from New Hampshire. Do I have a favorite candidate picked out? I do, but you all know that I don't "do" politics. 

I watch all of my "crappy" reality shows while Jeff is working. When his day is over, we then settle in to watch are favorite shows, or other reality shows, like Swamp People, etc.

I have a phone consultation with a hypnotist on the 24th. I have several things on my mind (you don't say), that I'd like to explore. Maybe, I should be hypnotized to not like sugar! Think of the calories I could save. (smiley face here)

All of my donations that I have collected will be picked up tomorrow - yeah. I have 6 boxes and 3 bags of clothes. I actually don't remember what clothes are in those bags. But, once they're gone, they're gone. I have enough clothes (Jeff will agree) that are slightly too big, but I believe I've bagged up clothes that just were horrendously too big. My personal trainer called me out a few weeks ago, about the pants I was wearing. I went home and put those pants in a donation pile. Too bad, because I really liked those pants. I am just 7 pounds away from my first goal. And, 21 pounds away from the lowest weight I achieved after bariatric (sp) surgery
some years ago. 

So proud of myself, wrote my blog before noon!

If you care, and I certainly don't, it's plum pudding day.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Have to Type Fast!


I have a mere 30 minutes to type and avoid my personal time to blog, before noon

Nothing particularly new to report. Unless, you want to know how many naps I now take daily. One of my medicines has been increased, and the side affects leave me tired and stumbling, among other things.

The three pieces of our tree that are sitting on the porch have split. I didn't know that would happen. I wanted to wait until warmer weather and varnish them. Who knows, maybe the split gives them more character.

I've become quite good at "reading" a book, while "watching television"! Not everybody has that kind of talent! So, this makes me quite unique.This is not a new talent - nope - being this for years. I glance at a page, and get the general idea, and move on. There are times, when the story is very interesting, and I actually do read all the pages.

Some of you know, that for a very long time, I was trying to write about a story that involved Lincoln, underground tunnels, pews that were movable in a church, so slaves could safely go underground to get to the bay and freedom. This has been on-going, but haven't written more about the story, guess I've just lost my mo-jo.

I now think a better story, would be a non-fiction book about my life. I can hear all of you sighing. But, trust me there are bits and pieces of my life, that could be interesting to a reader. Truthfully, I would be happy beyond words, if I did accomplish writing a book. And, what would make me happier, is if I earned enough money (okay, this part is truly fiction) to buy a newer and faster plane. See how generous I am! Okay, that's after I have my whole body pulled up by my ankles and tied off some how on my head! 

If, it's warm and sunny where you are - stay there. The sky here is bleak and gray with off and on sprinkles. Definitely a day for using my "SAD" light.


Monday, February 10, 2020

And The Oscar For Best Supporting Everything.....


Goes to Jeff! Watching the Oscars isn't something that Jeff would do, if he had any other choice. But, happy to say, that Jeff stayed in there to the bitter end. Of all the movies, actors etc., who won awards, there is only I think 2 of those movies we've seen.

But, for me it isn't so much about who wins what, it's who's wearing what. Considering that all of these ladies, in particular, likely have someone dress them, I'm sure a look in the mirror might have been good.

Billy Porter, who ever he is, was wearing a tux top and a long black skirt. Helen Mirren wore a beautiful dress with a nicely put together a pink and red dress. The dress was as gorgeous as she is.

And, then there were the awkward, and some downright ugly outfits. Billie Eilish (who I have never heard of - but what the heck, I'm old), had yellow and black hair. She had long black nails, the length of which would make picking up change, for instance, nearly impossible. Apparently, her "outfit", which reminded me of let's say the 60's mohair fad.

There was a latex dress (imagine sitting for 3 hours). J Lo wore a mosaic of mirrors dress (again, comfort level). And, Glenn Close wore a gold outfit, complete with train that weighed 42 pounds!

Of course, there were many, many dresses with a slit to show most of a leg. And, tops that I'm sure were secured in place with, I thought some kind of glue, but I was wrong. There is a product called "Boob Lifting Tape), whatever that is. As an old woman, I was always taught that more is less. Understand? 

Well, this is my micro-sized opinion of some of the things I saw last night.

Getting dressed now. Now, where did I put those comfy, elastic waist pants?



Sunday, February 9, 2020

Feeling Good About Me!


As you know, I've been "dieting" for a year now. High protein, small portions, and things like that. I'm proud to say that this form of dieting has worked wonders for me! I've lost over 40 pounds, and now my wardrobe problem is finding clothes that aren't too big. Hence, my donation of multiple bags of clothing. I believe that if I have a back-up plan, like larger sized clothes, it might be easy to put on a pound or two. And, trust me I don't want that to happen.

Last night while poking around at television shows, I happened upon a show about a "600 pound man". Curious, I checked in. I felt bad for this man, who had been on the heavy side for most of his life. And, I know from experience, that it's very easy to excuse a pound or two - or in his case - 600 pounds. At that weight, this poor man could hardly move, and for the most part didn't. Walking was difficult and painful for him. When he took a shower, his wife had to wash underneath the rolls of fat. Mind you, the wife was at a normal size.

He finally went to see a bariatric surgeon, who put him on an actual diet. The diet was hard for this man, as it is for all of us. He finally got down to 400+ pounds and then had surgery. The surgeon was going to do a lap gastric sleeve operation. That is the kind of surgery that I had. And, here's what happens. While initially, you can't eat very much food, but over time that "reduced" sleeve can expand. That's what happened to me. Five pounds no biggie, neither did a 10 pound gain bother me much. Then, things started to get out of control. Since my surgery in 2010, I unfortunately gained 66 pounds! And, that's not good. So I just kept buying bigger and bigger sized clothing. But, it's hard to hide your expanding body. Once, I had to start buying 4x clothing, I knew that I had to do something to lose weight. 

Checking the statistics, a 600 pound man eats approximately 7,000 calories a day. That's a lot of food. And, most of that food was more or less fast food. The standard for women is 2,000 calories a day. For a man, it's 2,500 pounds. 

I haven't kept track, nor do I intend to, count my calories. What I do though, is weigh twice a day. I know over-kill, but very important to me. The high protein diet has worked well for me. I eat my usual breakfast - toast and coffee. Lunch is something small, and a dinner, where I try to leave something on the plate. I haven't lost my sweet tooth, so sometime during the evening, I eat my "Frostie Flakes" with a sliced banana. How many calories do I consume in a day? I have no idea. What I do know is that I'm steadily either maintaining my present weight, or lose a pound or two in a week. At this moment, I am 9 pounds away from my first goal. And, there are no tricky holidays coming up. I really had to be on my best behavior during Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I hope the 600 man loses enough weight to make him feel good about himself, and then at least maintain the weight loss.

Here's one way to get 7,000 calories eaten in a day:

Image result for what does 7,000 calories look like


Friday, February 7, 2020



It's not new news (boy, that sounds odd!), but I have had most of my life, reading books. Or, as Jeff would describe it, scanning books. You know people who can walk and chew gum at the same time (um, perhaps there is no such person). Jeff and I will watch some television shows together. And, while doing so, I can "read" for a few minutes, while also being mostly engaged in the show.

One of my favorite gifts is a Little Golden Book. Little Golden Books got their start in 1942, and cost a quarter. One of my favorite book is "The Poky Little Puppy". Research shows that since 1942, Two Billion books have been sold! Before bedtime, when I was young, my Dad would read a Golden Book to me. I believe that in doing so, he started me down the path to reading, and reading......

Checking out these books on Ebay, definitely shows that you can't buy any book for a quarter. You can, however, buy a book lot of 580 books, for the mere price of $580.00. I like these books, and would like to have more, but, from one seller each of his books cost $24.50! I don't want any of these special books priced at $24.50.

At this moment, I have books on shelves, books by my chair and books in a rolling cart. In other words, it's obvious that I own books. I would really like to give a book I've read to somebody else to read. Trouble is, I generally can't find anybody who wants my books. I am donating to Purple Heart this week, an entire box of books. This means, that at some point in time, somebody will buy one of these books, and let the world go by.

I have one book "Ladies of the Club", which is a massive book, You could probably do bodily harm if you hurled the book at someone. Friends have borrowed the book, and returned it to me, within days. Which means, they weren't into the story. I understand. Break the book down, at the beginning goes like this:   Ladies of the Club" is a novel,  about a group of women in the fictional town of Waynesboro, Ohio, who begin a woman's literary club, which evolves through the years into a significant community service organization in the town. The book is large, 1,176 pages to be exact. Here's what I know about this particular book is: I will never lend it anyone and certainly won't be donating it.

After blogging, I will head to my chair to continue reading one of my library books. I actually prefer to buy a book that doesn't have a due date for return. I buy my books from Amazon (duh), and always select a used copy, which can, for some books, be as low as $1.81! Who can beat that?

My calendar for this day says: For a most pleasant experience, stand barefoot in that warm spot where your dog was just sleeping. How true.


Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Bachelor


This morning, I was able to see two episodes of "The Bachelor". What a way to start off a day!

The weather is drab and rainy. The predication of weather calls for rain, and then more rain. Don't worry, I have my "SAD" light on. I use it every day, but for sure, need it today.

Oh, back to the Bachelor. I am able to get distracted so easily. One website, says that 70-80% of the show is loosely scripted. While I watch the show - and I never miss a season, I am fully aware that this is after all a "reality" show. 

Some other things to know about this show, is that the contestants get between $7K to $15K per season. And, the season is only 12 weeks long. While all the contestants have to take time off from their real jobs (and I assume that's what they do). If you do the math, and I did, with the help of a calculator, The pay can range between $84,00.00 to $180,000. Obviously, I am sure that everybody wants to be paid the higher amount. 

And, the ring. Most expensive ring a 3.5 carat ring valued at $150,000. In the 2002 season, the ring was valued at $29,000. This relationship didn't work, and no surprise most of them don't, was sold on Ebay for $28,000.

Once the cameras are turned off, and each couple returns to the "real" world, that's when true reality begins. One couple, have been married for 15 years, but that is the exception. The question is: will the present "winners" be able to stay together and/or get married. Don't know, we'll have to wait and see! Obviously, I watch this show and all my cooking shows, when Jeff is working in his office.

Before I leave, the "holiday" for today is "national frozen yogurt day". Does ice cream count?



Wednesday, February 5, 2020

I Lnow - I'm Late This Morning


I have a somewhat of a genuine excuse. But, it might be weak. I stayed up last night to watch the State of the Union Address. For the Senators, it sometimes looked like "Wack A Mole"! Up and down, applause for this and applause for that. 

There was, of course, people of significance in the balcony with Melania. Any of the people who sit up in the balcony, are called out by the President for things they've done, or, things that the President is going to do for them.  One of the most heart warming situation, was when a military man, after 4 tours in the Middle East, came down the stairs and surprised his wife and children. Of course, once you've been called out, then said person(s) have to stand up to be recognized and applauded by everyone on the floor. 

Then, there was the Iowa caucus. It's bad when starting out with the first state, and having issues with the count. And, unfortunately Iowa still hasn't announced the winner. Something went wrong with the app people were supposed to use. Remember, in one election, that the "chads" (however you spell it, became a real issue in Florida.

I, have no idea how or when voting and counting those votes, will resolve itself. But, I, think this makes people question the results.

Then, this morning, I read the entire paper, and that takes time people. It's true that I don't understand everything I read, but I really do try.

Jeff is out for lunch with his IBM buddies. Me? Getting ready for Ada. Jeff doesn't under-stand me doing this, but, as I've said before, it's a woman thing. I think the cleaning bit is because as the woman of the house, you don't want your house cleaner to know how messy things are in your house!

The nonsense calendar says that today is "National Chocolate Fondue" day. I, can so get behind this. Yummy,

Image result for picture of chocolate fondue 

That's all for today. See you tomorrow.


Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Filing Papers and Donations


I have, in bits and pieces of my time, been filing in Jeff's office. Obviously, that end of the year stuff, but today, I'm going to shred all of the paid bills. I mean, how do you really need to save a utility bill? If, you missed paying a company, trust me, they'd be in touch. So, I wonder why, for all these years, I keep them. With the exception of papers that involve either of the two companies - 4A computing, and Jeffco (the plane), everything else is going to be "outta here"! Downside? I have to shred any papers that have our name,  address. etc. Basically, anything that could identify us. I remember fondly the days ago, when you could just toss all your unneeded documents in the trash. Obviously, those days are long gone - pity.

After applying myself to the job, I have bagged or boxed the clothes, etc., that I want to donate. Since Benjamin is going to be 12 in April, I have boxed up some of his "younger self" toys. I am keeping the very nice foam blocks that we bought him, as well as his tiny little chair. All I have to do now, is schedule a pick-up, and identify each box, etc., with the name Purple Heart. It is, on one hand, very satisfying getting rid of stuff. I mean, how long are you going to keep books that have been read? As a huge book reader, I simply cannot put books in with the trash. There must be somebody out there, who might want my books. 

Occasionally, when I buy a used book from Amazon (is there anybody else?), a piece of paper falls out. In one book, there was a woman's name and address. So tempted to send her a note letting her know I now have her book. Kind of like a message in a bottle.

Between watching our regular shows last night, we occasionally would skip over to CNN to see how the voting was going. Okay, checked in, now back to our regularly scheduled television shows. For me, I can only watch "talking heads" for a limited time. After all, it seems as if, and I know they are, saying the same things over and over. And, now I see in today's paper that there is some controversy over the ballots. 

Due to “inconsistencies” with the app used to record and relay the votes, there are no Democratic results yet from the Iowa caucuses, which left voters confused. The candidates are already moving on to their next battleground, New Hampshire. And, that's all I have to say about politics.

Today, is: thank your mailman day, and create a vacuum day (whatever that means). 

Have a happy day. Our weather is gloomy and gray. It's not cold, merely dreary.




Monday, February 3, 2020

Super Bowl Sunday


Yesterday started off on a bad note. When I got out of bed, I tripped over one of Bella's bones. This bone is heavy and when I tripped, I, of course fell. Once again I landed on my left knee (good thing my bones are in good shape), and hit my head on the cabinet. I, was truly grateful that my trainer had shown me how to get up. And, once again using her method, I was able to get back up. New knot on my knee, but otherwise okay.

The afternoon was a quiet day for Jeff and I. Jeff made chili and cornbread for dinner. Both, were yummy. My contribution to dinner, was clean-up. Never a chore that people are begging to do! In actuality, Jeff doesn't make as much of a mess in the kitchen than I do. When I cook, bake, etc., I literally use all of the counters, and looks like a battle zone! And, this is not an understatement, it's absolutely the truth - sadly.

Before the game started, Jeff asked me which team I wanted. Knowing next to nothing about football, I picked the team with the red jerseys. Why? Because I like the color red. I think that team was called the Cardinals, but I could be wrong. Long story short, the red shirts won!!! Yippee for me.

Before the game started, I went upstairs to put on my pj's. I knew the game would last a long time, and It's better for me, to be ready for bed, before I take my night time pills.

I have been putting together things to donate to Purple Heart. I, am going out on a limb. I have accumulated six bags of clothes that are impossibly too big. What a wonderful thing to say. Now, if I no longer own bigger clothes, I will have to be super aware of not so much what I eat, but how much I eat. I've been really focused on this plan for over a year now. I'm unable to exercise, so my weight loss comes down to just my will power. This may sound overkill, and it probably is, but I weigh twice a day. I want to be always aware if the scale is not moving to the left (i.e., lower numbers).

I can no longer wear my wedding ring (it's too big), and it's such a beautiful ring that I miss wearing it. No sense getting it sized, at least not yet. Instead, I have put two rings from Amazon, that were super cheap, but are a pretty good fit for me, for now.

I regress. On Saturday, Jeff and I, and of course Bella, went to do the weekly shop. Please me proud of me - I walked through both stores. Mind you, by the time we were done, my left hip was reminding me of why I don't walk for pleasure, because frankly, it hurts - every time.

My trainer asks me at every session, if my hip is "talking" to me. My answer, is always the same, you bet it does.

I have been doing some filing in Jeff's office. Most of it is the boring end of the year papers. You put - I mean I, put the appropriate documents filed with the IRS, in a binder. Once the binder gets too full, then I start a new binder. Marking the too full binder, with the dates inside (like 2017 to 2020). In 1974, I told Jeff that I would be in charge of filing paper. Okay, 45 years later, I regret offering to take this job on. Present day, we're talking about a lot of paper. And, because the filing, particularly if you don't do it for a long period of time, becomes a really big job. That's where I am at the moment.

Signing off now. Chores await.




Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...