Monday, February 3, 2020

Super Bowl Sunday


Yesterday started off on a bad note. When I got out of bed, I tripped over one of Bella's bones. This bone is heavy and when I tripped, I, of course fell. Once again I landed on my left knee (good thing my bones are in good shape), and hit my head on the cabinet. I, was truly grateful that my trainer had shown me how to get up. And, once again using her method, I was able to get back up. New knot on my knee, but otherwise okay.

The afternoon was a quiet day for Jeff and I. Jeff made chili and cornbread for dinner. Both, were yummy. My contribution to dinner, was clean-up. Never a chore that people are begging to do! In actuality, Jeff doesn't make as much of a mess in the kitchen than I do. When I cook, bake, etc., I literally use all of the counters, and looks like a battle zone! And, this is not an understatement, it's absolutely the truth - sadly.

Before the game started, Jeff asked me which team I wanted. Knowing next to nothing about football, I picked the team with the red jerseys. Why? Because I like the color red. I think that team was called the Cardinals, but I could be wrong. Long story short, the red shirts won!!! Yippee for me.

Before the game started, I went upstairs to put on my pj's. I knew the game would last a long time, and It's better for me, to be ready for bed, before I take my night time pills.

I have been putting together things to donate to Purple Heart. I, am going out on a limb. I have accumulated six bags of clothes that are impossibly too big. What a wonderful thing to say. Now, if I no longer own bigger clothes, I will have to be super aware of not so much what I eat, but how much I eat. I've been really focused on this plan for over a year now. I'm unable to exercise, so my weight loss comes down to just my will power. This may sound overkill, and it probably is, but I weigh twice a day. I want to be always aware if the scale is not moving to the left (i.e., lower numbers).

I can no longer wear my wedding ring (it's too big), and it's such a beautiful ring that I miss wearing it. No sense getting it sized, at least not yet. Instead, I have put two rings from Amazon, that were super cheap, but are a pretty good fit for me, for now.

I regress. On Saturday, Jeff and I, and of course Bella, went to do the weekly shop. Please me proud of me - I walked through both stores. Mind you, by the time we were done, my left hip was reminding me of why I don't walk for pleasure, because frankly, it hurts - every time.

My trainer asks me at every session, if my hip is "talking" to me. My answer, is always the same, you bet it does.

I have been doing some filing in Jeff's office. Most of it is the boring end of the year papers. You put - I mean I, put the appropriate documents filed with the IRS, in a binder. Once the binder gets too full, then I start a new binder. Marking the too full binder, with the dates inside (like 2017 to 2020). In 1974, I told Jeff that I would be in charge of filing paper. Okay, 45 years later, I regret offering to take this job on. Present day, we're talking about a lot of paper. And, because the filing, particularly if you don't do it for a long period of time, becomes a really big job. That's where I am at the moment.

Signing off now. Chores await.




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