Wednesday, February 5, 2020

I Lnow - I'm Late This Morning


I have a somewhat of a genuine excuse. But, it might be weak. I stayed up last night to watch the State of the Union Address. For the Senators, it sometimes looked like "Wack A Mole"! Up and down, applause for this and applause for that. 

There was, of course, people of significance in the balcony with Melania. Any of the people who sit up in the balcony, are called out by the President for things they've done, or, things that the President is going to do for them.  One of the most heart warming situation, was when a military man, after 4 tours in the Middle East, came down the stairs and surprised his wife and children. Of course, once you've been called out, then said person(s) have to stand up to be recognized and applauded by everyone on the floor. 

Then, there was the Iowa caucus. It's bad when starting out with the first state, and having issues with the count. And, unfortunately Iowa still hasn't announced the winner. Something went wrong with the app people were supposed to use. Remember, in one election, that the "chads" (however you spell it, became a real issue in Florida.

I, have no idea how or when voting and counting those votes, will resolve itself. But, I, think this makes people question the results.

Then, this morning, I read the entire paper, and that takes time people. It's true that I don't understand everything I read, but I really do try.

Jeff is out for lunch with his IBM buddies. Me? Getting ready for Ada. Jeff doesn't under-stand me doing this, but, as I've said before, it's a woman thing. I think the cleaning bit is because as the woman of the house, you don't want your house cleaner to know how messy things are in your house!

The nonsense calendar says that today is "National Chocolate Fondue" day. I, can so get behind this. Yummy,

Image result for picture of chocolate fondue 

That's all for today. See you tomorrow.


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