Friday, February 21, 2020

Breaking News: Old Woman Tries To Set Kitchen On Fire!


The old woman? Me. I put some potatoes in the microwave last night for dinner. I used the "baked potato" setting. When the microwave beeped the first time, I checked and they weren't done. Solution: start the bake cycle again. Sounds simply enough doesn't it?

Yes, in theory there didn't seem anything wrong, with cooking the potatoes one more time. Problem was - I fell asleep and the potatoes literally caught on fire!!  I kid you not.

I first smelled smoke, and I hurried to the kitchen and the microwave had an actual fire inside. What to do? Yell for Jeff, then open a window. When Jeff came into the kitchen, the flame in the microwave was quite high. Jeff put out the fire (and truly can't remember how he did it), removed the charcoal-like potatoes (and believe me they were done), and cleaned up inside the microwave. Me? Rooted to the ground, which by the way, is not helpful at all. I had thought that the kitchen needed to be remodeled, but setting it on fire, seems overkill. 

Long after the fire was out, windows were opened, as well as the front door (with a gate set in the doorway), but, obviously, the smoke smell permeated throughout the house.

I put out bowls of baking soda, which I found on line to help with the smell of smoke. Okay, I did that, but I don't think it actually worked. 

Well, in a word, the microwave is toast. Since the microwave and oven are considered one unit, I guess we'll have to buy a new microwave/stove for the kitchen. When I was checking to see what was available, I came across convection ovens. I guess they can be the new solution, eliminating the need for a microwave. Hmm. I'll have to research about the convection ovens. When you don't stay up-to-date with new things, and then your appliance, tv, etc., breaks, you are forced to go into the cold world and find a solution!

Last year, we bought a new television, a large television, because I guess the saying "bigger is better", runs true to televisions. Scott met us at Costco, and walked us through the wide array of options. What size will be the best fit for the wall, which manufacturer, and manly stuff like that. Me? Happy with everything I saw. Stores want more people like me!  

Since the purchase of a new oven combo, will take a few days - first you select, then you measure, and then you measure again, and then you order. I suppose a solution to not having a microwave, would be to buy a toaster oven in the meantime. Job today? Go on-line, and start looking for the oven that will be the just the right one for us. Wish me luck.

Jeff is very busy at work, and is taking a class sometime today (he told me the time, but it didn't stick in my memory). Perhaps, we might go out this weekend and have a look at ovens. I remember when we bought our first microwave, that sat on the counter, it was huge. Initially, to the amazement of the boys, if you put a marshmallow inside, and turned the microwave on, the marshmallow grew in size (like the Michelin Man). When you opened the door, obviously, the marshmallow deflated. 

And, because the burnt potatoes was not my first kitchen disaster, Jeff has all but told me that I'm banned from the kitchen, as far as cooking and baking goes. I made banana bread last week, sat out on the porch, and didn't keep track of the time. When I realized I had something in the oven, the top of the bread was charred black. Jeff didn't have to tell me, I already knew, that my days of cooking and baking were pretty much over. The lack of my short term memory, means my brain has to work overtime, for me to fully understand what I'm supposed to do. My long term memory is still intact. I can tell you all about my high school years, but what I ate for lunch yesterday - not so much.

Jeff talked to me last night, about driving. I hated to hear what he had to say, but knew in my heart, that I had to agree to not drive. Jeff knows, and I do too, that I am easily confused, and could not find my way home. So, for the immediate future, and perhaps longer than that, my car will sit in the driveway and look pretty. Since the car is in the driveway, 24/7, perhaps we should get a car cover for it. Just a thought.

Closing for now, because there is nothing much to report.

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