Wednesday, February 12, 2020

My World


Another dreary day in the neighborhood. I suppose that when we actually get a sunny day, we'll really appreciate it. So far, we've haven't had a snow accumulation. I know people, Scott in particular, who wants a lot of snow. Me? Not so much.

I've been watching, from time to time, the votes coming in from New Hampshire. Do I have a favorite candidate picked out? I do, but you all know that I don't "do" politics. 

I watch all of my "crappy" reality shows while Jeff is working. When his day is over, we then settle in to watch are favorite shows, or other reality shows, like Swamp People, etc.

I have a phone consultation with a hypnotist on the 24th. I have several things on my mind (you don't say), that I'd like to explore. Maybe, I should be hypnotized to not like sugar! Think of the calories I could save. (smiley face here)

All of my donations that I have collected will be picked up tomorrow - yeah. I have 6 boxes and 3 bags of clothes. I actually don't remember what clothes are in those bags. But, once they're gone, they're gone. I have enough clothes (Jeff will agree) that are slightly too big, but I believe I've bagged up clothes that just were horrendously too big. My personal trainer called me out a few weeks ago, about the pants I was wearing. I went home and put those pants in a donation pile. Too bad, because I really liked those pants. I am just 7 pounds away from my first goal. And, 21 pounds away from the lowest weight I achieved after bariatric (sp) surgery
some years ago. 

So proud of myself, wrote my blog before noon!

If you care, and I certainly don't, it's plum pudding day.


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