Monday, February 24, 2020

New Appliance


 Now we all know, that I tried to burn the kitchen down last week. The "bad" news is that the entire wall unit will have to be replaced. I know there must be an easier way to buy a new appliance, but this was so effective!

Jeff and I went shopping for a replacement. And, boy did we feel like somebody who had just landed from Mars. I kid you not. Now, there are convection ovens, which neither of us understand. But, in looking over ovens, it  seemed like all built-in units, had convection ovens, which is nothing that Jeff and I know about. We are behind the times. Just wait until we have to buy a new washer and dryer. That will be a nightmare, because I believe we don't have enough room for them in the laundry room. We will want a plain, fewer functions, type of washer and dryer. Because we aren't what I would call technology people. Meaning, if it's not broke, why fix it? I have thought about buying ye old machines and store them in the basement. Actually, I think that's a pretty good idea.

We finally landed on a model, and have ordered it. I don't know when it will arrive, but hopefully soon. For microwave usage, Jeff brought up from the bowels of the basement, and retrieved a small microwave that was used by the drivers of our now defunct company. It does the job, while we wait for the new one, but it's really small. I guess all I care about, will it melt butter. This morning, it did just that!

Once the new oven arrives, I'll be able to give a review. Hopefully, a positive one.

Have to close. Time for my "shrink" appointment.


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