Thursday, February 20, 2020

Play Date!


Stacey is coming over this morning, so that we can have a play date. For the most part, I am stuck at home. My family thinks I'm not well enough to drive. On one hand, I agree - but, on the other hand, I disagree. I'm not looking to drive on the interstate, but I would like to go to training, the library and the nail salon by myself. My car, at the moment, is large and heavy, actually, more car than I need. I would like to have a "small" car. Easier to park, because I presently sort of suck at parking. My car, is older and doesn't have all the "bells and whistles" that newer cars have. And, I have to admit, I'm jealous.

Watched the debate last night, and it felt like the gloves seemed to be off. Bloomberg didn't have too much to say. Maybe he's letting the others squabble among themselves. While he stays "cool" as a cucumber. Strategy perhaps? I did find, the long debate, and the pills I take at bedtime, eventually made me fall asleep! Both Jeff and I can easily fall asleep in our recliners. But, sometimes when you go to bed,  a "busy" head creeps in.

Yesterday, I went walking, without my rollator, twice around the circle. I let Daisy go out when I do. And, believe me, the girl can run! When I was finished (i.e., tired) walking, Daisy came into the house with me. Her reward? A dog treat, but I always call them cookies. 

Gotta run. Stacey will be here in a few minutes, and I haven't finished my "toilet" yet.

More tomorrow.


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