Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Have to Type Fast!


I have a mere 30 minutes to type and avoid my personal time to blog, before noon

Nothing particularly new to report. Unless, you want to know how many naps I now take daily. One of my medicines has been increased, and the side affects leave me tired and stumbling, among other things.

The three pieces of our tree that are sitting on the porch have split. I didn't know that would happen. I wanted to wait until warmer weather and varnish them. Who knows, maybe the split gives them more character.

I've become quite good at "reading" a book, while "watching television"! Not everybody has that kind of talent! So, this makes me quite unique.This is not a new talent - nope - being this for years. I glance at a page, and get the general idea, and move on. There are times, when the story is very interesting, and I actually do read all the pages.

Some of you know, that for a very long time, I was trying to write about a story that involved Lincoln, underground tunnels, pews that were movable in a church, so slaves could safely go underground to get to the bay and freedom. This has been on-going, but haven't written more about the story, guess I've just lost my mo-jo.

I now think a better story, would be a non-fiction book about my life. I can hear all of you sighing. But, trust me there are bits and pieces of my life, that could be interesting to a reader. Truthfully, I would be happy beyond words, if I did accomplish writing a book. And, what would make me happier, is if I earned enough money (okay, this part is truly fiction) to buy a newer and faster plane. See how generous I am! Okay, that's after I have my whole body pulled up by my ankles and tied off some how on my head! 

If, it's warm and sunny where you are - stay there. The sky here is bleak and gray with off and on sprinkles. Definitely a day for using my "SAD" light.


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