Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Year and Blessings


Good-bye 2020. Hello 2021. Actually, I should have used more "descriptive" words to describe this hell on earth, we've had to endure this year.

Jeff and I never make it to midnight on New Year's Eve. We do stay up a bit longer than usual. But, when we wake on the 1st, nothing much will have changed, unfortunately.

We will have a new President in January. I have high hopes for this administration. I'm also looking forward to the time when Jeff and I are eligible for the vaccine. With the new strain of virus out there, I've told Jeff that I'm not going to go to the house, with a few exceptions. Shopping at WalMart is not an exception for me.

To further guard against the virus, I bought a face shield for myself. You wear a regular mask underneath, but I believe it's better protection for me. 

As the new year begins, I'm not going to make any resolutions. Nobody keeps them anyway.

Instead, here is what I'm grateful for: 

Jeff and I have a home that we can afford.

We have plenty of food - even though we might not like all the food in the freezer. If we defrosted it, I still don't think we'd find Jimmy Hoffa!

Physically, for the most part, are healthy. My mental health is what it is. Can't change it, even though I do crossword and jigsaw puzzles every day, in an effort to keep my brain from becoming worse.

Pay for medicine as well as my psychiatrist (who I can't live without).

The possibility of giving hugs to family members. And, being able to get all the families together again. Zoom is fine, but it's absolutely nothing like the "real thing". 

When I watch on the news, the amount of people who are in line to receive food donations. Seeing this many people, who are hungry, that have little or no income. This makes me very sad. How did we get here? We know how we got here. Things have to get better soon.

My wish for you and yours, is a great and wonderful New Year. Blessings on all of you.

I'm taking a rest from blogging, starting tomorrow. But, I'll be back next year!



Wednesday, December 30, 2020



Guys, we are just days away, for a New Year to start. I, can't wait. Nor, can I wait for the new administration to take over. This year, when we look back in time, will for most of us, dredge up bad memories.

I watched the news this morning, as I do every day, and CNN showed a line of cars, in just one city in Texas, where there were multiple lines of people who need food. I, personally, think that it's horrible that so many people are in need of food. An adult can, if need be, go without food, much better than putting hungry children at night to bed. 

I did my usual research, and found that 26 million people are in need of food donations. How did we get this way? 

And, where and when are people going to get a stimulus check. Giving people, who need it, a measly $600. All of us know, that the $600 is just a drop in the bucket. For me, (no hate mail please) as someone who in my first marriage, was occasionally hungry, my sympathy goes out to the millions of people, who are in need.

In general, I believe that the politicians, who work for us, cannot even begin to imagine what it's like to be unable to pay the rent, buy food, and are in need of a job, among other things. 

I know that there are people in Congress, sitting in their respective houses, who have not really felt the aftermath of the virus. Do they even understand? A stimulus check for $2,000 will be helpful to the people, who need it. But, that can't happen until the folks in Washington, get their respective acts together. How much longer, will it be, before a check, of any amount, is approved. 

I, personally feel blessed that Jeff and I, don't have to wait in a line for food. Or need any other assistance. 

This year, and it's ending this week, have our fingers crossed, that 2021 will be better. It just has to be.

As we wait for our turn to be vaccinated, we are still practicing all the necessary protective things we need to do, to stay healthy.

Climbing off my soap box now.

Be safe.


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Happy New Year Everyone


Just a few more days, and then we can kiss this awful year good-bye. We'll have a new President, and with the help of vaccines, perhaps be able to finally get this virus under control. I certainly hope so, fingers crossed!

Jeff and I don't have a party to go to on New Year's Eve. There was a time when we would actually watch the ball drop. In the last few years, we're already sleeping long before midnight. When, on occasion, we stay up late, the "girls" look at us, probably thinking - hey why aren't we in bed?

As much as I love Christmas, and it is by far, my favorite holiday. I already have taken down my very minimal decorations. When Christmas is over, then, at least for me, it's over. Time to pack it all up, until next year. I know that makes me sound like Scrooge, but that's just how I operate.

The boys, for the most part, don't come to the house to visit. When Scott has a customer near us, he will pop in, for a few minutes, mostly to talk to Jeff. I don't have a problem with this, at least most of the time, because I am unable to speak geek!

My task today, if I choose to do so, is to get one of the spare bedrooms under control. The spare bed has a lot of clothes on the bed. Those clothes are sitting there, so that I can try them on. When I put on each piece of clothing, I have only three decisions to make:

That a piece of clothing is now way too big for me to wear. Actually, the more clothes I donate that are too big, is believing in my confidence, that I won't need these clothes in the future. I watch my weight very carefully. I weigh in the morning and at night. I know that's a bit much, but when you have lost a significant amount of weight (50 pounds), I want the scale to be my new best friend. 

Then I have clothes that are just a "tad" to tight, for me to wear comfortably. These clothes I save. It's possible, and I hope so, that they might fit, sometime in the future. 

And, finally have some clothes that are a bit too big, but not so big, as to donate them. For help with keeping my pants up, Jeff has ordered me a pair of suspenders. Wearing them, may set a new trend! But, I doubt it.

I'm also on the look out for clothes that I no longer like. Since my opinion isn't likely to change, in the future, into the donation box they go. At least I know, that there are many people who would be happy to have used clothing. I throw away any clothing that has stains, etc., I know that nobody wants this kind of clothing.

Looking out my window, the sky is blue, and no perception, at least for today.

I have already ordered my 2021 desk calendar. I like the ones where you rip off pages. And, believe me, there are lots of this kind of calendars on Amazon. 

Checking out now. More tomorrow.







Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas Is Over


Christmas is over, so it's back to work. Since Jeff and I don't celebrate New Year's Eve, because, frankly, we can't stay up that late!

But, even though we don't stay up, doesn't mean that we're not looking forward to 2021. Things just have to better than they were in this year. Fingers crossed.

We celebrated Christmas twice last week. We spent one evening at Andrew's house, then yesterday at Scott's house. We didn't miss anything. The food was wonderful, and the presents exchanged, made for a jolly good time.

For me, once Christmas is over, I take down my "decorations", if you can call them that. We have a tiny artificial tree in the den. Because I love the lights on the tree, I may leave it up all year.

Andrew, Stacey and Benjamin, gave me two gifts, that took me by surprise. You know, the kind of gift that takes your breath away. One of those gifts was a wonderful picture of Raggedy Ann and Andy. I also received a picture of a Unicorn (spirit animal), made from ribbon! I kid you not. The picture, is so elegant and filled with carefully folded ribbons. Not being creative at all, I can only imagine how much work and time was needed to do something this creative and beautiful! Since I have trouble just wrapping presents, there is no way that I could even begin to duplicate this picture! Happy to say that some of our presents were actually "wrapped" empty cracker boxes, and the like, was as well as other boxes like that. With packing tape, you can seal up interesting boxes! When Jeff saw one of the presents, he actually thought, for a minute that I was actually giving away his beloved crackers! 

So here's a little poem - original of course.

Christmas was here
And now it's gone
Time to relax, and 
do something fun
I have many choices
To choose from
I can read a book
Watch a gushy movie
Or perhaps just take a nap!
Our living room, no longer looks like Santa's workshop. As we went to each of the boys' homes, to celebrate Christmas with them, they will have to tend to do the getting rid of all the boxes and paper. For me, aIt's really good to be old! In my case, I'm older - no surprise there older and have mental problems, so nothing much is expected of me! And, for sure, that's a good thing. 

Both of the girls were very happy to see us last night, and we all stayed up until midnight. And, as usual, before we can actually go to sleep, we have to listen to Bella chewing on a bone. Think of it as a pacifier for her.

I hope that you and your families had a wonderful holiday, and/or a small Christmas get together.

Jeff and I are more than ready to be vaccinated. The question is - will we have to wait until spring? I sure hope not.

Happy Monday.




Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Time's About Up!


Good morning friends. This likely to be the last "ramble" until after Christmas. 

My presents are "wrapped" more or less! I think  it's possible that there is perhaps two more gifts to receive from Amazon. 

For the first time in my life, I actually don't know what's going to happen with exchanging gifts, with the families. I guess we could do the drop off on driveways and then come home. And, if we do this, it will be, for all of us, the worst Christmas, in our lives. And, everybody will remember the year 2020, and absolutely not in a good way.

While watching the early news yesterday morning, that 16 people had already died, while they were on the air! Maybe I don't want to know where these people are. Since there is a new strain (I'm not sure that's the right word) in England right now, that they say is supposed to be 70% worse than our current virus.

I don't leave the house very often, generally just once a week, but I've decided to buy face shields for each of the families. When I was at the hospital, all the staff, wore masks underneath their face shields. I want to be doubly sure that I've done everything possible to protect myself, as well as others.

Jeff and I will be at home on Christmas, so I've put together a short list of things to buy. We'll eat ham rather than turkey, as well as some of our other favorite foods. And, then we can settle down to watch a movie or a football game. I'm flexible about what we watch. With the new television in the bedroom, I can now watch television while I'm in the bed. If, at some point, I fall asleep, no worries!

When Scott came over yesterday, he came bearing gifts. Wendy, had been making cookies, and she shared a variety of cookies with us. The cookies were delicious. Because of my love of all things sweet, I gave Scott the Christmas basket that we had received from out financial planner, that had all kinds of food goodies inside.

Without thinking last night, I left the bag of cookies on the butcher block. Before I got in bed, I remembered the cookies. Guess what? The bag wasn't in the kitchen. Shocker. I "ran" to the kitchen, but was too late, the bag was gone! I should have known better. Jeff went out in the yard, to retrieve the cookies that  Bella hadn't immediately eaten. Did Bella get sick because she ate chocolate? Nope. There was still a few cookies left in the bag that she hadn't gotten into. They are now back in the kitchen, where they should have been all along. And, happily, there were a few cookies left - yeah. When it's time to go to bed. Bella never comes upstairs right away. Nope, she's doing her evening walk about to see what she can or could find. She also loves paper plates and cups! The remains of which are destroyed and left in the basement.

If, I could mix Bella and Daisy into one dog, I would have a loving dog (Daisy) and a smart one, perhaps even too smart (Bella)! I've done the math, and if the girls live to be old, then there is a likely chance that the girls will likely be the last dogs we own.

I hope you're going to have wonderful weather on Christmas. Here, the high that day will be 32 degrees. Even, by Jeff's standards, that's cold. Thermal underwear cold!!

I actually think this morning is cold. And, I don't want to leave the fireplace. Unlike most other gas fireplaces, ours has a blower inside. When you turn the fireplace on, and leave it on, the den becomes really warm, perhaps even too warm!

I'll sign off now. I'll return next week, where I should have many things to write about.

Merry Christmas. And, don't forget to stay safe.




Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Just Stuff!


Hurry if you must. I suppose you could order something, and with the help and with $$$ of expedited shipping. But, that option will cost an arm and a leg.

I am waiting on two gifts, and both should arrive in the next day or two. My living room sofa, has been redecorated with all things Santa. 

I've put the girls in charge of this coming weekend. I told them to just tell Jeff and I where we need to be and when! I do want to tell you, how hard this is for me. I have been the "lead" on Christmas for over 40 years. It is hard on me to just let go. Not being in charge of anything, is necessary now. But, even factoring in my short memory, I know it's time. But that doesn't make it any easier for me.  Both Wendy and Stacey are more than capable of driving "traffic" if you will. I guess I should sit back and relax - they've got this.

In my just regular day-to-day activities, I can easily manage to screw things up. Sometimes, I can do this multiple times a day. I know I try Jeff's patience, and he's been quite good about telling me certain things over and over. As for me, I really try to understand, what I've been told, but I get tripped up with a brain that is, to say the least, compromised.

The news tells me this morning, that there is a variant in England, at the moment. When will we get a break? Apparently not, anytime soon. But, the news about this variant, has pushed me forward to buying face shields. Overkill? Perhaps, but definitely when we're around the family this week, I want to be double protected. As well as when we go to a store, and people aren't wearing their masks correctly. It's pretty simple really, be sure to cover your nose

I ordered 5 shields. Don't ask me why I didn't order 8, so that each family would have enough for the entire family. I have no idea whether Jeff will wear a shield. But, I've become paranoid about keeping myself safe. As well, as the rest of the families. I'm being smart, particularly, since Jeff and I really need and want to be able to celebrate Christmas with everyone.

Part of my pleasure in gift giving this year, is the way my gifts are "wrapped". I have put some gifts in cracker boxes. Somebody else, will get their gift in a box, that once held some treats for the girls. Not to worry, before I use a used box, I check that there is no odor, or evidence of something chewing on the corners of the box. So far, so good.

I had wanted to give away my completed latch hook pillow covers, etc. In actuality, I have been able to finish two kits. Perhaps, Jeff will take a picture of the,what's coming in the future! I should be done with all the kits by the year 2025! And, that's only possible if I get  back in my grove. In actuality, I don't even know where my grove went, but it has definitely gone somewhere. I don't think I'll wake up one morning and find that my short term memory, has returned. I know, that's not going to happen, but I try to be hopeful.

Stay safe, and get those presents wrapped.




Monday, December 21, 2020

Count Down


Friends, the end of the countdown toward Christmas has begun. I'm not sure, that if you ordered something on line, it would arrive in time. Unless, you pay an arm and a leg for expedited shipping, which is something I don't intend to do.

I am waiting for two more packages, that should arrive Tuesday. Do a quick wrap, and then take the box of Christmas paper, etc., back down to the basement, for another year.

I guess today, I'll take the presents I've "wrapped", and put them in the living room with a pile for each family. I say "piles", but perhaps I should have said "stacks". Giving Christmas presents, has always been my thing. Problem is, when I think I'm done, I find something else to buy. Way to break this habit, is to not keep searching! Easier said than done.

I know that one of my presents, is going to fit into an unused toothpaste box. Sounds mysterious - which is exactly what I'm going for.

Since I'm not in control of anything, at the moment, and likely never will be again, I have deferred all of the planning of the delivery of Christmas presents, to Stacey and Wendy. Basically, I need to be told where Jeff and I need to be, date and time, for sure. 

It's a gloomy, foggy day this morning. This kind of weather doesn't help my "SAD" disorder. Because I know this, I will take every possible opportunity to sit down in my office. I could even fold clothes in here.That assumes, of course, that I want to fold clothes! I don't.

When I heard that there was a new variant of the virus in England, my decision to buy a face shield, was something I felt I had to do. My plan is to wear this shield when I'm around any of the family.You wear a mask underneath, so you are double protected.

While watching the 9:00 news this morning, 16 people had already died today. When I go out, and it's certainly not often, I don't see anybody not wearing a mask. Are they using the masks correctly? The answer is no. You have to cover your nose people.

I know that the vaccine is being used, as I write. I suspect that Jeff and I will have to wait, before it's our turn. That shouldn't be much of a problem for us, since we, for the most part, leave the house once a week. But, that once a week trip, is shopping at WalMart. And what do we know about most people who shop at WalMart? Some of them, but not all of them, are the brightest. Of course, I am the obvious exception!! 

I'd love to stay and chat with you, but the few remaining chores I get to do, is folding clothes. I don't have to tell you how boring that is.

I hope all of you have a very good day today.

Stay safe.




Friday, December 18, 2020

Time is running out


Only 7 days left, before Santa arrives. With the exception of one or two gifts to arrive via Santa's elf's (Amazon!!), I'm in good shape. I

I'll apologize to the family, about the condition of my wrapping. Some presents have been put in a cracker box, or some other type of box. Pretty easy to just use packing tape! To be fair, I really tried to wrap their gifts. No ribbons, bows, or anything decorative. While I did write everyone's name on the gifts, I probably didn't need to do that. My family understands my wrapping skills are confined to paper, with no decorations of any kind!

The logistics for next week are still up in the air. Stacey wants the family to come to her house on the 27th for pizza and dessert. First problem is, that Jeff has to work that day. His customer insists on it. So much for the holiday spirit!. If somebody will pick me up, then I'll get to join in the festivities, which I would very much like to do. 

During the Zoom call with Scott et al, if I remember correctly, then Elly won't be home until the 26th. Jeff always says - plans are soft, and can be changed in mere minutes.

While I write this, snow is falling off the roof, and if you're not expecting this, sounds a bit scary.

Jeff normally shops on the weekend. For this weekend, I plan on telling him, that the number of people in the stores will be huge. Could be a lot of pushing and shoving, particularly in WalMart.

I'm going to suggest that he goes sometime in the week. Crowds should be less, and the food items that I want for our Christmas dinner, are I'm pretty sure, will still be on the shelves. We did turkey for Thanksgiving. I would like to have a small ham, that we'll put brown sugar on the top.It won't taste exactly the way, a honey baked ham does, but close enough for us.

I'm not going to make the weekly run with Jeff. And, we need very few things. But, I'm going to ask him to look for some Christmas decorations that are going to be on sale. The way retail works, I wouldn't be shocked if bathing suits came out next!! Or, maybe Valentine stuff. I'm a good girl scout, but the thought of buying gifts for future holidays, leaves me cold. I know you understand. Once Christmas is over, the family knows that I only buy birthday presents for Elly and Benjamin.

In truth, both Scott and Andrew can pretty much buy the things that they want. But cash is always appreciated.

Since it's noon, and I'm still in my chair, I'm going to close up for now.

Be safe everybody. Help is coming.


My presents don't actually look like these, but pretty close.

Living in Organized Chaos | Calvary Baptist Church



Thursday, December 17, 2020

Snow - Not So Much!


Friends, I am writing to you today, as an older woman. I turned 71 today. When I met Jeff, we were both 25, young, adventurous, and very social. Unfortunately, over time let's say up until 13 years ago, I was a fun to be with a funny, kind of gal. Not so much anymore. Let's just say, that over the course of our long marriage, we've had to deal with multiple, and hard periods of time.

Scott, very nicely brought up his snow machine over the weekend. This was in anticipation of a significant snow. While, Jeff and I were stocked, food wise, and the fireplace was turned on. I even took out of the closet, our "winter things", gloves, ear muffs, winter coat, etc. Today, I'll put all of these things back into the closet. I was a girl scout, and I definitely stay organized, in certain areas.

Yesterday, I wrapped presents. To be honest, if the gift was for one for the boys, I didn't bother to wrap the box. That's what packing tape is for!! And, you know, as well as I do, that men and most older boys, don't give a hoot about "presentation". Nope, it's what's inside. And, I haven't bought the much dreaded shirt boxes. 

Last night, I held up for a box of Triscuts (or however you spell it) to Jeff. Jeff told me that wrapping a cracker box as a present was ridiculous. Then, I told him that there was a real gift inside. 

I have now finished two of my hook projects. I will really have to hurry, if I'm going to get another one done, before Christmas. And, that doesn't seem likely, although I'm starting a new kit today.

The families are getting together on the 27th for pizza and general fun. Jeff has a customer, who has demanded that he work on the 27th. I guess after Christmas, everything returns to normal, whatever that is!

Just think how much fun we'll have together next year. We'll actually be able to hug our family. Can't wait.

The minute they say that us elders are eligible for the vaccine, Jeff and I would like to be one of the first in line. And, I'm pretty sure that everybody has the same goal!

Closing for now. It's time for "wrapping", if you can call it that. And, use as much tape as humanely possible!

Here's a thought for the day: Don't count calories from December 17 through the 2nd. 

The problem is, that when you have lost a significant amount of weight, then you certainly don't want to over indulge. But, I'd certainly would like too.



Wednesday, December 16, 2020

It's snowing


As I write this morning, a light snow is falling.I don't remember a time in the 32 years that we've lived here, where we had a White Christmas! And, other than dangerous travel, would be such a great gift from Mother Nature!

We're supposed to get 3-6 inches of snow, and the weatherman said it was going to be a heavy snow. The kind of snow, when shoveling that could put a lot of physical stress on somebody. I'm thinking about Jeff's health. But, to make things easier for Jeff, Scott brought up a snow blower, which might be "fun" to use. And, because Jeff is looking out for others, might do a neighbor's driveway also.

In the summer, I took all of our winter gear, gloves, hats, etc., and put them in a plastic bag, which I then put in the hall closet. The bag is now in the hallway, ready to be used.

I did some wrapping of presents yesterday. I'm very confident that anybody in the family, and they all know me well, could easily find presents that were wrapped by me! The clues? The use of way too much tape, sometimes a ragged edge or two, and the lack of any kind of ribbon or bows! I'm a great seeker and buyer of gifts, and then I have to wrap everything. Boring.

I had a thunk thought (and this is different from actual thinking. Don't ask me why - because I don't know. 

I have some used, but, like new boxes, that had crackers, or the like to box up some of the gifts. Sealing tape, magic marker for the to and from, and then one more package is done!! I', sure that you at one time or the other, have received a present inside one of those funny boxes! This type of wrapping in, let's say, a cracker box will be fun for the boys! The girls, not so much.

I have, not including laundry, started putting in important events, like birthdays on my calendar. Oh, and because my memory isn't very good, how old everybody is, and anniversary dates! Including myself. I think this year as I move important dates to my 2021 calendar, I might share those special days with the girls.

Here's what I know for sure. For each new year, I write down how old everybody will be in 2020. I remember the birthdays of the boys, but actually forget how old they are. Stands to reason, that as they get older, Jeff and I do as well. And, that's a bummer.

In years past, when there was a fair amount of snow on the yard, we would let the dogs out to run and romp around. Probably not going to do it this year. We had (emphasis on had), in the early evening let the girls out for a "run about". They enjoy this very much. However, because a neighbor brought to our attention, that they didn't appreciate the dogs running around in our front yard. I've even given thought to buying one of those invisible fences. Then the girls could stretch their legs a bit more. Daisy, unlike Bella, is born to run. And, run she does. Neither of the dogs are in the least bit aggressive, and Daisy is absolutely afraid of everything and most other people.

If we could, and I suppose we could make that happen, love to move to a home with a large backyard. Or, put up a tall concrete wall in the backyard, like people in California have, including ourselves. I truly miss the privacy. You do your thing in your yard, and we'll do the same. And, the wall is too tall to peer into other yards. I don't think our HOA would approve of us doing this. But, since the neighbor beside and behind us, hate looking at Jenny (generator outside, with all permits in place). It's true that Jenny isn't the prettiness thing to look at, but on some level Jeff and I just give a damn. If we were so inclined, I suppose we could paint Jenny green, as opposed to the tan color she is now.

Our electric wires, are for the most point, underground. But, out of the community, there are wires held in place by poles. Jeff and I believe, that if we only ever use Jenny one time, she will have paid for herself!

There are only 9 days until Christmas. Unless, you pay for express shipping, ($$$$), it's likely that your presents might not arrive until January. I know better than never, but getting a piece of paper, that says their gift is on it's way. But, I think it just won't feel the same.At least for me. And, for some reason, I just can't seem to find my Christmas mojo! 

I hope you are having a wonderful day. And, because Christmas is on a Friday, those of you who are still working, will have an extra day.

Please be safe, help is on the way sometime next year.


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Just Things


Dear friends, we're getting closer to that special time of the year. We're also getting closer to my birthday, I'll be 71, but at times feel a lot older! 

I worked on our Christmas cards this week. Problem is, I don't remember if I actually put the cards out to be mailed. Gotta love that short term memory - not. This is just one more thing, I will have to ask Jeff about.

I will tell you that having a crappy memory like mine, gets in the way, big time, of my life. Not to mention Jeff's live.

I know that today, i must start wrapping presents. There isn't some little elf, that works nights, going to show up. Nope, it's me, trying to get the "just about right" size of paper. I'm not very good at this, so I tend to waste a lot of paper. And, I have told you before, that I use a lot of tape, on each present. Luckily, the family, including Stacey and Wendy, have "accepted" my haphazard wrapping. 

The living room looks like Santa's workshop. There are piles of presents, for each person. And, Jeff is right, I do have a tendency to over buy. I want to buy what I feel, is something that, I think a family member will like. I always give a gift receipt for easy returning, if they want or need to send something back to Amazon.

I generally have no trouble buying for everybody in the family, with the exception of Jeff. He is a hard nut to crack. He doesn't want things bought, just for the hell of it. That leaves myself, and the family, with the  "what should I buy" dilemma. It's hard for him to work up much enthusiasm over socks, even though he needs them. 

Myself, on the other hand, loves everything. The gift can be anything. I think last year, I bought some clothes, and that was a mistake. I don't know about the rest of the family, but Jeff had me return the clothes that I bought for him. I'm not going to make that mistake again this year. Lesson learned, mostly!

Because I don't have enough going on, Jeff took me to the dentist yesterday. I had a cavity in one of my front teeth. Trouble was, I must have bitten down hard on something, and I broke off half of that tooth. The dentist worked me in yesterday, and using some dental thingy, smoothed out the very sharp edges.

If Benjamin sees me now, he will find me looking a lot like a pirate. I have a small scar on my face, where the skin cancer was. And, then there is the matter of my tooth. I know that I don't take a very good picture. So, having my picture taken, isn't something that I enjoy. For sure, I have a real excuse for not smiling. And, if you combine that with wearing a mask, my smile, such as it is, will be picture worthy.

Have a good day, and stay safe.


Monday, December 14, 2020

I've Been Busy


Sorry for my absence. But, I have an excuse, but then again, I always have an excuse!  For some reason, or another, I'm really struggling to find my Christmas mojo. And, if you know me, then you know this isn't like me at all. Dark, rainy weather, like we're having today, is not a good thing for my mood.

I am sending out my Christmas cards today, and again this isn't normal at all. Next job is to wrap the presents that I've bought. Okay, I love the hunt for just the right gift, for everybody. Now the packages have arrived, and all of them have to be wrapped - ugh.

If the presents are for Jeff and/or the boys, then just putting them in a box, sealed with packing tape, is just fine for them.

The "girls" gifts do have to be wrapped. And, I am so not a wrapper. Stacey, (DIL) does an amazing job wrapping. What the rest of the family gets, is the raggedy edges of my wrapping paper, combined with a whole lot of tape.

I could have Amazon gift wrap my gifts. But, all they do is put said gift into a bag. The bag, isn't up to my standards at all! Nobody ever fusses over my attempt to make a pretty present.

Because, of my inability to now write legibly, I have had to resort to the Christmas Letter. I don't think I've ever done this before. But, now it's just the way it is.

I think Christmas will be by Zoom. Not the way I want to share gifts with everybody, but then again, I know that nobody cares for this distancing thing. But, we are doing what we have to do, and hope for a different holiday season next year.

I watched this morning news, and it was boring. I appreciate the news about the vaccines, but I can only watch so many pictures of UPS drivers delivering the precious vaccine. First, I watched a nurse getting the shot, politicians standing around while the trucks are unloaded, making history.

If you are of a certain age, then it's likely, you can remember, exactly where you were at that time. Jeff and I were both in school.The same thing for 9/11, I was in the office at that time. My ride home, was ominous and very quiet. 

Now, it's the virus. I guess Jeff and I will always remember, the rules that were put in  place: masks, distancing, washing hands, etc.

This moment in time, has been seared into our memory, and we will never forget.

There is talk on the news channels, that we are supposed to get some snow this week. Scott, thinking of Jeff, brought up his snow blower to use. Scott, has a tractor that with the right equipment put on his tractor, can plow his driveway. I really appreciate him doing this, because I don't like Jeff going out to shovel.

Did I talk to much today? Sorry, if it's lengthy, but I had several days of absence to make up for.

The shots are coming, not soon enough for everyone, but they're on their way.

I wish I had a Christmas mask, but guess it doesn't matter, since I seldom leave the house!

Take care everyone.





Saturday, December 12, 2020



When Jeff and I moved to Maryland 30 plus years ago, most of the family had ever really seen snow! I lived in Illinois when I was a teenager, and we did get snow. A lot of snow. In the 60's, there were no underground wires, nope they were outdoors, and occasionally we'd get enough snow to bring the wires down.

My Dad told me, before we left California, that we would likely get buried underneath snow. We don't get a lot of snow every winter, but when we do it's heavy and wet. In my telephone conversations with Dad, he would always have an opportunity to basically say, I told you. 

This many years later, I'm glad we left California, when we did. Now, there are forest fires, generally not enough water, mudslides, along with earthquakes, just to name a few things that I'm glad, we don't have to experience anymore.

Our first year in Maryland, we never froze to death. I had bought coats, but they weren't the kind of coat that is needed back here.

The boys loved the snow, Jeff and I not so much. When I was working, there was a special automatic phone number, so that we could find out - if the company closed, or had a two hour delay. The other option was to use up a one of your vacation days. 

I worked at Marriott headquarters for 13 or so years. Everybody in my department, that I would begin to panic, even if all I saw, was just flurrys. My bosses knew, as well as my co-workers, that if we received any snow, I had to get home now

One winter, when we had a lot of snow, and our house was run by electricity. Hence, there was no cooking, no heat, etc. At the time, Benjamin was a toddler, and he didn't understand why our food was cold, and that there wasn't heat. When it came time to go to bed, we wore our warmest clothes. Benjamin, was wedged in between us, and our combined body heat, kept him cozy.

After the storm, Jeff decided that we would never lose power again. He bought a whole house generator that gets it's power through the gas line, or something like that. The generator has a name - Jenny. Kind of cute, don't you think? Before putting Jenny in place, we had to get the HOA's approval, and the county to come out and bless us. 

Mind you, Jenny would never even come to winning a beauty award. Jenny's cover, which is some kind of a tan color, and she is big! Oh, and when she's running, which she can indefinitely, since she gets her power from our gas line, she can run the whole house indefinitely.  We now have two neighbors, who have attempted to put Jenny out of their sights. I guess we could paint her green, so she would blend in a bit more. Thankfully, up to now, we haven't really needed her for a period of time.

But one of our neighbors asked us, that if the power went out, could they run an extension cord to their house. Hmm - no. If we ever do loose electricity, and I know it's mean, but I want to turn on every light in the house. Doing so, would give us a smug attack! Jenny sits on a fairly high concrete pad, which makes our immediate neighbors, not very happy. But, like Scarlet O'Hara - frankly I don't give a damn what you do or do not like. 

A neighbor on our street, wants to buy a generator also. But, when he asked Jeff's advice, Jeff told him that a small generator would likely only be able to do small things, keep your phone charged, and perhaps one light. Clearly, it cannot run a house, and you have to keep putting gas into the generator.

Checking out the numbers today, a whole house generator will cost you between $3,700 to $9,500. Plus the installation cost about $4,471. So you see, Jenny was a fairly expensive purchase, but will be needed some day in the future, I'm sure. Both of the boys also have whole house generators. Plus side, their houses are on acreage, so they are not subjected to neighbors, who don't like the noise or the color! I know Jenny isn't pretty, and one neighbor has put up a tall fence to block their view and the other neighbor, put several pieces of lattice on their deck.

Oh, to back in California, minus all the weather events, to have a 6 foot concrete wall between neighbors. This type of fence, offers a lot of privacy.

That's all I have for today. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.




Wednesday, December 9, 2020



As far as I'm concerned, and it's only my opinion, but I think it's cold outside. Jeff has even begun wearing pants and a flannel shirt!

We went out yesterday afternoon, to get the booster shot for Shingles. Let me tell you, that this shot is more painful than any I've ever had before.

The shot itself is no biggie. But, for a few days after getting the shot, your arm is SORE! I mean really sore. I don't know about Jeff, but this morning, I'm not only sore, but very tired.

The doctor told me that since I had chicken pox as a child, and, shingles as a teenager. As a teenager, I didn't think  shingles was a big deal. I've been told that as an adult, there is pain involved if you get shingles. I avoid pain as much as possible.

As an Air Force brat, every time Dad was assigned twice over his time in the Air Force, everybody had to have certain vaccinations. We were protected against typhoid, tetanus and other serious illnesses. Back when I was a child, when you were going to get a shot, there was the overwhelming smell of alcohol in the room. I'm happy to say, that when I get shots now, there is no smell in the lab area. I don't like them, but I know I need them.

Flu shots? Piece of cake. Neither Jeff or I had any lingering effect from the shot. We were not told, that the shingles shot would be painful, for several days. I guess it wouldn't have made much of a difference, because around 1975 of so, both of became really and truly sick. There were multiple trips to the bathroom.

Jeff and I were down hard, and we couldn't get up the energy to take care of a toddler. I did call my parents, and asked them to keep him until we were feeling better. When flu shots became available, we were first in line! Trying to get the younger generation to understand how sick people were way back then, is nearly impossible! I think people who don't take the flu shot, are afraid of somehow getting the flu. For Jeff and I, we want to be proactive, even though there are no children left at home. While there is anybody in our house, we both remember how sick we were.

Once the virus shot becomes available, I will get advice from our doctor, but already know what she's going to say. Take the shot, even if it makes you a little sick. It's going to be better then adding to the numbers of sick people, as well as the number of people who have died.

I think today, that I'm going to actually wrap presents. I use the word wrap loosely, because I'm absolutely the worse wrapping presents, and this no joke. Giving gifts to the boys, their boxes can be sealed with packing tape. They don't care about presentation. And, that's a good thing!

Well my dears, I'm signing off now. More tomorrow. Stay safe.



Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Getting Things Done


I am very proud of myself. Yes, I deserve a pat on the back, just saying!

Yesterday, I took all the Christmas gifts, and put them into piles according to the recipient. My problem is, that even today, I searched my Amazon list. What am I looking for? I have no idea, but I do have things on my list that I'm thinking about buying.

Overkill? I confess, yes. Would the family notice and/or care if they didn't get the same number of gifts, or close to that same number! They may be adults now and need very little. They are at this point in theirs lives, that if they need and/or want something, they buy it.

It is much easier to buy gifts for Wendy, Elly and Stacey. Since I'm a woman, of a certain age. I still can relate to the "girls" when it comes to finding gits (and yes, I do put a lot into doing this), that I think everyone will like. I do have lists for all three of them. I consider the items on their lists. But, then I go rogue. 

When I was a teenager, my Mother also must have searched. She found things for me, that I, am pretty sure wasn't on a list. Come to thing about it, I don't believe that the three of us siblings, ever made a list. She, at that time, just seemed to know what to buy. And, she also hit the ball out of the court.

Today, I will put the labels on the 4A cards. This is the easy part. After doing this, Jeff will go to the post office to buy the right amount of postage for all the cards. Because of the magnet inside, the cards will weigh more than the stamps we already have. 

I read today, that if you want your packages to arrive before Christmas, UPS suggests mailing by December 25th. Going with USPS, the deadline is December 21. I think that sending by the 21st, could be, or might be, your gifts might not arrive before Christmas! And, nobody wants to get a picture of the gift that you bought, but didn't arrive in time. 

Today, or not today, I have to finish up our Christmas cards. My handwriting is pretty bad, hence sending the Christmas letter to some of our friends, is a good idea.

Stacey, will come to see me today. Our plan is to go to the salon, for much needed pedicures. And, wax off my "lady" beard. If I had lighter hair, then the hair on my face wouldn't be quite so noticeable. 

We haven't had Christmas at our house in many years. I remember when Jeff and I were living in California, we had to spend time with both sets of parents. I only remember one time when my parents came to our house for Christmas.

In our family, Jeff and I do the going to one house and then the other. Because of the virus, we'll wrap (well, as best as I can), presents and drop them off outside of their houses. We're so, not going into their respective homes. Perhaps, we will play Santa on either the 23rd or the 24th. 

I am sending up positive thoughts, that we will not be in the same position next year.

Happy Shopping!


Monday, December 7, 2020

Christmas Is Getting Closer!


I'm sure that some of you, might be having warm weather, at this point in time. For us, not so much. I know it's cold, when Jeff puts his shorts away for the season and starts wearing  a flannel shirt! 

When we bought our house, 32 or so years ago, my choice for our "formal" living room's carpet is an off-white color. We have put up a gate, so that the girls can't wander in. There is, unfortunately, a small "spot" on the carpet. Thank you Daisy.

I've been playing Santa for several weeks now. Basically, that formal room,has  transformed into Santa's workshop. All presents, that arrive from Amazon, get stacked in there. 

I have already ticked off two of my things to accomplish. One was the shipping of my sister box yesterday. I also, stuffed the 4A Christmas cards, with the 2021 magnet. And, not to pay myself on the back, but I also licked them as well. When Jeff gets a chance, he will take them to the post office for mailing. Because of the magnet inside the card, the cards require higher priced stamps. I have done this in the past, stood in line, check the weight of one envelope, and then buy the appropriate number of stamps, for every card we send out. 

It was 31 when I came downstairs this morning, so the fireplace is going full steam. I know, because I've seen it, that there are two dogs, who like to get as close to the fireplace as possible. Bella and Daisy, for most of the day, play the game of I was here first. The girls are now 4 years old, and I still can't figure out which one is the alpha dog. While Bella is bigger than Daisy, I believe that Daisy runs the show.  Or, that's how it looks to me.

Watched the morning new one time. While I used to watch more than one news cycle, I have stopped doing that. I can only handle so much depressing news!

Our Tivo, which everybody should have, has a "to do" list. At the moment, said list is filled with my Christmas movies. I am aware of the space limitations, so as soon as I've watched movie, I delete it. And, there are so many movies available. Basically, I could send the entire day, parked in my chair! Of course, this accomplishes nothing.

There is one thing, that I used to do so well, is typing. I started taking typing classes when I was in junior high, some 30 years ago. And, when I have to take a typing test, I have to take time to turn the page over. I could type as fast as my bosses could talk. My typing speed was always 80 wpm or more.

Sadly, one of the things I did so well, for so many years, is just one more thing that I don't do as well as I did. Now, I actually have to sometimes look down at the keyboard to find the right letter. And, then there's spelling, which is beginning to get sketchy as well. Don't get me wrong, I can still type pretty fast, but when I look back at what I've typed, it appears that I'm a key or two off. I personally, have a memory issue, a body that hurts each every day. I am no longer driving (the family doesn't believe that I'm not safe, and while I protest, I have to agree). 

It seems as if my world, keeps getting smaller and smaller. This, of course makes me sad. I have such great memories of what I used to be able to do when we lived in California. I was Mrs. Claus (because I was 9 months pregnant), who could climb up or down, depending on where we were. Take a fairly long walking tour of Carlsbad Caverns. After you finish your tour, you can sit down, and then watch all the bats that fly out when the sun starts to go down. And, my list could go on and on!

Christmas time, is the only time of the year when Jeff and I, give presents. We give presents for Elly and Benjamin's birthdays. Otherwise, this is the only time of the year, where I search and buy for the family. By tendency is too buy too many things. I'll make piles in the living room today, and for the children, hold back some gifts for next year.

I'm going to wrap this up. Much as I would like to stick around and chat, that simply isn't on my "to do" list.

Please be safe.



Friday, December 4, 2020



I'm a bit late this morning. Instead of watching the news, which I'm trying to avoid, I watched a Holiday movie instead. I think it's a better way to start my day. Perhaps, yours as well.

First thing, on my really to do list, is wrap my presents to go into my sister box. At Jeff's suggestion, I wrote a message, such as, if said item was made by Mom. Things like that. Most of the gifts in my box, bring back memories, some of which I've not thought about in years.

Since my short term memory isn't working to it's full capacity, I continually wander through my past. I can, in my mind, visualize my prom dress, wedding dress, our honeymoon, and things like that. I try very hard not to think about anything negative in my past. 

It's a gloomy, rainy day here. And, yes my SAD light is on. Even on sunny days, I turn my light on. I don't believe that I can have too much sun. And, obviously, I don't think anybody can get too much sun, unless you're trying to get a tan. In the 60's, we teenage girls, tried to get a quicker tan, by rubbing oil and some other product (which I can't remember) onto our skin, until we were golden.

I don't know about my friends, but as a 70 year old, I am now paying for my past. I have age spots, that are super duper ugly. When you are a teenager, it reminds me now, as an adult, of a sort of getting ready to be an adult. Does that make any sense? 

So of these "beauty", or old lady spots, has led me to a plastic surgeon to have some spots removed. After a blast of liquid nitrogen, then in a few days time, the spots are no more. How cool is that? I see her next week, and I still have a lot of spots on my back that she can zap for me.

Age is a number, I know this, and you do as well. I finally figured out that that I don't have to live with the things that happen as you grow older.

I don't have a lot of gray hair, and when I think back, my mother didn't as well. Not too many wrinkles on my face. Must have lived a life of no stress!! And, those of you who know me, that the no stress part just isn't true.

New technology leaves me frustrated. I was given a new iPhone, but have absolutely no idea how to use it. For now, it's more of a paper weight. Perhaps, they make one of those dummy books that might help me.

I know that those of you who are working, always look forward to Friday. I know I certainly did!

Try to avoid, the last minute shopping and shipping of products. I have a list on Amazon, and I'm continually adding or deleting items. I'm going to have a talk to myself, about the things I really want and/or need. For me, needing something is a bit boring. But, the list of things I would like to have, is endless!

I'll chat with you on Monday. Have a good weekend everyone.




Thursday, December 3, 2020

Oh Christmas Tree


Once the boys became adults, and had their own homes, has left me without a lot of Christmas Cheer.

When the boys were growing up, our house, and likely yours, was at it's liveliest, on the weeks and days before Santa.

Scott, from a very young age, was, and still is, the outdoor lighting king. As a teenager, he put lights all over our house. It was important to Scott that the position of each light bulb had to be in exactly the right spot. We used to joke about the face that we had so many light, we could probably be seen by planes flying over our house! Obviously, that's more of a family joke. Nets of lights graced our front yard bushes. If there was a blank space in the yard, not to worry Scott had it covered.

We had a neighbor, whose daughter grew up, and Scott would go every Sunday to have a breakfast snack with them. Of course, he noticed that there were no outside lights. Not to worry, Scott went to their house and, with great enthusiasm, brought and put up, you guess it - lights!

Stacey, DIL, does a more than outstanding job of decorating their house. Thanks to the combined effort, including Andrew and Benjamin, the three of them, have had in the past, a beautifully decked out house. Obviously, I haven't seen it this year, so I'm just using my imagination!

For years, the boys would take their presents under the tree, and put all of their gifts in the front. As far as I was concerned, they could shake and/or smell (which is kind of my thing) the presents. The "fight" for the front of the year, changed almost every day.

I lost a lot of Christmas joy, when the boys moved out. No more natural trees, no lights outside, well you get the idea.

Jeff and I do own a small tree, about two feet tall. The little tree came with lights, which no longer work. Last trip to WalMart, I bought a few new things to put on our tiny tree.

Yesterday, even though I've accomplished absolutely none of my chores. Instead, I spent a lot of time putting on new lights, a few ornaments, and the boys' favorite, a string of fake popcorn and cranberries. W and spent the time listening to Christmas carols, while attempting rather poorly, to gussy up our little tree. Our tree isn't really a "Charlie Brown" tree, but it comes close.

We own Alexa, and you can tell her to turn on different plugs. I was thrilled, when Jeff told me, that the plug I used, was able to be controlled by Alexa. This eliminates the need to grope around every evening to unplug the tree. We don't use Alexa except in the den, but she is good at her job. She tells us the weather, and does her things with the smart plugs.   

As usual, I guess you could say I'm a rut kind of gal, I have my coffee while watching a feel good holiday movie. I suppose I should start my day watching the news, but this morning, I decided that I didn't bother to watch the news, because, in general, there is very little, if any, good news to be reported. Surely, there must be something to report, that doesn't include the very sad statistics.

Our tree, doesn't look anything like the picture below. But, it does come close.

48 Best Small Christmas Trees - Ideas for Decorating Mini Trees


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Help With Bad News!


While eating my breakfast, which has consisted of toast, or the equivalent, along with coffee, I watch the news, once. Most of the news doesn't change from the news recorded earlier.

After watching the news, and feeling a bit down (isn't everybody?), I start watching a Hallmark or Lifetime movie. The plots are very much like a Danielle Steel book. Beautiful woman, handsome man, some kind of a small drama, and the ending always the same. They fall in love. Trust me, this story line, at least for me, never gets old. With the flurry of Christmas approaching, taking time to watch a feel good movie, is good for mental health. At least, for me, i mentally feel better! I know that most men, if any, want to watch mushy movies. I know that Jeff doesn't watch them with me. And, truthfully, with all the work he doesn't have time to watch much television. He has several shows, like "Gold Rush" and the like, that he watches during his lunch break.

At the present moment, the UPS driver and I, are becoming friends. Pretty much every day, I receive a package or two. Tragically, they don't come wrapped!! The boys don't care if I use duct tape on their presents. The ladies, not so much. I, either use too much paper, or not enough paper. 

When spending Christmas with Jeff's parents, his mother would save all the wrapping paper and bows. It would be possible for me to do the same, but it's just not high up there on my "to do" list. Right after Christmas, is a good time to stock up on all things Christmas. Cards, paper, decorations, etc., all of which have reduced prices.

Today, I'm going into my "war room", which is our formal living room, and make piles for everybody on my list. After I do this, then I can see how much I've bought, or not bought, for each person. And, I can always keep some things back, for birthdays, etc.

The boys are successful in their careers. And, at this point in their lives, really don't need for anything. I walk a fine line, when looking for their gifts. I have no such problem, buying gifts for the girls (Stacey, Wendy and Elly) is a bit easier for me. I find, any number of things, that I think would make great gifts. 

Thank heavens for Amazon. You can pretty much, find all kinds of things to buy. I'm sure that I'll soon be invited to an Amazon party!!

Without taking inventory of the presents in the living room, I know for certain, that I've bought way to many. This is not surprising, but it's the only time in the year that I give presents, with the exception of Elly and Benjamin.

I can always keep back some of the presents, to give to the family, sometime next year. While the thought of going into an actual store, right after Christmas, nearly gives me hives.

It's getting cooler, or colder back here. I know when it's cold, by Jeff's standards, because he stops wearing shorts! Jeff and I are not living in California, where you can run errands, in your sandals!

As if you needed a reminder, there are only 23 days until Christmas. And, if you wait too long to order on-line, there is always the possibility that you won't receive your packages before Christmas.

As it is for me, I will have to take pictures of some of the things I wanted to finish before Christmas. Wish me luck.

You know my regular reminders. Above all, stay safe.



Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...