Wednesday, December 30, 2020



Guys, we are just days away, for a New Year to start. I, can't wait. Nor, can I wait for the new administration to take over. This year, when we look back in time, will for most of us, dredge up bad memories.

I watched the news this morning, as I do every day, and CNN showed a line of cars, in just one city in Texas, where there were multiple lines of people who need food. I, personally, think that it's horrible that so many people are in need of food. An adult can, if need be, go without food, much better than putting hungry children at night to bed. 

I did my usual research, and found that 26 million people are in need of food donations. How did we get this way? 

And, where and when are people going to get a stimulus check. Giving people, who need it, a measly $600. All of us know, that the $600 is just a drop in the bucket. For me, (no hate mail please) as someone who in my first marriage, was occasionally hungry, my sympathy goes out to the millions of people, who are in need.

In general, I believe that the politicians, who work for us, cannot even begin to imagine what it's like to be unable to pay the rent, buy food, and are in need of a job, among other things. 

I know that there are people in Congress, sitting in their respective houses, who have not really felt the aftermath of the virus. Do they even understand? A stimulus check for $2,000 will be helpful to the people, who need it. But, that can't happen until the folks in Washington, get their respective acts together. How much longer, will it be, before a check, of any amount, is approved. 

I, personally feel blessed that Jeff and I, don't have to wait in a line for food. Or need any other assistance. 

This year, and it's ending this week, have our fingers crossed, that 2021 will be better. It just has to be.

As we wait for our turn to be vaccinated, we are still practicing all the necessary protective things we need to do, to stay healthy.

Climbing off my soap box now.

Be safe.


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