Wednesday, December 16, 2020

It's snowing


As I write this morning, a light snow is falling.I don't remember a time in the 32 years that we've lived here, where we had a White Christmas! And, other than dangerous travel, would be such a great gift from Mother Nature!

We're supposed to get 3-6 inches of snow, and the weatherman said it was going to be a heavy snow. The kind of snow, when shoveling that could put a lot of physical stress on somebody. I'm thinking about Jeff's health. But, to make things easier for Jeff, Scott brought up a snow blower, which might be "fun" to use. And, because Jeff is looking out for others, might do a neighbor's driveway also.

In the summer, I took all of our winter gear, gloves, hats, etc., and put them in a plastic bag, which I then put in the hall closet. The bag is now in the hallway, ready to be used.

I did some wrapping of presents yesterday. I'm very confident that anybody in the family, and they all know me well, could easily find presents that were wrapped by me! The clues? The use of way too much tape, sometimes a ragged edge or two, and the lack of any kind of ribbon or bows! I'm a great seeker and buyer of gifts, and then I have to wrap everything. Boring.

I had a thunk thought (and this is different from actual thinking. Don't ask me why - because I don't know. 

I have some used, but, like new boxes, that had crackers, or the like to box up some of the gifts. Sealing tape, magic marker for the to and from, and then one more package is done!! I', sure that you at one time or the other, have received a present inside one of those funny boxes! This type of wrapping in, let's say, a cracker box will be fun for the boys! The girls, not so much.

I have, not including laundry, started putting in important events, like birthdays on my calendar. Oh, and because my memory isn't very good, how old everybody is, and anniversary dates! Including myself. I think this year as I move important dates to my 2021 calendar, I might share those special days with the girls.

Here's what I know for sure. For each new year, I write down how old everybody will be in 2020. I remember the birthdays of the boys, but actually forget how old they are. Stands to reason, that as they get older, Jeff and I do as well. And, that's a bummer.

In years past, when there was a fair amount of snow on the yard, we would let the dogs out to run and romp around. Probably not going to do it this year. We had (emphasis on had), in the early evening let the girls out for a "run about". They enjoy this very much. However, because a neighbor brought to our attention, that they didn't appreciate the dogs running around in our front yard. I've even given thought to buying one of those invisible fences. Then the girls could stretch their legs a bit more. Daisy, unlike Bella, is born to run. And, run she does. Neither of the dogs are in the least bit aggressive, and Daisy is absolutely afraid of everything and most other people.

If we could, and I suppose we could make that happen, love to move to a home with a large backyard. Or, put up a tall concrete wall in the backyard, like people in California have, including ourselves. I truly miss the privacy. You do your thing in your yard, and we'll do the same. And, the wall is too tall to peer into other yards. I don't think our HOA would approve of us doing this. But, since the neighbor beside and behind us, hate looking at Jenny (generator outside, with all permits in place). It's true that Jenny isn't the prettiness thing to look at, but on some level Jeff and I just give a damn. If we were so inclined, I suppose we could paint Jenny green, as opposed to the tan color she is now.

Our electric wires, are for the most point, underground. But, out of the community, there are wires held in place by poles. Jeff and I believe, that if we only ever use Jenny one time, she will have paid for herself!

There are only 9 days until Christmas. Unless, you pay for express shipping, ($$$$), it's likely that your presents might not arrive until January. I know better than never, but getting a piece of paper, that says their gift is on it's way. But, I think it just won't feel the same.At least for me. And, for some reason, I just can't seem to find my Christmas mojo! 

I hope you are having a wonderful day. And, because Christmas is on a Friday, those of you who are still working, will have an extra day.

Please be safe, help is on the way sometime next year.


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