Monday, December 7, 2020

Christmas Is Getting Closer!


I'm sure that some of you, might be having warm weather, at this point in time. For us, not so much. I know it's cold, when Jeff puts his shorts away for the season and starts wearing  a flannel shirt! 

When we bought our house, 32 or so years ago, my choice for our "formal" living room's carpet is an off-white color. We have put up a gate, so that the girls can't wander in. There is, unfortunately, a small "spot" on the carpet. Thank you Daisy.

I've been playing Santa for several weeks now. Basically, that formal room,has  transformed into Santa's workshop. All presents, that arrive from Amazon, get stacked in there. 

I have already ticked off two of my things to accomplish. One was the shipping of my sister box yesterday. I also, stuffed the 4A Christmas cards, with the 2021 magnet. And, not to pay myself on the back, but I also licked them as well. When Jeff gets a chance, he will take them to the post office for mailing. Because of the magnet inside the card, the cards require higher priced stamps. I have done this in the past, stood in line, check the weight of one envelope, and then buy the appropriate number of stamps, for every card we send out. 

It was 31 when I came downstairs this morning, so the fireplace is going full steam. I know, because I've seen it, that there are two dogs, who like to get as close to the fireplace as possible. Bella and Daisy, for most of the day, play the game of I was here first. The girls are now 4 years old, and I still can't figure out which one is the alpha dog. While Bella is bigger than Daisy, I believe that Daisy runs the show.  Or, that's how it looks to me.

Watched the morning new one time. While I used to watch more than one news cycle, I have stopped doing that. I can only handle so much depressing news!

Our Tivo, which everybody should have, has a "to do" list. At the moment, said list is filled with my Christmas movies. I am aware of the space limitations, so as soon as I've watched movie, I delete it. And, there are so many movies available. Basically, I could send the entire day, parked in my chair! Of course, this accomplishes nothing.

There is one thing, that I used to do so well, is typing. I started taking typing classes when I was in junior high, some 30 years ago. And, when I have to take a typing test, I have to take time to turn the page over. I could type as fast as my bosses could talk. My typing speed was always 80 wpm or more.

Sadly, one of the things I did so well, for so many years, is just one more thing that I don't do as well as I did. Now, I actually have to sometimes look down at the keyboard to find the right letter. And, then there's spelling, which is beginning to get sketchy as well. Don't get me wrong, I can still type pretty fast, but when I look back at what I've typed, it appears that I'm a key or two off. I personally, have a memory issue, a body that hurts each every day. I am no longer driving (the family doesn't believe that I'm not safe, and while I protest, I have to agree). 

It seems as if my world, keeps getting smaller and smaller. This, of course makes me sad. I have such great memories of what I used to be able to do when we lived in California. I was Mrs. Claus (because I was 9 months pregnant), who could climb up or down, depending on where we were. Take a fairly long walking tour of Carlsbad Caverns. After you finish your tour, you can sit down, and then watch all the bats that fly out when the sun starts to go down. And, my list could go on and on!

Christmas time, is the only time of the year when Jeff and I, give presents. We give presents for Elly and Benjamin's birthdays. Otherwise, this is the only time of the year, where I search and buy for the family. By tendency is too buy too many things. I'll make piles in the living room today, and for the children, hold back some gifts for next year.

I'm going to wrap this up. Much as I would like to stick around and chat, that simply isn't on my "to do" list.

Please be safe.



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