Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Help With Bad News!


While eating my breakfast, which has consisted of toast, or the equivalent, along with coffee, I watch the news, once. Most of the news doesn't change from the news recorded earlier.

After watching the news, and feeling a bit down (isn't everybody?), I start watching a Hallmark or Lifetime movie. The plots are very much like a Danielle Steel book. Beautiful woman, handsome man, some kind of a small drama, and the ending always the same. They fall in love. Trust me, this story line, at least for me, never gets old. With the flurry of Christmas approaching, taking time to watch a feel good movie, is good for mental health. At least, for me, i mentally feel better! I know that most men, if any, want to watch mushy movies. I know that Jeff doesn't watch them with me. And, truthfully, with all the work he doesn't have time to watch much television. He has several shows, like "Gold Rush" and the like, that he watches during his lunch break.

At the present moment, the UPS driver and I, are becoming friends. Pretty much every day, I receive a package or two. Tragically, they don't come wrapped!! The boys don't care if I use duct tape on their presents. The ladies, not so much. I, either use too much paper, or not enough paper. 

When spending Christmas with Jeff's parents, his mother would save all the wrapping paper and bows. It would be possible for me to do the same, but it's just not high up there on my "to do" list. Right after Christmas, is a good time to stock up on all things Christmas. Cards, paper, decorations, etc., all of which have reduced prices.

Today, I'm going into my "war room", which is our formal living room, and make piles for everybody on my list. After I do this, then I can see how much I've bought, or not bought, for each person. And, I can always keep some things back, for birthdays, etc.

The boys are successful in their careers. And, at this point in their lives, really don't need for anything. I walk a fine line, when looking for their gifts. I have no such problem, buying gifts for the girls (Stacey, Wendy and Elly) is a bit easier for me. I find, any number of things, that I think would make great gifts. 

Thank heavens for Amazon. You can pretty much, find all kinds of things to buy. I'm sure that I'll soon be invited to an Amazon party!!

Without taking inventory of the presents in the living room, I know for certain, that I've bought way to many. This is not surprising, but it's the only time in the year that I give presents, with the exception of Elly and Benjamin.

I can always keep back some of the presents, to give to the family, sometime next year. While the thought of going into an actual store, right after Christmas, nearly gives me hives.

It's getting cooler, or colder back here. I know when it's cold, by Jeff's standards, because he stops wearing shorts! Jeff and I are not living in California, where you can run errands, in your sandals!

As if you needed a reminder, there are only 23 days until Christmas. And, if you wait too long to order on-line, there is always the possibility that you won't receive your packages before Christmas.

As it is for me, I will have to take pictures of some of the things I wanted to finish before Christmas. Wish me luck.

You know my regular reminders. Above all, stay safe.



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