Friday, December 4, 2020



I'm a bit late this morning. Instead of watching the news, which I'm trying to avoid, I watched a Holiday movie instead. I think it's a better way to start my day. Perhaps, yours as well.

First thing, on my really to do list, is wrap my presents to go into my sister box. At Jeff's suggestion, I wrote a message, such as, if said item was made by Mom. Things like that. Most of the gifts in my box, bring back memories, some of which I've not thought about in years.

Since my short term memory isn't working to it's full capacity, I continually wander through my past. I can, in my mind, visualize my prom dress, wedding dress, our honeymoon, and things like that. I try very hard not to think about anything negative in my past. 

It's a gloomy, rainy day here. And, yes my SAD light is on. Even on sunny days, I turn my light on. I don't believe that I can have too much sun. And, obviously, I don't think anybody can get too much sun, unless you're trying to get a tan. In the 60's, we teenage girls, tried to get a quicker tan, by rubbing oil and some other product (which I can't remember) onto our skin, until we were golden.

I don't know about my friends, but as a 70 year old, I am now paying for my past. I have age spots, that are super duper ugly. When you are a teenager, it reminds me now, as an adult, of a sort of getting ready to be an adult. Does that make any sense? 

So of these "beauty", or old lady spots, has led me to a plastic surgeon to have some spots removed. After a blast of liquid nitrogen, then in a few days time, the spots are no more. How cool is that? I see her next week, and I still have a lot of spots on my back that she can zap for me.

Age is a number, I know this, and you do as well. I finally figured out that that I don't have to live with the things that happen as you grow older.

I don't have a lot of gray hair, and when I think back, my mother didn't as well. Not too many wrinkles on my face. Must have lived a life of no stress!! And, those of you who know me, that the no stress part just isn't true.

New technology leaves me frustrated. I was given a new iPhone, but have absolutely no idea how to use it. For now, it's more of a paper weight. Perhaps, they make one of those dummy books that might help me.

I know that those of you who are working, always look forward to Friday. I know I certainly did!

Try to avoid, the last minute shopping and shipping of products. I have a list on Amazon, and I'm continually adding or deleting items. I'm going to have a talk to myself, about the things I really want and/or need. For me, needing something is a bit boring. But, the list of things I would like to have, is endless!

I'll chat with you on Monday. Have a good weekend everyone.




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