Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Just Stuff!


Hurry if you must. I suppose you could order something, and with the help and with $$$ of expedited shipping. But, that option will cost an arm and a leg.

I am waiting on two gifts, and both should arrive in the next day or two. My living room sofa, has been redecorated with all things Santa. 

I've put the girls in charge of this coming weekend. I told them to just tell Jeff and I where we need to be and when! I do want to tell you, how hard this is for me. I have been the "lead" on Christmas for over 40 years. It is hard on me to just let go. Not being in charge of anything, is necessary now. But, even factoring in my short memory, I know it's time. But that doesn't make it any easier for me.  Both Wendy and Stacey are more than capable of driving "traffic" if you will. I guess I should sit back and relax - they've got this.

In my just regular day-to-day activities, I can easily manage to screw things up. Sometimes, I can do this multiple times a day. I know I try Jeff's patience, and he's been quite good about telling me certain things over and over. As for me, I really try to understand, what I've been told, but I get tripped up with a brain that is, to say the least, compromised.

The news tells me this morning, that there is a variant in England, at the moment. When will we get a break? Apparently not, anytime soon. But, the news about this variant, has pushed me forward to buying face shields. Overkill? Perhaps, but definitely when we're around the family this week, I want to be double protected. As well as when we go to a store, and people aren't wearing their masks correctly. It's pretty simple really, be sure to cover your nose

I ordered 5 shields. Don't ask me why I didn't order 8, so that each family would have enough for the entire family. I have no idea whether Jeff will wear a shield. But, I've become paranoid about keeping myself safe. As well, as the rest of the families. I'm being smart, particularly, since Jeff and I really need and want to be able to celebrate Christmas with everyone.

Part of my pleasure in gift giving this year, is the way my gifts are "wrapped". I have put some gifts in cracker boxes. Somebody else, will get their gift in a box, that once held some treats for the girls. Not to worry, before I use a used box, I check that there is no odor, or evidence of something chewing on the corners of the box. So far, so good.

I had wanted to give away my completed latch hook pillow covers, etc. In actuality, I have been able to finish two kits. Perhaps, Jeff will take a picture of the,what's coming in the future! I should be done with all the kits by the year 2025! And, that's only possible if I get  back in my grove. In actuality, I don't even know where my grove went, but it has definitely gone somewhere. I don't think I'll wake up one morning and find that my short term memory, has returned. I know, that's not going to happen, but I try to be hopeful.

Stay safe, and get those presents wrapped.




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