Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Getting Things Done


I am very proud of myself. Yes, I deserve a pat on the back, just saying!

Yesterday, I took all the Christmas gifts, and put them into piles according to the recipient. My problem is, that even today, I searched my Amazon list. What am I looking for? I have no idea, but I do have things on my list that I'm thinking about buying.

Overkill? I confess, yes. Would the family notice and/or care if they didn't get the same number of gifts, or close to that same number! They may be adults now and need very little. They are at this point in theirs lives, that if they need and/or want something, they buy it.

It is much easier to buy gifts for Wendy, Elly and Stacey. Since I'm a woman, of a certain age. I still can relate to the "girls" when it comes to finding gits (and yes, I do put a lot into doing this), that I think everyone will like. I do have lists for all three of them. I consider the items on their lists. But, then I go rogue. 

When I was a teenager, my Mother also must have searched. She found things for me, that I, am pretty sure wasn't on a list. Come to thing about it, I don't believe that the three of us siblings, ever made a list. She, at that time, just seemed to know what to buy. And, she also hit the ball out of the court.

Today, I will put the labels on the 4A cards. This is the easy part. After doing this, Jeff will go to the post office to buy the right amount of postage for all the cards. Because of the magnet inside, the cards will weigh more than the stamps we already have. 

I read today, that if you want your packages to arrive before Christmas, UPS suggests mailing by December 25th. Going with USPS, the deadline is December 21. I think that sending by the 21st, could be, or might be, your gifts might not arrive before Christmas! And, nobody wants to get a picture of the gift that you bought, but didn't arrive in time. 

Today, or not today, I have to finish up our Christmas cards. My handwriting is pretty bad, hence sending the Christmas letter to some of our friends, is a good idea.

Stacey, will come to see me today. Our plan is to go to the salon, for much needed pedicures. And, wax off my "lady" beard. If I had lighter hair, then the hair on my face wouldn't be quite so noticeable. 

We haven't had Christmas at our house in many years. I remember when Jeff and I were living in California, we had to spend time with both sets of parents. I only remember one time when my parents came to our house for Christmas.

In our family, Jeff and I do the going to one house and then the other. Because of the virus, we'll wrap (well, as best as I can), presents and drop them off outside of their houses. We're so, not going into their respective homes. Perhaps, we will play Santa on either the 23rd or the 24th. 

I am sending up positive thoughts, that we will not be in the same position next year.

Happy Shopping!


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