Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas Is Over


Christmas is over, so it's back to work. Since Jeff and I don't celebrate New Year's Eve, because, frankly, we can't stay up that late!

But, even though we don't stay up, doesn't mean that we're not looking forward to 2021. Things just have to better than they were in this year. Fingers crossed.

We celebrated Christmas twice last week. We spent one evening at Andrew's house, then yesterday at Scott's house. We didn't miss anything. The food was wonderful, and the presents exchanged, made for a jolly good time.

For me, once Christmas is over, I take down my "decorations", if you can call them that. We have a tiny artificial tree in the den. Because I love the lights on the tree, I may leave it up all year.

Andrew, Stacey and Benjamin, gave me two gifts, that took me by surprise. You know, the kind of gift that takes your breath away. One of those gifts was a wonderful picture of Raggedy Ann and Andy. I also received a picture of a Unicorn (spirit animal), made from ribbon! I kid you not. The picture, is so elegant and filled with carefully folded ribbons. Not being creative at all, I can only imagine how much work and time was needed to do something this creative and beautiful! Since I have trouble just wrapping presents, there is no way that I could even begin to duplicate this picture! Happy to say that some of our presents were actually "wrapped" empty cracker boxes, and the like, was as well as other boxes like that. With packing tape, you can seal up interesting boxes! When Jeff saw one of the presents, he actually thought, for a minute that I was actually giving away his beloved crackers! 

So here's a little poem - original of course.

Christmas was here
And now it's gone
Time to relax, and 
do something fun
I have many choices
To choose from
I can read a book
Watch a gushy movie
Or perhaps just take a nap!
Our living room, no longer looks like Santa's workshop. As we went to each of the boys' homes, to celebrate Christmas with them, they will have to tend to do the getting rid of all the boxes and paper. For me, aIt's really good to be old! In my case, I'm older - no surprise there older and have mental problems, so nothing much is expected of me! And, for sure, that's a good thing. 

Both of the girls were very happy to see us last night, and we all stayed up until midnight. And, as usual, before we can actually go to sleep, we have to listen to Bella chewing on a bone. Think of it as a pacifier for her.

I hope that you and your families had a wonderful holiday, and/or a small Christmas get together.

Jeff and I are more than ready to be vaccinated. The question is - will we have to wait until spring? I sure hope not.

Happy Monday.




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