Monday, November 12, 2012




I was saddened to see that another great man has been brought to his knees by an affair.  This affair happens to have been with a woman but it's not always so.  The sex of their partner isn't relevant - the affair is.  Who do I feel the sorriest for?  Obviously the wife and children.  The wife stays at home holding down the fort while he's away and what's her reward?  Public humiliation, headlines and pictures.  Oh to be sure the news will die down as soon as some other embarrassing gaffe comes to light.  And it will it's just a matter of time.

What is the difference between rich and powerful people and ourselves?  You mean other than they are rich and powerful?  Nothing.  They are men and women just like us regular folk but some of them have an Achilles heel that involves a third party.  The difference between their dalliances and us regular folks is that their story is played out in public - for all to see and talk about.  Situations such as this are fodder for the late night show hosts and they would be funny if it was a fictional story.  But it's not.  Real people and their emotions are involved.

I don't know these powerful people expect to be able to guarantee the silence of the other party when the fling is flung.  Money might work I suppose.  Maybe they have an agreement not to disclose the inside scoop until "x" years have passed.  Who knows.  There have been many times when somebody comes forward after years to yak about his/her story with famous Mr. "X".  Maybe the other party who by now is probably out of the picture, wants 15 minutes of fame complete with pictures and headlines and consequences be damned.

I'm glad I'm not rich or powerful.  Okay I'd be lying if I didn't secretly wish to be rich.  But powerful?  Nope - absolutely have no interest.  You couldn't pay me enough money to make a big player such as a politician.  I don't want my life played out on the public stage.  As a regular person there are enough people you know who are privy to the ups and downs of your own life.  Our stories, fortunately, don't make for good reading.  This is a good thing.

In case Mondays are not your favorite day of the week (duh), then think about this.  Next week the majority of us have 4 days off and a turkey carcass to gnaw on until we wave the white flag and throw the bird out.  Hope that puts a positive spin on a Monday for you.


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