Thursday, November 1, 2012




Men and women look at clothes in completely different ways.  A man looks into his closet and sees the essentials of life - shirts and pants - and he's good.  Most men don't need or want a lot of variety and that's why their clothes are relegated to the smallest closet.  A woman looks into her closet(s) and sees nothing to wear.  This is true even if the rod is buckling under the weight of the clothes.

One of the reasons for this is our need to keep multiple sizes in the closet at all times.  You have your super skinny clothes, the mid-sized range and the last group is unfortunately your "fat" clothes.  Fat clothes have different meanings for women - it can mean a size 6 for someone who wears a 2.  Or it could mean clothes that begin with a 2 (shudder).  Just in case you're wondering I will not be divulging the sizes in my closet but I can assure you that there are no single digit outfits hanging around.

Let's say you've lost weight, perhaps a lot of weight.  When you do you get rid of your "fat" clothes?  Or do you just hang on to them just in case?  CYA is very important at all times.  I believe there is a fear that someday you might grow back into those clothes and there's comfort in knowing that they're there. There's another theory which is that if you keep your fat clothes - you WILL grow back into them!

Then there are the sentimental clothes.  Most of them are ridiculously outdated but remain in the back of the closet anyway.  I have just such a dress.  It's mint green and I bought it in the early 70's.  Occasionally, I try it on for giggles and sometimes it fits and sometimes it doesn't.  I keep it because it's Jeff's favorite and one I've owned for going on 30 years.  Will it ever truly see the light of day again?  Probably not.  It will linger back there, collect dust and someday will end up in a donation box.

I've tried to whittle down my closets (yes I have more than one) but never actually succeed.  Out of all the clothes I own I generally wear pretty much the same things to work week after week.  If I was a reasonable person I would or should donate the things I've not worn for a year or more.  I just can't.  Can you?

I guess one of the reasons why I don't is because when I bought the item I liked it or maybe even loved it.  I liked the fabric, the color, the style or maybe just the size!  Anyway, there was something that appealed to me when I laid down cold hard cash (or more likely a cold but well loved credit card).  And yet many of these clothes hang forlornly week after week.  I think what happens is these items you never wear get pushed out of the mainstream of the closet and you just don't wander back that far.  Sometimes when I do explore the back recesses of the closet I'm truly amazed at whats back there - but don't tell Jeff I said that!

Live dangerously today - wear something from the back of the closet!  I, of course, won't be taking that advice because I have already put out my clothes for today as I do every day.  Jeff is asleep when I leave the house so I dress in the dark (mostly) and that's not the time to rummage around for something new to wear.  Whatever I might pull out of the back of the closet might not even fit (hopefully in a good way)!  Who knows.


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