Sunday, November 18, 2012




I think it's time we talked about etiquette - and no not the which fork to use kind.  I'm talking about daily etiquette or manners (which is easier to type).

Let's take the office for instance.  At the office some people put food or drink in the microwave and then walk away.  And no they're not in the bathroom trying to multi-task.  You, on the other hand, are ready to nuke your own food.  Here's the dilemma.  Do you take their food/drink from the microwave being careful where you touch?  Of do you stand in the hall looking like an idiot until said person deigns to return?  

In the past I've done both.  I don't like taking people's food from the microwave and I'm not sure that said person appreciates someone else touching (even if careful) their plate, cup, etc.  I sometimes take the more cowardly, but still effective way out.  I walk to the other end of the hall and use a different microwave.  Not exactly a solution to the manners issue but beats standing around in the hallway waiting for somebody (but you don't know who) to return.

Redlights.  Designed to stop traffic in one direction so other traffic can proceed.  Simple?  Yes until the lights don't work properly.  If you travel the same roads to work every day, which I of course do, then you know the traffic patterns of traffic lights.  Twice recently I have been the lead car (a position of power because you control everybody behind you!) at lights that were out of sync and/or broken.

I sat through two cycles of light changes for all the other traffic but not for those of us wanting to turn left.  I knew when the green arrow should have appeared and it didn't.  Traffic continued to flow freely back and forth in front of us while cars backed up on the freeway exit. So here's the etiquette/manners issue.  How long, as the lead car, do you continue to sit at a light that apparently isn't going to honor you with a left turn arrow?  I'll tell you what I did both times.  I waited for a break in traffic and then turned left!  Easy.  What did the cars behind me think?  I suppose some people thought I was a hero while others might have leaned toward idiocy.  Doesn't matter to me - I was moving and they were not.  Now to be fair I may get a "love" letter from the county about running a light, but I didn't really run a light.  I sat through a light with my foot on the brake until it went to sleep and then "moved" through the light. 

Handicapped parking.  This is a favorite issue of mine.  I have handicap plates and in case you're wondering not for my mental state.  Sometimes when I park I can plainly see that a car next to me bears no handicap identification.  I suppose they may have accidentally forgot to put their hanging tag up but in all likelihood they parked their for convenience.  Besides their argument might be that they were only going to be parked for just a minute while they ran into the store.  Acceptable?  Not in my book.

I have never, nor will I, confront a person who parks illegally in a handicap spot.  I am too much of a coward and I also figure that anybody who has such little regard for where they park might also have the same little regard for what they say to a person who confronts them.  I have decided that these must be the same people who park in front of a store with a clearly defined "no park" sign.  Why do they do this?  Because they can.  When I think of people like this rude is the word that comes to mind.  Actually, there are more fitting words but I'm keeping this blog "G" rated!

Happy Sunday.


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