Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Prepping for the Feast


Prepping for the Feast

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday at Hopkins and I generally take the whole day off when I do.  Yesterday was no exception.  Once you factor into the travel time plus the appointment time more than half the day is shot - so my theory is just relax and give yourself the rest of the day off.

After yesterday's appointment we headed to Frederick for our "big" shop - which means Costco and Walmart and getting not only the necessities but food stuff for Thursday.  It being a Monday didn't exactly mean a reduced crowd in the stores.  When I have the day off I expect the stores to be empty and all the other people are supposed to be at work.  I don't understand why this never works for me. Doesn't anybody work?

Thanksgiving at our house has become over the years a small and easy meal.  The boys go to their in-laws and that just leaves the two of us at home.  And, after years of futzing with a large bird and all the trimmings and the clean up, I'm okay with the minimal fuss.  

I haven't gotten so lazy that we simply head to a restaurant to get our turkey fix.  But what's sitting in my freezer is a tiny breast, frozen mashed potatoes and a small pecan pie yet to be cooked.  I make a mean corn pudding as well as my old stand-by carrot and pineapple salad.  I love the salad and because it has carrots inside, I'm pretty sure it's healthy!  We'll have stuffing, gravy and fresh cranberries - but all on a small scale.

I remember my mother used to get up before the light of day to begin getting the bird ready for the oven.  Looking back she did all the prep herself because the rest of us were in bed.   Then as the years progressed she became an empty nester and, like me (and others I'm sure), eased back on the big meal.  In her case she went to my sister's for the feast.

Do I miss the old days?  Sure I do and yet again I don't.  Maybe some of you will understand this.  The mega preparations in the old days defined who I was when my boys were all at home.  They expected, and I delivered, on all their favorite foods and it was a labor of love.  Besides, at that time in my life I was cooking and baking all the time so what was one more meal.   Thanksgiving Day also meant the start of decorating the outside of our house in lights which was a highlight for Scott every year.

So in my new phase of life and one that does require adjusting to, there is no early morning rise to start work in the kitchen and I have plenty of time to read the paper filled with all of the Black Friday ads (which I don't participate in)!  I am thankful for years past and knowing that I was the reason for happy and satisfied bodies after our meal.  I am also thankful that I am now free to do something else on Thursday.  Your life continually evolves and you must accept each new phase.  I have come to terms with this phase but it took time.  It is likely on Thursday afternoon you will see Jeff and I at the movie theater munching on popcorn and watching one of two movies we want to see - Flight and Lincoln. 

So if you've bought a big bird you'd better start getting his fanny thawing today because it's a multi-day job.   As for pies, for years we made our own and then we discovered this wonderful woman - Mrs. Smith -  her pies are excellent and the crust is flawless.  One hour in the oven and voila you have Thanksgiving dessert(s)!

Happy Tuesday of a very short work week!


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