Monday, November 26, 2012

Soon, Shortly or Later


Soon, Shortly or Later

I looked up the definition of soon - it means shortly, presently or before long.  Guess what the definition of shortly is - you guessed it - soon! They go hand in hand.  Later however means in the future and definitely not soon or shortly.  The problem with the words soon, shortly or later is how each individual perceives them.  I think we tell people we'll do something soon just to get them off our backs - for the moment.  Because LATER they'll be back reminding you of your promise.  How many times have you said you’d do something soon or shortly. Even while you are speaking the words you know that soon isn’t going to happen.  Later is when you’ll get the job done (or in some severe cases never).  By telling people that you’ll meet their expectations soon it simply gets them off your back until LATER.    Soon is relative and means different things to different people.  Take men and women for instance.  For a woman soon means NOW.  To a man it’s later, and sometimes much later.  Take me for example, if I ask someone (i.e., Jeff) to take the garbage out that pretty much means now is a good time.  I don’t want it put on some “soon” list – I want it on the “now” list   Jeff, and perhaps most men, view time a little differently.  To them soon might mean before the end of the day or the end of the week!
You know people who will tell you that they will be there soon.  Soon to me may be 15 minutes but your soon may be an hour.  The job will get done soon.  What the heck does that mean?  Today, tomorrow or next week?  Let’s get the dots a little closer on the time schedule.  If I tell you I’ll do it soon – that means pretty much right now, with the exception of filing.  That’s always a LATER job.

 I used to tell my mother that I’d come and do my chore(s) shortly with no intention of doing so.  History repeats itself because I heard the same worn out excuse from my own sons time and time again.  I knew, as my Mother did, that soon isn’t even remotely in a child’s vocabulary. 

I think when we’re asked to do something, we should just suck it up, be brave and say later.  Telling people you'll do it soon gives the other person an unrealistic expectation that you know you’ll not deliver on.  Your list of “soons” can and will grow exponentially if in fact you delay.  As humans we have perfected the art of putting off things.  Not all things of course.  We don’t delay going out to dinner, the theater or a party.  We do, however, delay mowing the lawn, emptying the dishwasher or balancing the checkbook.  These are definitely not fun chores nor are we likely to fulfill them soon.

As I finish this today, I will write again soon - which in this case means tomorrow. Or, I could say I'll write again later - which also could mean tomorrow!  No wonder we're always confused.


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