Wednesday, November 7, 2012




Well it's finally over.  Maybe your guy won or maybe not.  Either way we are free momentarily from election season.  I don't discuss politics outside of my immediate family.  Likewise, I don't talk about religion or a woman's right to choose.  

I have sat through the debates - until I fell asleep, fast forwarded through countless hours of political ads and listened to the political rhetoric until I couldn't tell the difference between truth and fiction.  I've also watched the landscape become dotted with signs. Vote yes. Vote no.  Elect or reelect.  

You'll never see a sign in my yard - it's just not me.  Likewise, you will never see my car adorned with a bumper sticker of any kind and particularly nothing political.

So here's what I think should happen once an election is over.  Each candidate, winner or loser, should have a dedicated sign picker upper.  It's over and those signs stuck in the ground everywhere will now (if they ever did) help anybody.  So pick them up.  They do eventually disappear but not near fast enough for my liking.

I like my landscape clean and I hope it gets that way very soon.  I'm also looking hoping to see some new commercials that I can fast forward through!

You now know my political views - as far as signs go!

Happy Wednesday.


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