Friday, December 27, 2013

Back to Kindle


I love books - always have.  If the book is good (at least by my standards), then I can absolutely bore through it in hours.  Disclaimer: I don't always read every word, I tend to be more of a glance unless the sentence/paragraph, etc. is really interesting.  I don't have unread books sitting around in my house for very long.  If a new book arrives, then I feel compelled to read that book right now.  Screw whatever else I was reading, I'll jump ship on a whim.

Growing up I used the library of course because in the olden days (i.e., the 60's) the accessibility of paperbacks and hardbacks wasn't what it is today.  Now for pete's sake you can buy books at the grocery store, and I'm not talking about heavily discounted books because the publishing company couldn't sell the books.  Nope, you can find bestsellers in paperback and hardback. 

After marriage and prices of books being low (compared to what they are today), I bought books, lots of books.  To be fair, when I lived in California, I shared these books with my sister so books were always changing hands.  I'm one of those people who doesn't want to go back and reread a book after I'm finished.  My memory isn't what it used to be, so it's likely that I could pick up an old book and be halfway through before my memory would kick in and remind me that I've  been here before!

A long time ago I read everything that Danielle Steel wrote and then I gave up.  Too predictable, even if you're memory isn't too good.  Always something like tall, handsome rich man meets young, beautiful poor girl..........  Super boring.

For a while I was reading murder books, the gruesome kind, where there are bodies with messy crime scenes.  Too depressing so I moved on to something called Cozy Mysteries.  There is still a crime, but it's generally minor.  If there has been a murder, it's a very clean crime scene, no gory details.  In a lot of these books, the heroine is an elderly woman who has a "nose" for figuring out crimes.  I wouldn't classify them as great novels, but they are entertaining and pleasant to read.  I'm done with gore, now I just want these little mysteries that might only amount to somebody stole the mailbox outside of the courthouse - that kind of thing. 

I actually have an Excel spreadsheet listed alphabetically by author and title.  It's perhaps a bit over the top, but when I just can't seem to find something worthy of reading, I consult the list and generally get an "ah ha" moment.  

Also, if you buy a book on Amazon, further down the page past the description of the book are suggestions of similar types of books that gives me another avenue of research!

After being away from my Kindle for a year or more, I have recharged it and spent delightful hours yesterday reviewing books to download.  I'm happy to report that the Kindle is chock full of books for me to read.  Now the only decision left for me is do I watch (a) cheesy television, which I love; or (b) read my little old lady mysteries.  Of course there is also one other option, but cleaning the house just doesn't figure in my schedule, at least today!

Sorry this is late.  Some days things just get in the way and that's what happened today.


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