Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Birthday Recap!


Now as an "older" woman I feel the need to reminiscence about the good old days- like yesterday for example!

My sister, and I thank you, for sending me Amazon bucks.  Who doesn't like to have carte blanche to spend in a "store" that never sleeps, can ship you your heart's desire overnight provided that the high cost of shipping doesn't stop in your tracks.  Browsing through the Amazon site is almost as much fun as going to the store.  Actually, when I think about it - it's more fun - no crowds, parking and carrying around heavy bags.

When I got the gift certificate to Amazon, I knew exactly what I was going to buy.  I typed in Fannie Flagg, found her brand new novel, and hit "buy now".  The other two books are fluffy romantic novels.  You know the kind, where there's a gorgeous guy (who always happens to be rich), a beautiful woman (who generally is not rich), they get together and ......... there's a wedding.  Even though you can pretty much predict the ending of most of these books, they are still fun to read.

Since it was my birthday, I didn't feel like hassling with the insurance companies about why this medical bill was paid, and this one was not.  Piece of advice: you cannot, absolutely cannot, make a call to an insurance company without the required necessities: empty bladder, full cup of coffee and some kind of doodling pad to help keep you awake while you sit on hold.  Luckily for me, I have an online color by number program that allows me to "paint" using my cursor while waiting for somebody to talk to me (other than a computer with a tinny voice).

Late afternoon, Jeff and I headed to Costco to pick up the basics of living: milk and bread.  After leaving Costco we headed to Target and found the store delightfully uncrowded, except for the line at check out.   Our mission was simple: find the Monster High dolls that Benjamin wanted for Christmas.  The dolls were on an end shelf marked $22.99 and right beside it was a sign that said $9.00!  Jeff flagged down somebody that looked managy (I know that's not a word, but you know what I'm saying), and asked him about the dolls.  When he price scanned the dolls, they were coming up at the $22 price, but told us to tell the cashier that they were really $9.00.  No problem.  We bought two because every doll needs a friend and at that price I could have bought a third doll, but thought that might be a tad over the top.

Dinner was at Bob Evans, which isn't considered great dining, but the food is tasty and the portions large enough to ensure that I'll have a great lunch/dinner the next day.  I even ordered coconut cream pie, took a few bites and have that waiting for me today too!

My neighbor came by after we got home and brought me an ice cream (peppermint) cake from Coldstone Creamery.  I can assure you that even though I was pretty well stuffed, still managed to eat a small piece and it was heavenly.  Who doesn't like peppermint ice cream?  Yumm.  Kim also brought me two books: one is a beautiful colored book called "Behind the Scenes at Downtown Abbey".  I didn't have time last night before falling asleep to do more than flip through the book and look at the pictures.  Since Jeff is going to be out today, he's ferrying the plane to an airport in Pennsylvania to have our new engine put in, I'll have a lot of time for reading today.

The other book that Kim brought is called "Pastrix" a true story about a woman who was a stand up comic and became an unconventional pastor with a wide following.  I can't wait to read the book, but if you look at the cover of the book, you'll see the author is a tattooed woman with a story to tell.  I know it will be a good read - because I always judge a book by it's cover!

My cup is now empty,my kitchen is a mess with dishes that need washing, and presents that need to be wrapped, so I'm ending now and getting my butt in gear to get something done - besides "talking" to all of you.

Happy Wednesday.


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