Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Volunteering Recap


I drove myself to the retirement home this morning.  To most of you that last sentence is somewhat  "ho-hum", but in my world it's a big deal.  Since January I have only driven to the library once or twice, and I only drive there because it's super close to the house.  The retirement home is several miles away but I did fine and was super proud of myself.  My whole world currently consists of baby steps as I continue to try to be healthier mentally, so today was huge for me.

I checked in the volunteer office and got my official volunteer badge and waited for my assignment.  I worked at the office (I'm sure there is an official title) where residents are tested for their risk in falling.  I passed out questionnaires for each resident and while they were waiting their turn, I had really nice conversations with everybody.  We discussed children, cellphones, cooking and even recipes (the ones that you always have swirling around in your brain) that you can recall at a moment's notice.  I even met several nice little dogs  In the big scheme of things, passing out questionnaires didn't seem particularly useful, and I hope that tomorrow I will be given something else to do.

What did matter today was that I drove myself and found it easy to talk with the people I met.  And even though I was only in charge of paperwork, I left for home feeling very satisfied.

Unfortunately,it's time for me to turn my attention to some drudge work, I mean housework!



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