Monday, December 2, 2013

Updating for 2014


I know, I know.  We're not done with 2013 yet, but I'm so over this year that I'm really looking forward to 2014.

Each December for as many years as I can remember, I move my pertinent calendar dates to the new year calendar.  Well today was that day.  I bought my 2014 calendar yesterday and this morning while sipping one of my flavored coffees, from my new Keurig, which I see is officially called a brewing system (how fancy) transferred names, dates and ages over to the new calendar.  I know that you all thought that I was a super efficient person capable of remembering how old you actually are.  Truth is, most days I can't even remember what I had for breakfast, much less how old you are!  Sad to say but I really do have to think how old the boys are (the calendar helps me keep this straight).

For instance in 2014, Sam the terrier turns 14 and Emma, the parrot will be 17!  And both Jeff and I will be 65 next year, which seems impossible.  I can remember being in my 20's and imagining that life was practically over once you turned 30!  Now look at me - graying hair, bad eyes and a body that is lumpy in all sorts of places!  And I'm actually okay with my body, because short of plastic surgery, it is what it is!  What I do know for sure is that Benjamin still thinks my lap is a great place to be and it's a very good thing for both of us.  I know he will eventually get too big to sit on my lap but I'm in no hurry for that day to occur.  

What a treat for you - two blogs today but the dust bunnies in my house are definitely calling out for my attention (boring I know but still something that has to get done - eventually.

Okay my coffee cup is finished, so it's time for me to get myself moving.


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