Friday, December 20, 2013

The Rich, The Famous and The Stupid!


Do you still read the newspaper?  Or is it just too depressing to read about people who have done really stupid things?  I "glance" at the paper and "read" the funnies because what is constituting news these days is sad, really sad.

For instance we have a local newswoman who has been named as a defendant in a scheme to divert millions of dollars from a city charter school for troubled teens to private companies. Innocent? Guilty?  Who knows.  What I do know is that her story was given a full page in the newspaper.  Even if she's found to be innocent, why do people always want to dabble in the grey area of life?  I don't know about you but I like my life compartmentalized in white or black.  I was raised that things were either good or bad (white and black) and that there were very few things in life that didn't fit into one of those two camps. 

In my heading, I should have included "The Sick".  The papers in the past few days have had several articles about doctors and police officers who have taken advantage of children, both young as well as older teenagers.  And as you shake your head, you wonder why?  What makes a professional man as well as those who are sworn to uphold the law, do these things to children? What screw gets loose inside their heads to make their actions acceptable, at least in their sick minds?  Children should be able to trust adults, it's really that simple.  As adults we need to be the guardians of young souls.  It's a harsh world and eventually everyone grows up, but let's protect the children and allow them to remain innocent and trusting.

Disclaimer: I watch John Stewart at night because he puts such a great spin on current events and last night was no exception.  We apparently have a politician, who among other things has lied about his connections with the CIA (couldn't this guy have possibly picked an agency less formidable than the CIA)?  Also has a handicapped parking space because he has malaria (not) that he contracted while serving in Vietnam (again, not)!  Apparently, yet another person with a loose or several loose screws rattling around in his head.  

I don't know about you, but I'd be afraid to take as much as ten cents from the coffers and if I was going to apply for a handicapped placard (and, yes I do have one), I certainly would pick a condition that sounded more believable than malaria!

Just goes to show that it's impossible to figure out humans - which is probably why we have never been invaded by little green men!!

It's the Friday before Christmas and in case you haven't finished your shopping, gift cards are available everywhere!


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